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Software News : AmigaNetCenter Version1 update released |
posted by jtubbs on 3-Feb-2008 6:06:39 (2040 reads) |
I just posted to an archive that updates AmigaNetCenter alpha to AmigaNetCenter v1. The archive is an update only, and ***so requires AmigaNetCenter alpha to already be installed***. The update archive is named "ANC_update_v1".
Hopefully with this update I have fixed all the bugs caused by unintialized, or improperly initialized string pointers and such. I also added a few new features. One is the ability to select which interface to use. Most users will only have one interface, but some may have multiple interfaces...for example, an ethernet port and a wifi port, or perhaps two ethernet ports. I only have one interface myself, and so the feature is "untested". It is to be considered as strictly experimental at this time. The documentation (you will read the documentation, right?) describes the "expected" behavior. I would appreciate any feed back from users with multiple interfaces as to how it actually works - or if it even works at all.
| STORYID: 4204
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