Software News : ffmpegGUI v1.2 released - adds mapping and play menu
posted by ktadd on 19-Jan-2009 10:22:43 (2974 reads)
ffmpegGUI v1.2 - a GUI front end for the OS4 compile of the ffmpeg program.
Version 1.2 adds a tab page to support mapping file streams as well as well as a menu to play the video files with an external player specified by the VPLAYER tooltype. (ie. MPlayer or DvPlayer). Also added support for the -shortest command.
See below for a full list of changes.
Version 1.2 (Released version) Added VPLAYER tooltype to specify a video player that can be launched from ffmpegGUI. (CAUTION: The Special version of DvPlayer does not appear to exit cleanly if the video type is not supported. This can cause ffmpegGUI to hang. The registered version is fine.) read more...
Added a "Play File" menu that allows playing the "Input 0", "Input 1", or "Output" files via an external player. Tested with DvPlayer and Mplayer. If using Mplayer it's suggested to use the -quiet or -really-quiet options. (See ffmpegGUI docs.) Added Disable Video (-vn) gadget to support easier stripping of audio from movies. Added "Map Streams" tab to support mapping of one video stream with up to 3 audio streams. (Note: Mapping was limited to one video stream due to the Amiga version of ffmpeg having problems when trying to add a second video stream.) Added support for a second input file. Now supports Infile0 and Infile1. Added check to ensure output file is not the same as either input file. Added INFILE1 tooltype to provide default Input1 file. Added INFILE0 tooltype to provide default Input0 file. IFILE is still supported for compatability but will be overridden by INFILE0. Added ability to clear Input0, Input1 and Output filenames by canceling the file requester. Cleaned up "Input File Info" output and added support for second input file. Added support for "-shortest" command which ends encoding when end of the shortest input stream is reached. Added "Flash (YouTube)-->avi" selection to Quick Setup menu to convert YouTube flash (.flv) files to a roughly equivelent size and quality avi file.
Joined: 30-Jul-2003 Posts: 601
From: California, USA
Poster: VooDoo Date: 19-Jan-2009 8:25:47 This is great news..But I have problem wiht it ..when try to run get this error "Error: libraries did not open properly! " anyone know what is wrong ?
Ya, sorry! Swoop send me an email so I've been looking into it and I think I have a fix. It doesn't happen on my system so I haven't verified it yet but I'm sure it's the problem.
In this version I open the "TextFieldBase library" which works fine on my system but seems to be causing other trouble. I have no idea why but it turns out I only added it for experimental purposes and don't use it so I've removed it and once the fix is verified I"ll re-upload.
Any volunteers?
What system and veriosn of the OS are you running? I'm using a uA1 with OS4.1.
Sorry for the trouble!
_________________ Kevin - X1000 First Contact / A1222+
Status: Offline
Re: ffmpegGUI v1.2 released - adds mapping and play menu Posted on 19-Jan-2009 17:24:30
Joined: 30-Jul-2003 Posts: 601
From: California, USA
Poster: VooDoo Date: 19-Jan-2009 8:25:47This is great news..But I have problem wiht it ..when try to run get this error "Error: libraries did not open properly! " anyone know what is wrong ?
Uploaded a fixed version, v1.2.1 to OS4Depot. Sorry for the trouble!
_________________ Kevin - X1000 First Contact / A1222+
Status: Offline
Re: ffmpegGUI v1.2 released - adds mapping and play menu Posted on 19-Jan-2009 20:56:31
Joined: 22-Jan-2004 Posts: 1301
From: City of Lost Angels, California.
Although I don't have any video to transcode at the moment, this is a very handy addition to the ffmpeg command. Makes it much easier than remembering all the commandline switches.