Software News : AmigaSYS 4 E-UAE/WinUAE update - R1 |
posted by Dary on 9-Feb-2009 8:55:21 (3094 reads) |

The package is compatible with all AmigaSYS 4 - E-UAE (AOS4, MOS, MACOS, LINUX) / WinUAE (Windows) emulation base package.
The update works if AmigaSYS 4 installed with one of the following AmigaOS versions: (Please click read more)
- Commodore AmigaOS 3.0/3.1, - Amiga Forever 3.0/3.1, - H&P AmigaOS 3.9, - Amiga Forever 3.x, - Amithlon / AmigaOS XL 3.9, - 3.9 BoingBag's.
Fixes, news:
- 3.0/3.1/3.9 update supported from 1 update file. - New Bootpic instead the old colorless pic with miscolored edges - 3.0/3.1/3.9. - Full French language support. - 3.0/3.1/3.9. - Language synchs, fixes, syntax, addressing etc - 3.0/3.1/3.9. - English, Deutsch, Hungarian, Italian, Polish language updates, fixes + French Catalog files - 3.0/3.1/3.9. - Version menu and OS recognition at the AmigaSYS options - 3.0/3.1/3.9. - Wrong AmigaSYS 4 Bios menu fixed - AmigaDOS. - All of the resolution bugs are fixed under 3.0/3.1 and 3.9 - 3.0/3.1/3.9. - Mario Locati Virgola PNG icons updated to 1.1, instead the old 35-40 kb icons, now it's only 5-6 kb, so, it is faster than ever! - 3.9 - Start menu contents updated, new options, new functions, e.g. SabreMSN, ordered/syntax fixed, etc... - 3.9 - Updated at 3.1->3.9 install theme, resolution changes 3.0/3.1->3.9. - Under 3.0/3.1 at boot, there was a bug in the background - fixed - 3.0/3.1. - Under KS3.0/WB3.0 the png handling was bad, fixed - 3.0. - Startup-Sequence and User startup-sequence files updated, restructured, - 3.0/3.1/3.9. - Deutsch installation manual for E-UAE is done. - Online and Offline E-UAE and WinUAE installers, updated, actualized.
New programs 3.0/3.1/3.9....
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