Events : Alchimie in one month |
posted by Daff on 5-Oct-2009 14:48:05 (1862 reads) |
Alchimie 2009 is a show about alternative computer science and robotic. It's a great event for all amigans and more.
The 8th edition will be organized by the Triple A association in Tain L'Hermitage (France) from friday 6th to sunday 8th november 2009.
This year, several conferences will be present :
- Presentation of Haiku by a core developer (François Revol). - Presentation of the latest MorphOS development by a core developer (Fabien Coeurjoly). - Presentation of the lastest AmigaOS 4.1 development by Philippe Ferrucci and Mehdi Boulahia. - Presentation of AmiDarkEngine (new programming language for Amiga). - Presentation of Gribouillis (new graphic software for MorphOS). - Presentation of the Sam440ep-Flex by Relec (swiss reseller). - Presentation of new games for AmigaOS 4.1 ported by Hugues Nouvel. - Presentation of Linux with FPGA. - Presentation of Ubuntu 64bit. - Concert of n00r/4Trakz (sunday night). - Presence of major groups from the french Amiga scene : AFLE, Aïto Studio, Amiga-NG.org, Amiga Power, AmiphoneX, Belgium Amiga Club, Club AMF, Evolution 4, GuruMed, Meta-MorphOS.org, Obligement, PureLamers, Relec, RMS Communications, Robootic, Silicium.org, Traders Sans Frontières, Triple A,...
More information (prizes, map, contact,...) can be found on the official website : http://www.triplea.fr/alchimie/pages/index.php |
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