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Software News : Directory Opus 4.17 pre 21 released |
posted by _Steve_ on 31-May-2003 21:05:27 (2373 reads) |
A new version of the GPL'd Directory Opus 4 has been made availble from the Directory Opus 4 yahoo groups file area.
Changes in v4.17 include:
4.17 (26.05.2003):
- few hits removed
- Does not try to set archive bit on read-only volumes when copying.
- All, None and Toggle ARexx commands support window parameter (0 = left lister, 1 = right lister, other = current lister)
- DefIcons are used for adding icons under OS3.5+ (for non-defined filetype icons)
- Iconify to buttons always open its window on Workbench instead of the default public screen.
- ConfigOpus opens on DOpus screen if possible also when DOpus uses own screen
- modified ANSI recognition in SmartRead function to understand CSI (0x9B) escaped codes
- custom actions parse {} arguments for method "ARexx" too (it always worked for all other methods)
- scrolling lister by character keys changed: now shifted keys are used to jump to a directory starting with the pressed key instead of jumping to a file
- new tooltype BEHINDWB (and -B CLI option) to prevent DOpus to popping up its screen. This allows to start it from WBStartup ready to use by just a screen switch.
- fixed copy progress display in one-bar mode
- Show function will use datatypes if it fails to load IFF file (it supports 24bit IFF files only through datatypes)
- MouseWheel can be used to scroll drive and button banks
- separate version with debug enabled (use it with Sushi/Sashimi tools to report bugs)
- Rename function supports multiple asterisks
- archive support improved
- SkipAll/ReplaceAll refers to all selected directories
- Rename button in the Replace requester
- MakeLink command added
- New MMB functions do not work if MMB hotkey is enabled.
- Singe MMB click selects source lister.
- New filetype action: MMB double-click (needs new ConfigOpus to configure).
- Lister is not re-readed after CLONE function
- Files and dirs copied from a listed archive have their original comment preserved
- support for encrypted archives
- CLI parameters template available through ? or HELP parameter when starting from CLI
- Files and dirs copied from a listed archive have their original datestamp and protection bits preserved
- Filter works for selected files too
- File viewer uses Gadtools for its GUI
- Parent on directory tree returns to previous lister display
- Query/Modify OutputCmd/OutputWindow Arexx commands work now
- select pattern window allows selecting by file comment too.
- viewer window will open even if it's coordinates do not match the screen
- preliminary support for AmigaGuide help
- it will quietly wait for all alien windows to close before closing its screen and terminating
- cleaned up input handling code
- 8SVX PAN chunk support added
- AHI support for samples (modules are still played by inovamusic.library on audio.device). Put USEAHI tooltype in program's icon to enable it.
- MODIFY SORTMETHOD and MODIFY SORTFLAGS perform the change without calling RESCAN (DISPLAYDIR is enough)
- built-in function should work on double-clicked archive entries (were possible)
- archive support added for functions: Show, IconInfo, Play, PlayST and LoopPlay
- aborting file loading in HEX mode of the file viewer fixed.
- QUERY/MODIFY functions fixed for some parameters
- jumping to entry name starting with pressed key works for reverse sorted lister too
- replaced built-in error messages with system ones
- no longer warns about modified config after returning from ConfigOpus
- printing empty directory should not cause Enforcer hits anymore
- no source file is deleted on Move(As) operation when destination disk is full
- Sort by extension option added to lister popup menu
- GetEntry return code changed to empty string for incorrect parameters
- lister popup menu removed for the DeviceList because of sorting problems
- Relabel function fixed
- Search function works on listed archives
- name sorting mode can be selected in lister menu
- archives should work on all filesystems again
- command line length in generated scripts increased to 510 chars
- lister popup menu rearranged
- built-in key shortcuts to tiny buttons follow keymap settings
- horizontal scroller of directory tree fixed
- next copy of DOpus can be started if any of prevoiusly started copies are waiting for ConfigOpus to return.
- file viewer window should fall back to fit screen size
- remaining lister display options added to the lister menu
- changing lister sort order does not require directory re-reading
- cleaned up directory read procedure
- directory buffers use LRU algorithm for clearing now
- can open computed fonts again
- fixed archive parser to be fully case-insensitive
- Modify command correctly handles passed values
- fixed auto-calculation of datestamp width in lister
- Screen/window is not reopened if no config changes were made in the ConfigOpus.
- AppMenu is used together with AppIcon if iconified to AppIcon.
- supports a new option in ConfigOpus to turn off the quit requester.
- progress window's title for Search and Hunt functions displays search pattern too.
- (Hex/Ansi/Smart)Read commands no longer leave DOpus in busy state when used in ARexx scripts.
- NewCli and SaveConfig commands parameters are supported now.
- LoadStrings command is no longer supported (because of localization)
- icons should be displayed by internal Show command again on OS3.5+
- lister popup menu reenabled for device list (with Reverse option only)
- MultiUser support
- protection bits are not localizable anymore
- reverse checkmark in lister pop-up menu should work correctly now
- filesize is not cut anymore
- clicking RMB on lister's parent button when there's root directory displayed enters device list.
- allows lister column widths wider than 255 pixels
- requires dopus.library 22.20+
Download the new Dopus 4.17pre21 here (634K Lha) |
| STORYID: 538
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