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Announcement : Amiga User International Celebrates 100 |
posted by auimag on 8-Sep-2010 11:09:19 (2176 reads) |
London - September 8th 2010: Amiga User International, fondly known as AUI, today celebrated 100 subscribers to its Facebook page.
AUI was, in 1986, the UK's first news-stand magazine dedicated to to productivity of the Amiga computer worldwide. The print publication closed in 1997 as the Amiga market shrank, but has maintained a web presence - at - ever since. With the rise in social networking, the team behind the web page decided to venture into this area and relaunched the site and the new Facebook page at this year's Vintage Computer Festival held at Bletchley Park.
Facebook users can search for 'Amiga User International (AUI)' or sign up via the home page. |
| STORYID: 5623
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