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Software News : Clipo v0.2: send/recv clipboard data over tcp/ip for: AOS3/4, AROS, MOS, WIN32 |
posted by kas1e on 22-Sep-2010 7:08:11 (2693 reads) |
Clipo is a tool that works over tcp/ip and allow users to send and receive clipboard data between the following OSes: AOS3, AOS4, MORPHOS, AROS and WinXP.
I start to work on it 6 years ago, when i have a1200/aos3.9 and winxp, and in a way to make life easer when i develop , i write such little tool which do that work for me.
Now i release a new version with native aos4 binary (Old 68k binary are not works correctly, because was done in bad way. Though by some luck it works on morphos) and that release can help aos4 developers be more productive, and help them to work with all those cross-compilers which they setup on win32, and need to send parts of code from one machines to another in easy and fast way.
Of course plain users who works more than with one computer at time can found that tool interesting too.
So, how it works ?
You just select any part of text data, copy it to clipboard and press "alt+s". The data automatically sends over tcp/ip to the other computers clipboard (which address you setup when running the program) and computer will have that data in clipboard already.
To be more understandable, lets take usual situation. You have 2 computers: one is amiga with AOS4, and other one, are x86 with WinXP. You run on aos4 "clipo" binary, in which you setup local address / local port and remote address /remote port. And you run "clipo" binary on WinXP, which you also setup in correct way. Now, you copy what you want on any machine to clipboard and press "alt+s". And "clipo" send the data from one clipboard, to another. You not need to do anything else. In more easy words: you press on WinXP "alt+s", and your AOS4 clipboard have that data, which have WinXp clipboard. And visa-versa.
At moment clipo have support of those OSes / Clipboards:
AOS3.x (tested on 3.9bb2) AOS4.x (tested on 4.1 update 2) MORPHOS (not native, so use 68k version at moment. tested on 2.3beta) ARIS-i386 (tested on 2009 build of aros) WINDOWS (mainly tested on winxp, but should work on vista and win7 as well). WinUAE, UAE, etc with aos3.x binary.
You can use of course or 2 aos4 machines, or 2 aros machines, or does not matter which ones because only matter its to run need it binary, and setup right tcp/ip addresses and ports.
As you can see, for every OS i done native binary , and while for aos3/aos4/aros/mos it was almost the same (with some modifications still), for winxp it was of course completely different because of different clipboard structure and os api itself. For the amigaos and amiga-related oses binary works as commodity, and can be killed/stopped via "exchange", or, if you run it from command line, by classic ctrl+c break. For the WinXP, binary are resident , and you can see it as "process" in task manager and can kill it when you wish.
On all the oses program use 2 hard-coded keys combo:
alt+s - send data alt+q - exit/unload
Usage of programm itself are easy. For WinXP you have "clipo.ini" Where you setup ips and ports. For other oses, the syntax is:
shell:> clipo --clip_loop 100 100
or if you want to run it in the background only (placed in C: and run from User-Startup or similar):
run <>NIL: clipo --clip_loop 100 100
--clip_loop is the main argument which is used right now.
Other Clipo arguments:
9/0.RAM:clipo/os4> clipo --help
syntax: [options] local_ip port
--clip_recv recieve data to clipboard immediately --clip_send send data from clipboard immediately --clip_loop send/recieve data to/from clip in loop --data_recv recieve data to file --data_send send file --info some info
Some functions at moment are unstable and unoptimized, but --clip_loop works and has been widely tested.
Still to be implemented:
1. support unix clipboards (x-window) 2. support macos clipboards 2. add options for your own hot-keys (to allow use with RDesktop for example) and just to make it more user-friendly 3. character conversion (to make possible transfer language specific stuff) 4. tested and fix other argvs (which is easy, but not so usable) 5. make a native morphos binary (just because of have everything native).
If you have any suggestion, questions or bug reports, then write to me at
Get it from os4depot here! |
| STORYID: 5640
Poster | Thread | $adddam
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Re: Clipo v0.2: send/recv clipboard data over tcp/ip for: AO Posted on 23-Sep-2010 4:56:59
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 24-May-2006 Posts: 194
From: magyarorszag /=hungary/ | | |
| what a great little app, thx! i wanted such a little app since ages:) maybe vnc and/or remote desktop has the same feature but they're a bit overkill to run for only this purpose:) i will test it soon, hopefully it runs on win7 and morphos as well. is the os4depot download includes the 68k version or it has to be dowloaded from somewhere else? btw what stops you making a navtive morphos exe? maybe some can help you with that. not that such a tiny little app needs ppc, i guess it doesnt really matter if you use 68k or ppc binary in this case, but of course i can be wrong on this (me is not a coder:) so thanks again! (maybe a little gui for settings - at least on the amiga side - in the future?:D) |
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Re: Clipo v0.2: send/recv clipboard data over tcp/ip for: AO Posted on 23-Sep-2010 6:17:13
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 11-Jan-2004 Posts: 3551
From: Russia | | |
| @ $adddam Quote:
is the os4depot download includes the 68k version
Yep, os4depot allow mutlibinary archives, so it have os4 native, aros native, win32 and 68k bins.
btw what stops you making a navtive morphos exe?
Only limited time :) I found that 68k version works on morphos pretty well (even with a bit wrong code), but not on aos4 (aos4 pretty sensetive to any bugs/problems, and while on morphos even buggy 68k code can works as on aos3.x, on aos4 any problems will cause a bugs). But i hope for next version build morphos binary as well too.
i will test it soon, hopefully it runs on win7 and morphos as well.
If you will test it later, please, let me know if it works on win7 as well (i recieve few feadbacks that 68k works fine on morphos).
maybe a little gui for settings - at least on the amiga side - in the future?
Why not. Little mui3 window will be pretty easy to build. _________________ Join us to improve dopus5! zerohero's mirror of os4/os3 crosscompiler suites
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