Your support is needed and is appreciated as is primarily dependent upon the support of its users.
Hello, i am glad to annouce the two releases of AMC (AROS) and the latest Broadway distribution.
changelog for Broadway 0.0.2R9 (the last before "bobcat"-just a working title it stays Broadway) ///////// -Updated ZuneARC (fixed lha problem and it uses now AISS) -Fixed HDAudio compatibility (nightly problem) So it is compatible with AresOne 2009/2010 and maybe other AM2/AM3/AM2+ Board around the globe - added Sam Coupe - added Caprice - The Network prefs has got the new WIFI Tab for easy setup of -WIFI network (Thank you Neil!) -Added Nikolaos DOPUS config -added Lodepaint -added the V1 Demo of AMC - you can buy the regkey via -Latest Mesa and Nouvea which a) boost 3D up to 300% b) adds screen dragging -replaced the AROS clock by Scandalfoclock which ist themeable has sound and alarm function and also show the date if you do a left click on it - added Fkey command (similar but not exactly the same as in IcAROS - think different ; ) ) 1) ALT+CTRL+ESC open the Task and Systemmanager Scout 2) R AROS+Arrow down minimizes windows 3) R AROS+Arrow up maximizes windows 4) CTRL + F3 opens Hfinder so you can do a easy search - added QuickCDRip - updated to the latest AmiFig Suite
ALT+CTRL+ESC will soon launch another tool from which you can choose to Log OFF, Restart Computer, open SYSMON, open SCOUT ....
You can get the AMC demo via downloading Broadway from or via
In order to activate the demo you can buy the registration code on
A first quickguide (PDF - which doesn't replace the official manual) can be downloaded via the forum on
About AMC: AMC is the ultimate Media Center application for AROS, AmigaOS(tm) and MorphOS, with this tool you will be able to navigate and organize all your media: musics, videos and pictures will be at your fingers tips. With AMC it's easy to manage your picture albums, it's easy to manage your videos and it's easy to manage all your songs. The controls are optimized for remote controllers but you can easily change the key bindings. AMC integrates searching functions and removable mass-storage device autodetection, it's easy to browse your USB drives and copy its content in your computer.
With AMC you have full control over the database where all your media informations are stored, you can change every single field of any media detected so you can organize freely your media using your own personal taste. In the database section you can handle in few steps your favorites and your playlists. You can even download information from TMDb (The Movie Database) to integrate the missing informations in your video database.
AMC is fully skinnable, this means that every single graphic element can be changed, the user interface is organized in frame and each frame can be skinned the way you like, advanced users can even mix themes!
AMC integrate a powerfull PlugIn system that allow PlugIn developers to expand, patch and add new functionalities to the program, there are no limits to expandibility!
The AMC project is fast evolving and new PlugIn will comes soon, we are plenty of ideas for new stunning PlugIn, some already in development are: • Visual Browser
With this PlugIn you will be able to navigate throughyour databases using available art. • EmuLauncher
This PlugIn will allow you to starts your preferred emulator without losing preciuos time in installations and configuration • GameLauncher
With the GameLauncher you will be able to download and play games, some old gems or new stuff: search, click & play! • AppBrowser
The AppBrowser will let you buy and download applications for your current hardware, you will find free stuff as well, ready to use.
Get a quickguide(PDF) here:
See running an older Beta on my TV:
Or a short walkthrough:
Thank you for supporting us with ideas and nice comments. We hope to see an active community around AMC..... fell free to create own PlugIns and Themes.... Theming is easy.....
For now we have german, english and italian locale files. Everyone is invited to translate those catalogs!
The AmigaOS Version will follow shortly and than the MorphOS Version.
Have a nice day!
Pascal Papara and Fabio Falcucci
PS: Before people ask again : D AMC is called A M C If you "like" called it Amiga Media Center, AROS Media Center, Any Media Center, Ares Media Center....... BUt if you say just AMC it is correct. ; ) |
| STORYID: 5723
Poster | Thread | Seiya
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Re: AMC and AROS Broadway 0.0.2R9 available! Posted on 17-Nov-2010 0:45:26
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Super Member  |
Joined: 19-Aug-2006 Posts: 1479
From: Italia | | |
| i have some problem..
if i insert a dvd, then it not play.. i choose vob file, but read form dvd player..
and idem with webtv... connection forever, but nothing.. if i launch manually webtv adress with mplayer it works..
i'm using icaros 1.2.4 and i have rtl 8139 as network card.
however, my pendrive is always active when i'm using AMC..
i have made a scan of my drawer and seems to works, but for escample i insert a cdrom with many MP3 tracks. when i try to start mp3 seems to work, change screen, but don't play anything..
 Last edited by Seiya on 17-Nov-2010 at 01:13 AM. Last edited by Seiya on 17-Nov-2010 at 01:03 AM.
| Status: Offline |
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Re: AMC and AROS Broadway 0.0.2R9 available! Posted on 17-Nov-2010 9:03:25
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Super Member  |
Joined: 8-Nov-2009 Posts: 1772
From: Unknown | | |
| Did you install AMC with the included installer? If not please do it! It will install the included mplayer and other tools which AMC is looking for. Also it adds the scheduler too the Startup-sequence.!!! Please read the chapter about installation from my guide. www.aresone.
I hope wget is included in IcAROS like it is in a nightly?! Wget is needed for TMDB support.
Are you running it on real HW or in VB? _________________ AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX
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Re: AMC and AROS Broadway 0.0.2R9 available! Posted on 17-Nov-2010 9:33:13
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Super Member  |
Joined: 8-Nov-2009 Posts: 1772
From: Unknown | | |
| Try it on Broadway please... does it happen there to? _________________ AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX
| Status: Offline |
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Re: AMC and AROS Broadway 0.0.2R9 available! Posted on 17-Nov-2010 10:58:05
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Super Member  |
Joined: 7-Dec-2005 Posts: 1906
From: Naples, Italy | | |
| AROS it is the first Amiga-Like OS to gain a complete, advanced, flexible Media Player...
And more on...
AMC is a standard media player (still needing some more few time for being available for the other Amiga-Like OSs too...)...
That's an historical moment for the Amiga.  Last edited by Raffaele on 17-Nov-2010 at 10:59 AM.
_________________ "When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell." (J.L. Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of devs of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, Nov 1996).
| Status: Offline |
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Re: AMC and AROS Broadway 0.0.2R9 available! Posted on 17-Nov-2010 12:05:44
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 8-Jun-2004 Posts: 2334
From: Elche (Alicante), spain | | |
| Do you know that AMC is written in hollywood and that it runs on AmigaOS and Morphos? Well, it is a rethorical question because reading you post is clearly that you do not know _________________ No PowerPC, No Fun Make Amiga Great Again
| Status: Offline |
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Re: AMC and AROS Broadway 0.0.2R9 available! Posted on 17-Nov-2010 12:38:39
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 28-Jan-2009 Posts: 142
From: Unknown | | |
| I've sent you an e-mail. Thanks to you I've found a nasty bug, if the mplayer path has spaces inside the drawers names AMC is unable to locate correctly mplayer. I'm fixing this right now, thank you for the report. _________________ ----- [Allanon] Fabio Falcucci AMC Website // Docs Site // Support Forum // => Patreon <=
| Status: Offline |
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Re: AMC and AROS Broadway 0.0.2R9 available! Posted on 17-Nov-2010 16:09:12
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Super Member  |
Joined: 7-Dec-2005 Posts: 1906
From: Naples, Italy | | |
| @ Fransexy:
Fransexy wrote:
Do you know that AMC is written in hollywood and that it runs on AmigaOS and Morphos? Well, it is a rethorical question because reading you post is clearly that you do not know |
Do you know that (despite it is programmed in Hollywood) AMC for other Amiga systems still requires some adjustements to be applied correctly on any different OS implementation and take control of different AmigaOS and MorphOS features?
Ask Allanon about it... _________________ "When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell." (J.L. Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of devs of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, Nov 1996).
| Status: Offline |
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Re: AMC and AROS Broadway 0.0.2R9 available! Posted on 17-Nov-2010 16:45:43
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 9-Dec-2008 Posts: 995
From: Norway, Oslo | | |
| Fantastic to see this kind of software for AROS.
I bought it yesterday, very happy about the program.
Looks and works very pro..
After all it is the programs that make a OS special. |
| Status: Offline |
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Re: AMC and AROS Broadway 0.0.2R9 available! Posted on 17-Nov-2010 22:23:23
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 28-Jan-2009 Posts: 142
From: Unknown | | |
| AMC v1.1 released registered users can reinstall and register again or ask for an updated Activation PlugIn (which will include all needed patches) without reinstalling AMC.
Change log: # Included missing translations in the key bindings section # Fixed a bug in the key bindings section related to wrong translations # Fixed a bug that was preventing to execute mplayer and playcdda when in the path was present names with spaces # Added the possibility to move around the AMC screen, to center again in the middle of your monitor just press the mid mouse button. Be aware that AMC will try to get the focus so this option is usefull only to look what's happening behind the AMC screen. # Added .flac extention in the recognized audio formats by default _________________ ----- [Allanon] Fabio Falcucci AMC Website // Docs Site // Support Forum // => Patreon <=
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