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Announcement : Bigger, Better more "Bodacious" Video Editing Sale! |
posted by DiscreetFX on 11-Mar-2012 1:17:15 (1611 reads) |
Saturday is almost over in Chicago But.......
That does not stop us from having a Toast to Saturdays sale on the Amiga Video Toaster 4000 and the Flyer card that works with it. It feels good to do it on the last breath of Saturday night. The Weekend can thank us later.
Here is the quick low down Amiga Video fans.
We are selling the Amiga Video Toaster 4000 card for the super cheap price of $139.96, over $60 smackers off! To sweeten the deal we have also bundled in Millennium and just to make the deal even sexier Aladdin 4D 5.x Instant Download which is fully Video Toaster compatible and compliments it.
Do you already have a Video Toaster 4000? Then here is a special deal for you on the Flyer card. The Video Flyer is just $369.96 and also includes an Aladdin 4D 5.x / Millennium Bundle. Flyer cards enhance your Amiga Video Toaster and allow it to do NLE (None Linear Editing). The Flyer card requires a Amiga Video Toaster (Original model or VT 4000).
Please note, Aladdin 4D 5.x is not available for a sale price separately and costs the normal price of $99.96.
Going for broke? Our SSD solutions for the Amiga Video Toaster allows you to junk those hot and pesky hard drives for a SSD solution. That bundle with everything including 64 GB SSD's is less than $700.
You can find out more about the Amiga Video Toaster 4000 and Flyer by reading the free downloadable PDF Manual.
For more information click on the sales link below please.
Amiga Products
(Site Will Be Updated and Have more Pictures Later Tonight when we get back from the Bahamas!)
Need a cheap GPI trigger for the Toaster or a Amiga joystick? Those are only $9.96 while supplies last.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee, All Products Tested, no DOA worries. Product carries a lifetime warranty from the manufacture.
No bits or bytes were harmed to make this sale possible.
Many old rusty 1984 Commodore 64's were slaughtered with extreme violence to make this promotion possible. Sorry about that, we had no choice.
The sales ends in 72 hours so act fast if your interested. If your not interested please print this out and flush this web posting gently down the toilet.
Shipping is free in the USA and the Bahamas, please contact us for a price on shipping to other countries. You can also contact us if you have any questions about this offer.
Offer Ends with Extreme Prejudice on March June 13th, 2012, Lucky Tuesday!
Best regards
DiscreetFX Team |
| STORYID: 6282
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