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software OS4   software OS4 : ShowFiles (SF) 0.9 released (Previously named DF - DisplayFiles)
   posted by marko on 3-Dec-2012 20:30:24 (2824 reads)
ShowFiles (SF) is yet another DIR command (written in C). It displays a sorted and text-formatted list of files, drawers (dirs) and soft/hard-links on disk or other storage medium. It will also display their additional information such as size, date, possible comment, executable header type (68k or ELF program), protection-bits, etc, etc.


It supports a number of different options/switches, please type "sf HELP" (alt.
"sf --help") for help or type "sf MANUAL" (alt. "sf --manual") for the manual,
when in shell after installation. Or look in the .doc-file in the archive.

Download: ShowFiles from OS4Depot


* Abbreviated as SF or just sf - fast and easy to type in the shell.
* Dirs/drawers are displayed in blue color (pen 3).
* Hard/Softlinks are displayed underscored (underlined).
* Shows where any Hard/Softlinks points to.
* Possible comments are displayed in italic.
* Displays the "primitive" file type of files.
* Fetches and identifies executable headers (68k, ELF, EXE, among others).
* Displays the Amiga file protection bits of files.
* Shows free disk space and sizes in KiB (1024), kB (1000) and bytes.
* Options for sorting by size and time/date.
* Option for reversing the output list.
* Options for displaying only files, dirs or links. Or intermix them.
* Option to "trail" files with an initial character ('/', '*' or (at)-char).
* Possibility to specify a path to display.
* Shows OwnerUID, OwnerGID, UseCount and ObjectID (as reported by DOS).
* Supports multiple formats of options/switches (f.ex: TIME --time -t /T).
* Supports automatic updates through AmiUpdate.
* Written for Amiga on an Amiga.


Version 0.9: (Dec 2012)
* Added switches for FILES, DIRS, and LINKS, it is also possible to
intermix them.
* Changed the name for "EHead" to "Exe" (and "eh" to "e").
* Fetching of exe-headers -> little faster (cleaned up some code there).
* Updated Install/Uninstall scripts further, to be more safer and error
resistant, and typos fixed.
* Updated the documentation some further, except for documenting what's new.
* Output slightly changed.

Version 0.8: (Nov 2012)
* DF (DisplayFiles) renamed to ShowFiles (SF), because DF was clashing with
the UNIX/Linux command df.
* New: Added install and uninstall scripts, and links to executable.
* Changed the structure of files (the executable file, links, doc-file, etc).
* Updated AutoInstall to reflect the renaming to ShowFiles and the new
file structure.
* ShowFiles is now out of Beta (with regard to the base engine).

Beta 7 - (0.7): (Apr 2011)
* Added info to footer-output about amount of dirs listed.
* Fixed bug, "dirs and files with same size are not sorted when sorting
by SIZE".
* Fixed issue, "multiple messages on error".
* Fixed a few other minor issues.

Beta 6 - (0.6): (Mar 2011)
* Optimized the "fetching-of-executable-headers" procedure. -> Moved
"fetching-of-executable-headers" to fetch while printing the output
resulting smoother executation (less delay before anything is printed,
especially on large dirs).
* Added a SIZE option so the list can be sorted by size.
* Added a TRAIL option that will trail dirs with an initial '/', executable
headers with an '*', and links with an (at)-char.
* Renamed the option "DETAILS" to "CLARIFY" ("D" will be reserved for
another usage.
* Renamed the option "FAST" to "QUICK" ("F" will be reserved for
another usage.
* Swapped "kB" and "KiB" columns in the DETAILS view.
* Added DEFAULT option so the default listing can be forced (in future).
* Fixed a few other minor bugs.


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Re: ShowFiles (SF) 0.9 released (Previously named DF - Displ
Posted on 4-Dec-2012 6:22:37
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 17-Dec-2007
Posts: 1816
From: Gothenburg, THE front side of Sweden ;), (via Finland), EU

Any bugs, requests or suggestions.. or is all ok? :)

AmigaOS 4.1 FEu2 on Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM
C128, A500+, A1200, A1200/40, AmigaForever 2008+09+16, 5 x86/x64 boxes
Still waiting (or dreaming) for the Amiga revolution...

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Re: ShowFiles (SF) 0.9 released (Previously named DF - Displ
Posted on 4-Dec-2012 23:04:18
#2 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 21-May-2012
Posts: 1077
From: France

I have just discovered your tool,
the size files display is very helpful.

Maybe I have not well read the Documentation but there is an option to recursively list all files and directories/subdirectories like DIR ALL command ?

Nevertheless, thank you for this great command
(I like the directory coloration)


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Re: ShowFiles (SF) 0.9 released (Previously named DF - Displ
Posted on 5-Dec-2012 5:40:50
#3 ]
Super Member
Joined: 17-Dec-2007
Posts: 1816
From: Gothenburg, THE front side of Sweden ;), (via Finland), EU

I'm glad you like it, thanks!

The option ALL for listing all dir/files recursively is not yet implemented but is planned though. I''ll put it at the the top of my TODO-list and it is the next option I'll add.

So in the next release there will likely be an ALL option.

AmigaOS 4.1 FEu2 on Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM
C128, A500+, A1200, A1200/40, AmigaForever 2008+09+16, 5 x86/x64 boxes
Still waiting (or dreaming) for the Amiga revolution...

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Re: ShowFiles (SF) 0.9 released (Previously named DF - Displ
Posted on 5-Dec-2012 18:52:29
#4 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Apr-2009
Posts: 1275
From: Germany

Very nice and usable tool. One thing: I don't like having subdrawers in my C: directory. Why not just make a softlink from "ShowFiles" to "SF"? Only one physical file and this is consistent to the approach you can see in the SOBjs: drawer.


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Re: ShowFiles (SF) 0.9 released (Previously named DF - Displ
Posted on 5-Dec-2012 19:19:42
#5 ]
Super Member
Joined: 17-Dec-2007
Posts: 1816
From: Gothenburg, THE front side of Sweden ;), (via Finland), EU

Thanks cha05e90!

Eeh, point taken.. Okay, I'll give your suggestion some serious thought, maybe I change that in the next release...

Last edited by marko on 05-Dec-2012 at 07:20 PM.

AmigaOS 4.1 FEu2 on Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM
C128, A500+, A1200, A1200/40, AmigaForever 2008+09+16, 5 x86/x64 boxes
Still waiting (or dreaming) for the Amiga revolution...

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Re: ShowFiles (SF) 0.9 released (Previously named DF - Displ
Posted on 7-Dec-2012 8:02:45
#6 ]
Super Member
Joined: 17-Dec-2007
Posts: 1816
From: Gothenburg, THE front side of Sweden ;), (via Finland), EU

The next release of ShowFiles is now out with important bugfixes and other improvments.

Next release after this will have new options again starting with ALL as the firts one to be implemented...

ShowFiles-0.91 on OS4Depot

AmigaOS 4.1 FEu2 on Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM
C128, A500+, A1200, A1200/40, AmigaForever 2008+09+16, 5 x86/x64 boxes
Still waiting (or dreaming) for the Amiga revolution...

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