Your support is needed and is appreciated as is primarily dependent upon the support of its users.
A new free version follows soon.
New / Features / Fixes: Based on newer AROS ARHMfh build based on Deadwoods stable ARM ABI Clicking on AHI pref icon doesn't crash it anymore Not as ugly as last release (Icon mix) A "not so good" video showing it can be found here.
Included Apps AROS: - Everything being part of the nightlies except FryingPan,DOOM and Quake - Experimantel OWB (not Oddyssey) - Vice C64/C128 emulator... (Please click 'Read more')
Linux: LibreOffice Audacious Dillo Netsurf Midori Tuxpaint Abuse Prboom ScumVM incl. Beneath a steel sky and Flight of the Amazon Queen Frozen Bubble Synaptic packet manager And more
I am now preparing AEROS for Cubieboard which is a bit more performant and has support for 2d and 3D accelerated X11.
The raspberry Pi can gain a speedbump as soon Xwayland works.
More to come.. |
| STORYID: 6886
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