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Announcement : Retro Planet #2 - December 2013 - Out Now! |
posted by Morphix on 28-Nov-2013 14:41:30 (2416 reads) |
Hello everybody!
We are happy to announce that the new second issue of RETRO PLANET (issue #2 - December 2013), is out now.
52 full color pages plus a cover disk for Commodore Amiga as a Christmas gift on this issue!
The magazine is focused on Amiga of course but it includes topics about other computers and consoles as well.
Read more ---->
On our second issue we feature a special review on Gunlord -a killer game for the Sega Dreamcast-, an in depth review of AmigaOne X-1000, a special article about Level 9 -the legendary text adventures software company- plus another one about Ultimate Play The Game (for the 8 bit maniacs out there). There is also an article featuring a different point of view about the Commodore's fall plus the first of an article series about the present and the future of Amiga. You can read the usual news and updates and of course many more reviews and articles. An Amiga market guide is also featured.
The magazine comes out every three months -four issues a year-.
It is written in Greek language however we are planning to promote it online as well with some special exclusive articles in English so stay tuned. To give a start in this we have uploaded our English Blog here:
We already have online an English section on our forum here:
Check also:
For those of you who are interested to grab a copy -for the case you speak Greek or you are a magazine collector or you want to support us (thanks!), you can visit or send your order @ amigaplanetgrrece AT gmail DOT com, we accept PayPal and we ship worldwide, just send us an email with the number of copies you want and your full details -name, address, city, postal code and country- and we get back to you asap with the final cost!
We would like to thank EVERYONE who have supported the magazine so far in any possible way!
Merry Christmas to everyone and do not forget: AMIGA LIVES!

| STORYID: 6940
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