Events : Next SCCAN meeting - Saturday, July 19 |
posted by RobertB on 15-Jul-2014 6:28:32 (1253 reads) |
Happy summer, C= and Ami comrades!
The next meeting of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network is Saturday, July 19, from 2 to 4+ p.m. At
Panera Bread Restaurant 19662 Nordhoff Street Northridge, California (818) 407-9400
Click READ MORE for details ===>
This month the big topic is the July 26-27 Commodore Vegas Expo and what's going to happen at the show. For your software perusal, we'll look at dozens of new C64/VIC-20/Plus4 game disks from Psytronik/Binary Zone Interactive, like Shoot 'Em Up Destruction Sets 1, 2, and 3; Darkness, Phase Out, and more. For your hardware perusal, we'll have various items recently bought from AmigaKit.com, like a 256 meg ZorRAM, Amitech mice, a CDTV controller, and more. From Tim Harris of England, we'll have C64 items, like an eprom programmer, 3-way user port expander, Multicart+, and more. Finally, we'll examine the seriously-expanded 256K Plus4 computer from Peter "Plus/4 King" Hanson of England.
As usual, bring any software and/or hardware you wish to share!
Back from Europe and writing from Lake Tahoe, CA, Robert Bernardo Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network http://www.sccaners.org |
| STORYID: 7144