software MorphOS : Pack Chrysalis 3.7.1 available for MorphOS 3.7
posted by Papiosaur on 9-Sep-2014 19:29:54 (4082 reads)
Association WArMUp is proud to offer you the pack Chrysalis 3.7.1 for MorphOS 3.7.
This pack allows you to quickly obtain a complete environment preconfigured containing a selection of software, games and emulators for MorphOS.
This pack is not official, it must installed just after clean installation MorphOS 3.7 (registered or not). To install the package, simply mount the ISO image, open "Chrysalis" volume and click on the "Install Pack Chrysalis" icon.
The ISO image is freely downloadable from the following link:
The list of changes is available at the follow of this article.
Feel free to improve this pack by providing software, translations, idea, etc ... Feel free also to support developers of MorphOS software and the MorphOS Team so that the adventure continues. Thank you so much to all the developers and people who participate directly or indirectly to the improvement of this pack.
List of changes :
- Added a Documentation directory in the ISO - Added a Tutorial directory in the ISO - Added a tutorial on Synergy writted by Sergius and translated into English by Morphun - Added a tutorial on how to install E-UAE and WHDLoad writted by Jambalah - Added a spanish translation of the tutorial Jambalah realized by Diezi7 - Added SoundBankster 1.2 - Added Spreedy 1.0 - Added DefICons Installer 1.1 - Added FileTypes Installer 1.2 - Added many Spanish translations Diezi7 - Added InstallerGen 1.0 - Added Tips in WBStartup - Updated InstantUnpack 1.1 - Updated ACE 1.7 - Updated GenesisPlus 1.7 - Updated rhLaunch 0.8 - Updated gtranslator 2.01 - Updated InstantZip 2.1.3 - Updated MPlayer (24/07/2014) - Updated ScummVM 1.7.0 - Polynet the bar is replaced by an Ambient launch bar - Polynet bar is moved in the WBStartup/Disabled directory - Deleted obsolete files - Fixed config file rhLaunch - Changes of E-UAE configs files (for compatibility with AmigaForever roms)
Joined: 18-Dec-2005 Posts: 125
From: El Vellón (Madrid)
I doubt, as there's no need for that on Icaros. Icaros Desktop, comes with plenty of programs if you download the DVD version. Even more that Chrysalis pack.
MorphOS ISO is tiny and only includes the basic software, that's when Chrysalis pack comes to help new users to have a more "fun" system, with more software to enjoy.
BTW: Very nice background !!
_________________ PowerMac G4 MDD 1.25 Dual MorphOS 3,5 Demo (for a while) Amiga 1200 030 AGA Pegasos 2 G4 (wrecked)