Your support is needed and is appreciated as is primarily dependent upon the support of its users.
after a short period I am back to bother you with some "important" news ; )
First one for developers: Please logIn from now on via: (important)
You will find a new feature: You can now create (and deactivate) at any time public download URLs for your "free apps".
Because those apps could be downloaded by bots and so on we will not count those downloads within the indieGO!-Bonus program for DEVS. You can disable and reactivate thos public links at any time (the URL will be the same again so that links copied to websites will work also after reactivation)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today we uploaded 2 tools which belong together. Those tools are used by me and can also be licensed by you if you like.
Sorry for the loong text ...
As written sometimes in the past Broadway as well as AEROS will include a activation tool.
This allows me to distribute "one" master image of both including our apps. Additional features like "LX" on AEROS or the registration of stuff like AMC and GEMZ can now happen automatically. All you need is to enter your indieGO!-ID and the activation tool will check if you bought those elements already.
This means there will be no more "free" and "Plus" images of AEROS. This saves space and reduces confusions : )
After first launch the tool will ask for your ID.
"Everyone who is already registered, and maybe was registered before we introduced the indieGO!-ID's can ask for a free voucher to "register" AEROS Plus in the AppStore"
Also I would like to remember that I am paying 5% cashback for every purchase made in the past on
Also Everyone who boght something at all on can request a free voucher for activate AEROS Plus.
Developers already registered at the indieGO!-Appstore can also license the Activation tool and Keylock-Maker at a reduced price. If developers register until end of june, they can get it also at the reduced price(see below).
Normal price for both is 99€ or 8000 indieCoins. (4000 each). Registered developers can ask for a voucher at a reduced cost of 49€
The price includes versions for: AmigaOS 3 AmigaOS 4 MorphOS AROS i386 Windows Linux i386 Linux PPC Linux ARM OS X PPC OS X i386
INTRODUCTION of KeyLockMaker v1.0
The KeyLock maker is used to build a KeyLock file that will be used to describe an activation procedure that can be used by the ActivationTool to enable an application or add additional contents and features only if the verification process is successful. The current implementation can build KeyLocks with embedded content, this content will be encrypted and compressed to obfuscate data.
Manual for the Keylock Maker v1.0
ActivationTool v1.0
INTRODUCTION The ActivationTool is a program used to activate an application defined in a KeyLock created with the KeyLockMaker software. Please refers to the KeyLockMaker documentation to see which options and features you can include in your Keylocks. USING THE ACTIVATION TOOL To use the ActivationTool you need a KeyLock created with the KeyLockMaker, the ActivationTool can be executed from desktop or from command line.
Manual for the Activation Tool v1.0
--------------------- Both tools are available separately to allow independent updates and fixes.. Each pack contains all binaries for all platforms.
indieGO-clients are available at Developer log in is available at
And now to have some eye candy and not only boring text in the length of the first book of Moses:
I am glad to introduce you the AresOne X:
Here we go after a break... instead of calling it 2015 or 16 I decided to give it the name AresOne X.. X for eXtra cool and eXtra Slim... this one is basically meant to last forever.. First of all it is totally compatible to AROS i386. Sound, Ethernet, 2D and 3D are working under IcAROS and Broadway. It is also the first system which doesn't come with a optical drive. (ok besides the Raspberry Pi bundles). The price seems high but we don't use cheap components and included are Applications like AMC, GEMZ and AmiCloud(*not yet released - 2 more weeks).
| STORYID: 7420
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