posted by radzik on 2-Aug-2015 19:03:38 (3000 reads)
Because, it is not always possible to record the audio interview, this time AMIcast in the traditional version with Fabio Falcucci. He is a programmer, working with Hollywood - multi-platform application development tool.
Simultaneously with this interview, the blog supporting - AMIcast, changed address, to be more related with Amiga and podcasts:
When I started my work on "The Secret of Middle City" a handful of people started complaining about this choice because they couldn't understand this "deification of Hollywood software".
I'm so glad that a well known (and really skilled) coder like Fabio proved them wrong with this interview.
LUA is a well known scripting language widly used in the mainstream industry: for example, it is used in World of Warcraft for Interface Customization.
Do I need to say anyting else???
Thanks, radzik for sharing this with us! And thanks to Fabio for is upcoming HGUI.
Last edited by g0blin on 05-Aug-2015 at 06:49 PM. Last edited by g0blin on 04-Aug-2015 at 06:53 PM. Last edited by g0blin on 04-Aug-2015 at 06:53 PM.
And I do subscribe what Fabio stated about Hollywood and ".apk" Android packages.
Andreas is a wonderful developer and I know he has tons of things to take care of, but I'm really looking forward for the day he will finally include this feature inside Hollywood.