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AEROS Plus for XU3/XU4 is now available in the indieGO!-Appstore for 700indiecoins.
A public release will follow when I made a bit progress (the magical 2 more weeks of oz)
Exagear with debian 8 guest support will appear this fall, than the odroid XU version will become really really satisfying.
Because some people struggle to understand the App Store here is a short who to buy it : )
Important to understand is that the downloads are not downloaded inside the App Store client but in an extra app called DLM (download manager) This app "should" start after logIN. If it doesn't start, than run the dlm app manually.
When you click "download" inside the App Store client, it will change to "downloading". Than check the DLM. Your downloads will be added to the queue.
During download you can click inside the App Store on close and check other apps.
If you close the App Store it will ask if the DLM should stay open or if it should be closed as well.
Prepared SD-card will be available soon (after a break) at
AEROS is now available for Cubox-I series, Raspberry Pi 1 +2, ODROID U2/U3, ODROID XU2/XU3 On my desk is a cubieboard2, a Wii version and a Version running on ANDROID (not Android hosted, it is linux hosted where linux is again ANDROID hosted : D - you know what I mean ; )).... They will pop up when AmiCloud and next Appstore Version are ready. |
| STORYID: 7538
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