Announcement : Three Swedish AZine Issues available in PDF format
posted by MikeB on 16-Aug-2003 11:10:47 (2229 reads)
The first three issues of the Swedish languaged Amiga Magazine "Azine" are available in PDF format. The current Issue #4 is available as a printed Magazine at Amiga Computer Group (ACG).
Update: URL updated. Issues #2 and #3 also include English columns written by Fleecy Moss!
Joined: 9-Mar-2003 Posts: 693
From: Uppsala, Sweden
Even for those of you not reading Swedish (are there really people out there not capable of reading this truly cosmopolitan language? ), there might still be stuff of interest in the form of fleecy's collumn (written in English), laying down what happened during 2002 and welcoming 2003 (old now, but still...). It's at page 24-25 of issue #3 - which is the one I flipped through (I have the original after all), you have to check the rest for yourselves. Occationally there are other collumns written in English as well. . SlimJim
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Re: Three Swedish AZine Issues available in PDF format Posted on 16-Aug-2003 15:29:47
Joined: 12-Mar-2003 Posts: 261
From: Bureå / Sweden
The printed version can be bought from GGS-Data (swedish Amigadealer). The magazine is also included in the membership of the swedish amiga usergroups ACG and SUA.
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Re: Three Swedish AZine Issues available in PDF format Posted on 9-Nov-2003 20:38:58