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News : Next SCCAN meeting - Saturday, March 11 |
posted by RobertB on 4-Mar-2017 9:30:23 (993 reads) |
Happy almost springtime, C= and Ami comrades!
The next meeting of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network is Saturday, March 11, from 2 to 5+ p.m. at Panera Bread Restaurant 19662 Nordhoff Street Northridge, California (818) 407-9400 We missed seeing it last time, but this time I'll make sure we see the new C128 Video DAC from Pyrofer of England. Also we'll examine the second of Dave "Lord Ronin" Mohr's Amiga towers. Then there is the new SwinSID Ultimate from Hungary and the new Final Expansion 3 Rev. 11 for the VIC-20. (I'll need very tiny Torx or square-head screwdrivers to open up its 3-D printed case!)
We'll discuss Commodore at the May Maker Faire, the June Pacific Commodore Expo, and the July Commodore Vegas Expo.
I'll be seeing Ray Carlsen on March 24, so if you have any Commodore hardware that needs repair, bring it to the meeting, and I'll give it to Ray to fix.
Bring anything else you wish to share!
Truly, Robert Bernardo Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network |
| STORYID: 7943
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