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Software News   Software News : Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
   posted by softwarefailure on 1-May-2017 11:32:11 (3085 reads)

Airsoft Softwair - the hardest working men in code business - are proud to present version 2.0 of the Hollywood APK Compiler. This program allows the conversion of Hollywood applets into stand-alone APK packages that can then be published on the Google Play Store or distributed in an other way. Once the Hollywood APK Compiler has been set up, the conversion of a Hollywood applet into an APK file takes only a few seconds. Additionally, the Hollywood APK Compiler can also install the generated APK file onto an Android device connected via USB.

Version 2.0 is a major update that adds support for the Gradle build system. A few months ago, the Android SDK build system was changed from Apache Ant to Gradle. The Hollywood APK Compiler now supports this new build system. Version 2.0 also erases the dependency on Cygwin meaning the Hollywood APK Compiler can be used without Cygwin now. Finally, version 2.0 also allows you to set the Android target version. If you set this to 3.0, your app will no longer be marked as "Designed for phones" on the Play Store. This update is provided free of charge for all licensees of the Hollywood APK Compiler and can be downloaded from the restricted download section.

The Hollywood APK Compiler comes with a convenient GUI that allows you to convert your Hollywood applets into stand-alone APK files with just a few mouse clicks. A detailed documentation of all the program's features is also included. The APKs generated by the Hollywood APK Compiler will run on all ARM-based Android devices that run at least Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread). Since Java, the Android SDK, Android NDK, and Gradle are not yet available for Amiga compatibles, the Hollywood APK Compiler currently only runs on Windows.

The program's license also allows you to sell the apps created by the Hollywood APK Compiler without any restrictions or royalties. So there is nothing stopping you from getting rich quickly with your Hollywood applets on the Google Play Store now! Programming and publishing for Android has really never been so easy!

So get ready for Android development and purchase the Hollywood APK Compiler now on the official Hollywood portal! This release was brought to you by Airsoft Softwair - the hardest working men in code business.


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Hollywood APK Compiler 4.0 released
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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 1-May-2017 18:17:34
#1 ]
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From: Pomaz, Hungary

Hungarian translation (Magyar fordítás)

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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 1-May-2017 20:20:47
#2 ]
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Joined: 28-Nov-2003
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From: Perugia, ITALY


Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 1-May-2017 22:08:46
#3 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2008
Posts: 3857
From: Toronto, Canada

awesome as usual! thanks Andreas

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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 2-May-2017 6:44:50
#4 ]
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Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia

Despite the need for Windows this is a great feature allowing Amiga programmers to not only generate programs for Amiga multi platforms but also to generate them for use on an Android device as an application.

Good to expand on the ability to edit and test on Amiga where a lot of us would feel comfortable. This may be what I need to jump on the bandwagon and write my own app just for fun.

How does the cost of Hollywood compare to a dedicated APK SDK?

What I wonder is if Linux P/PC can be used for the compiler? Since Android is supposed to be on Linux and Linux would have the support needed this makes sense.

What's next an iTunes compiler?

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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 2-May-2017 8:44:59
#5 ]
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Joined: 1-Oct-2003
Posts: 191
From: France

My question may seems silly, but does rapaGUI works with this?
I guess no because there is no rapagui plugin for android

Last edited by DC_Edge on 02-May-2017 at 09:08 AM.

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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 2-May-2017 10:06:55
#6 ]
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005
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From: Cheshire, England

Neat, I just wished I had more time for Hollywood apps, but i did enjoy hollywood 5 and more the easy of designing apps on Hollywood Designer, I hope that gets an update, that might make me upgrade.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 2-May-2017 11:55:16
#7 ]
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Joined: 21-Nov-2004
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From: Zdzieszowice, Poland

Eghmmm..... don't know why, but I was dead sure that APK Compiler runs natively on AmigaOS and its compatibles.

I miss draggable screens in MorphOS... and do you? I know I'm in a minority unfortunately.

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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 2-May-2017 22:45:22
#8 ]
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Joined: 16-Mar-2004
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG

My question may seems silly, but does rapaGUI works with this?

No. Android has a totally different UI. For a starter: there's no concept of windows at all.

It's pretty different to write for a touch UI instead of a desktop UI.

Here's a small example (reaction test) of a touch port from a desktop program:

The same for Android: (use in landsacpe format)

common website:

This was a rather easy adoption, but nonetheless even that took a while.

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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 2-May-2017 23:09:30
#9 ]
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Joined: 16-Mar-2004
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG

How does the cost of Hollywood compare to a dedicated APK SDK?

Google's Android SDK is free of charge. But the default language is Java and you cannot work on Amiga with it. I cannot program Java (and am too lazy & stupid to learn it) and hesitated from jumping over the hurdles to actually write C++ for Android (it's possible, but seems to be a bit complicated to set up. Hollywood came in very handy then. Setting up the dev environment was easy and straight forward.

Advantage of Hollywood for Android programming: It's easy. It really is. Programming wise. Making a good program layout is not easy though (I think my biggest project¹ so far is not really well done: It's a bit bulky to use, seems very simple, just is not impressing, but was quite a lot of work under the hood. I learned quite much writing it though... Maybe I do a complete rewrite to free me from my misconceptions. It seems I am too used to desktop computer usage).

Disadvantage of Hollywood for Android: You miss all the useful and capable Android libraries: Try to access the camera with Hollywood - dunno how that should work... Try to offer InApp sales - not possible (at least not yet), speed up your gfx with gl, nfortunately not possible (yet) since Android features GL _ES_ (which is not compatible to Hollywood's GL galore plugin).

Bottom line: It's very nice and probably one of the easiest ways to make an Android app. I
enjoy very much to write the actual code on my MorphOS machines and so on and can really recomend it. But if you want to get deeper into app development with advanced features, you need to go the official sdk (Java) route. I think Hollywood for Android is primarily good for rather simple games and multimedia content.


¹this is my biggest Android project so far:
project webpage: (Android, Windows, MorphOS)

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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 3-May-2017 15:15:28
#10 ]
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Thanks for your insight. I realised after posting this that the offical SDK is most likely free and confirmed this after a Google. It does seem surprising C++ is hard to work with on Android or setup as it seems to be everywhere and in the end it would be compiled as Java byte code. Well it would in the usual case. Perhaps this reliance on Java and not a "real" binary is why my phone is slow at times.

My only real experience with Java is these "weird" programs I have downloaded on PC or Mac that look kind of fake and are hard to start. If they start at all. It was kind of messy to me. So it's good there is something useful made with it. After that experience I didn't think AmigaOS was missing much at all without it. As a language, like most I see today, it just looks like a variation C/C++.

It's hard to say what needs I would have. I have some ideas floating about but no idea how hard they would be to implement. After Amiga programming I tend to think that programming in a modern IDE would be easy as with a GUI layout editor, structured gfx editor, super editor, program flow chart editor and package compiler all in one!

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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 5-May-2017 9:15:53
#11 ]
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005
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From: Cheshire, England

I still think personally, html and javascrpit will eventually become the main universal code to make programs in, its already happening, and you can compile html5 apps to android, this is why I still think priority no1 for NG amiga is a modern browser.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: Hollywood APK Compiler 2.0 released
Posted on 8-May-2017 7:39:11
#12 ]
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