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software OS4   software OS4 : AOrgansier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
   posted by broadblues on 5-Jun-2017 23:49:15 (4725 reads)

It's a great pleasure to be able to finally announce the first commercial release of my powerful diary / calendaring application on AmiStore.

Starting from the 1.4 release over 350 hours of work were put into to add a extensive range of features, to give AmigaOS the most powerful, modern diary program to date.

The diary keeps it's traditional look, but adds the abilty to fully customise colour scheme and fonts. A new custom gadget was created to ease disply of events in the main windows (also uses custom fonts colours). The existing built in calendar gadget was extended to alow highlght of the current day and the selected event, and is now used in a new date requester, to ease entering of new dates.

The events have been extended to allow several new fields, such as location, multiline notes of arbitrary size, event organiser.

Support for alarms has been added allowing as many alarms as you like to fire both before an after the event.

Alarms may trigger notifications, alert requesters, play sounds or runs scripts and commands, and send emails. Alarms can be set to 'local' which means they are not altered by the server when syncing...

Which leads on to probably the most exciting new feature is the abilty sync AOrganiser with you google calendar enabled device via CalDAV. Fully secure, permision to access you diary information is granted via the OAuth2.0 protocol.

A simple wizard guides you through setting up the access to google calendar and once complete you can share you diary with you phone, tablet and if you must your PC!

More CalDAV servers types wil be added in future versions subject to user demand and feedback.

The ARexx interface has been massively extended and AOrganiser also comes with a powerful set of python modules, allowing great opportunity for customising and extending.

Examples scripts include a powerful intergrated search function that uses AmigaDOS patterns to find events via any suitable field, within user defined time ranges.

More information available:


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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 6-Jun-2017 21:54:59
#1 ]
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Joined: 28-Oct-2015
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From: Unknown

A very useful program for anyone who spend a lot of time on their computer, or for those who leave their AmigaOS4 computers running full time, in a location where they can notice the alarm notification, when it goes off. Being able to sync to cell phones via Google is a great feature.

Congratz on completing this, and including many great features for it.

Last edited by BoingBear on 06-Jun-2017 at 09:56 PM.

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 6-Jun-2017 22:32:48
#2 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown

Wanted to make a news item about this, but I've got two questions: What's the price? And could we get some clarification on what "more CalDAV servers types wil be added in future versions subject to user demand and feedback" actually means? This sounds like only Google is supported now, or am I getting this wrong?

Out of curiosity, what's the difference between Intuition menus and "the new menu class" mentioned on the website?

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 6-Jun-2017 22:57:56
#3 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
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From: Portsmouth England


What's the price?

£10 plus VAT where appropriate.


And could we get some clarification on what "more CalDAV servers types wil be added in future versions subject to user demand and feedback" actually means? This sounds like only Google is supported now, or am I getting this wrong?

Only google is directly supported for the moment, as well as direct import and export of individual ical files, recived by email etc.

I'm prepared to add more server types as people ask for them. It's mainly a matter of setting up different authentication methods, and testing for any quirks. In fact I have generic caldav server running on my linux box to enable me to start on this. I don't have direct need for more than google, and it's been the most asked for so far by potential customers.


Out of curiosity, what's the difference between Intuition menus and "the new menu class" mentioned on the website?

menuclass is a new BOOPSI wrapper for intuition menus, that enables developer to create menus far more easily with dynanimic updates when required, without rebuilding from scratch like you had to in gadtools, and also add images to the menu (though I haven't as yet done that in AO).

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 6-Jun-2017 23:22:28
#4 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown

Thanks for the detailed answers. Just a minor hint: The excitement of writing a press release didn't do much for your spelling ;)


I'm prepared to add more server types as people ask for them. It's mainly a matter of setting up different authentication methods, and testing for any quirks.

Yeah, that's what I was referring to when I talked about the 'can of worms' called syncing.

What are you using for HTTP, btw.? Does it support SSL? It's been way too long, can't remember if there's a lib for that.

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 0:04:51
#5 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England


Thanks for the detailed answers. Just a minor hint: The excitement of writing a press release didn't do much for your spelling ;)

The typos are for authentication, if there weren't any no one would belive it was me




I'm prepared to add more server types as people ask for them. It's mainly a matter of setting up different authentication methods, and testing for any quirks.

Yeah, that's what I was referring to when I talked about the 'can of worms' called syncing.

From readin arround google is perhaps one of the most quirky, but I'm sure there are other bugbears out there....


What are you using for HTTP, btw.? Does it support SSL? It's been way too long, can't remember if there's a lib for that.

I'm using python scripts for the http connection, I've backported the google OAuth2.0 API to python 2.5 (may be only ported enough for the bits I need), also the google http2lib module.

IT requires my port of pythonssl from which is autodownloaded by the installer, but you have to go get AmiSSL 4 from aminet for yourself.

quote nesting....

Last edited by broadblues on 07-Jun-2017 at 12:06 AM.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 5:28:56
#6 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 20-Sep-2009
Posts: 256
From: Germany

Hi, i have some problems:

1. Install script does not work:

"Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 216, in
if proactionVers:
NameError: name 'proactionVers' is not defined"

2. Scripts does not work, have to set it as script manually (maybe the installer does it?)

3. After copy+paste the Authentication Token from google calender, the field shows "Unable to aquire credentils"

4. on first starts of the scipts there was a warning that proaction is missing. I had to search and download it in os4depot. Is it really nessecary to run a server to build a Reaction GUI and let people download it before? Why not build GUIs directly?

5. Icon of diary_projects points to "work:Organiser/diary -> i put Aorganiser to work:programme... (changed it to Appdir:diary and all is fine)

6. Feature request: saving the "display mode", i whould like to have the monthly view on every restart instead of choosing it again.


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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 11:20:41
#7 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England

First thanks for buying it.


Hi, i have some problems:

Sorry about that.


1. Install script does not work:

"Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 216, in
if proactionVers:
NameError: name 'proactionVers' is not defined"

Damn the fallback version was spelt proactionvers ( lowercase v) I never spotted as both myself and my main testers had at least an old version of ProAction installed.


2. Scripts does not work, have to set it as script manually (maybe the installer does it?)

All scripts? The ARexx ones don't have the bits set but all the pythons should have. Everytime I installed it here the bits remained intact. I haven't actually tested installing after downloading from AmiStore, if the bits get lost in that process somehow I will have to add a fixer to the installer.


3. After copy+paste the Authentication Token from google calender, the field shows "Unable to aquire credentils"

Retry. Occasioanally this happens assuming you enetered the right diary name and copied the exta string without missing a character (it's a long string so not that dificult to make a mistake there) then the issue is at googles end and resolves after a few attempts.


4. on first starts of the scipts there was a warning that proaction is missing. I had to search and download it in os4depot. Is it really nessecary to run a server to build a Reaction GUI and let people download it before? Why not build GUIs directly?

Well if the installer had worked it would have fetched it for you

If you send me your email by PM I will send you fixed installer that will fetch some other bits and peices too... hmm thinking of that, did you install pythonssl from os4depot? That would have been fetched for you...

As to why use ProAction, it created GUI for python and ARexx scripts. I find it powerful tool for exteding the core application.


5. Icon of diary_projects points to "work:Organiser/diary -> i put Aorganiser to work:programme... (changed it to Appdir:diary and all is fine)

I don't understand that one the default tool of the icon in the archive I just unpacked and the one installed to my test directory both have Appdir:diary as the tooltype.

Actually there a disabled TOOLTYPE that points to work:Organiser but there is no need to set that unless you use old style WBStartup (that is exlained in the docs).


6. Feature request: saving the "display mode", i whould like to have the monthly view on every restart instead of choosing it again.

Set the tooltype


in the project icon

Last edited by broadblues on 07-Jun-2017 at 11:21 AM.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 11:24:32
#8 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
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From: Portsmouth England

PS you can manually fix the instaler script yourself to speed things up by changing line 99


proactionVers = None

Make sure the line start with a single TAB not 4 spaces (C&P into browser might mess that up.)

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 12:51:06
#9 ]
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Joined: 20-Sep-2009
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From: Germany

Thanks for your reply. I will try it again with google (would be nice if i get it work, a killer feature for me ;) ).

I will check the Arexx scripts, currently only the python scripts testet (because the google connection) and set all as script manually.

Tooltype for "month" wil changed!

I also will try the installer with changing the line!

Regards and thanks,

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 13:27:10
#10 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England


I hope that fix to the installer will work for you. I think google didn't work because of lack of pythonssl which would be installed by the installer.

You do need to get AmiSSL4 from aminet youself. I didn't want to try and auto install a component that important.

I'm fixing up the installer script abit at the moment, (adding some extra robustness as well as that typo fix). and will send an updated archive to Matthew for upload to amistore shortly...

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 16:32:51
#11 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England

The archive on amistore has now been updated with the fixed up installer, thanks to Matthew for the quick upload...

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 17:43:27
#12 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England

I recorded a short video to demonstrate the installation and Google Calendar setup of my new AOrganiser release.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 17:46:24
#13 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2004
Posts: 397
From: Athens

Grea work broadblues, as always.
I had also a problem with the installation script. I had the following error.


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 98, in
version,revision = proactionVers.split(".")
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

What I did to solve it was to change line 97 to
proactionVers = "1.9"

Thank you for this new app.

_________________ - Beautify your Workbench

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 17:59:36
#14 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2004
Posts: 397
From: Athens

I have one more issue that others might have also.
When I start the script, a popup requester appears asking for the volume "/Cygnix/CygnixPPC/gtk2.24/bin" from python. I had to press a few times th cancel button to continue with the use of the script.

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 19:04:31
#15 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England


Grea work broadblues, as always.
I had also a problem with the installation script. I had the following error.




Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 98, in
version,revision = proactionVers.split(".")
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

Was that with the original script or the recently updated version on AmiStore?
Filesize 8486


What I did to solve it was to change line 97 to
proactionVers = "1.9"

Hmm it should already be either that or some other version number at that point.

What does C:VERSION APPDIR:ProAction return for you?

Last edited by broadblues on 07-Jun-2017 at 07:05 PM.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 19:09:10
#16 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England


I have one more issue that others might have also.
When I start the script, a popup requester appears asking for the volume "/Cygnix/CygnixPPC/gtk2.24/bin" from python. I had to press a few times th cancel button to continue with the use of the script.

It's anoying when that happens, it's down to a python module somewhere trying to use PATH to locate the script, none of my modules are doing that, a snoopy log whilst running the script might be useful to trace that, maybe send it me by mail?

You can just click through the requester or even assign one to ram: to avoid it.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 20:27:44
#17 ]
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Joined: 20-Sep-2009
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From: Germany

I will check the updated installer tomorrow (my changes brought another error message😀).

But i installed all files manually and now i can sync with Google calender which is great!!!!

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 20:41:29
#18 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England


I will check the updated installer tomorrow (my changes brought another error message??).

If it muttered something about undeclared global 'path' in garbage collection... then I got that one at the same time and fixed it at src. (Got string sense of deja vue, sure I'd fixed that once already!)


But i installed all files manually and now i can sync with Google calender which is great!!!!

That's cool

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 21:16:43
#19 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2004
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From: Athens

Was that with the original script or the recently updated version on AmiStore?
Filesize 8486

Yes, with the latest version from AmiStore. Filesize 8486

What does C:VERSION APPDIR:ProAction return for you?

ProAction 1.9

May I ask if there is a way to sync with other calendars inside Google calendar? What I mean is that in Google calendar, except my default, I have a few extra calendars, with different colours. Can these be merged in one at AOrganiser?

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Re: AOragnsier 2.1 Now Available on AmiStore
Posted on 7-Jun-2017 22:08:39
#20 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England


May I ask if there is a way to sync with other calendars inside Google calendar? What I mean is that in Google calendar, except my default, I have a few extra calendars, with different colours. Can these be merged in one at AOrganiser?

Not at the moment. Setup is fiddly as these calendars have weird names and google doesn't support the discovery aspects of the CalDAV API.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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