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Events : Commodore Retro eXpo in Las Vegas 2018! AUG 24-26 |
posted by omnicron10 on 19-Aug-2018 19:04:16 (1004 reads) |
Commodore Retro eXpo 2018 almost here. If you haven't booked your room, there is still time.
This year the show is at the Las Vegas Plaza Hotel and Casino.
August 24-26th.
There is a very LARGE conference area, over 5000 SQ FT.
The nice thing about the event this year is being in downtown Las Vegas. This allows VERY close proximity to a lot of other hotels and venues!
Rooms are still available for about $200 for the weekend!
Event information is available at:
Commodore Retro Expo
| STORYID: 8254
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