Daikatana wasn't that bad, I mean if it was released as a game rather than the hyped product of years of loafing by John Romero's team it would have been given a better reception.
A lot of the work they did on modifying the quake 2 engine was impressive. Ok so the weapons, the enemys, the AI of your side kicks was poor and the level design wasn't the greatest. Just because the game was crap doesn't mean the source code is worthless.
Re: Petition for source code of Daikatana game Posted on 11-Sep-2003 9:36:52
What is the sense of the another petition to port another game when for instance it is impossible to extract WinACE v2(+) archives on AmigaOS?? Maybe petition to release source code of the newest UnAce version would be a better idea? AFAIK Linux version of UnACE v2 is built by GCC 2.9.5 but there is no source code avaible.