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News : Amiga Future Webpage 20 years relaunch |
posted by AndreasM on 9-Sep-2019 13:02:44 (967 reads) |
On 09.09.99 the Amiga Future webpage went online for the first time. At that time, the webpage barely had content and only a few visitors daily.
Meanwhile, the Amiga Future Webpage has become one of the biggest websites for the Amiga.
In addition to thousands of games and user downloads (including hundreds of commercial titles), the Amiga Future webpage is home to one of the largest cheats collections for the Amiga.
But also several thousand reviews, previews and other articles about the Amiga you can read for free on the Amiga Future webpage.
Many sold-out Amiga Future issues are also available on the webpage for free.
Of course you are always up to date with the news and calender about the Amiga.
The news section is currently being expanded.
We are looking for helpers the news and other areas of the homepage. If anyone wants to help, please write us.
After 20 years the time has come and we have reworked the complete Amiga Future webpage.
Of course, some mistakes may have crept in. If you discover any, please let us know.
Unfortunately, the passwords of the accounts could not be transferred to the new page by all users. If you receive an error when logging in, please request a new password from the webpage.
Have fun with the new homepage of the Amiga Future. |
| STORYID: 8422
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