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A=EON Technology Ltd is pleased to announce a new public update to the clipboard manager ClipViewer.
Version 1.12 is now available to download on both the Updater utility and AMIStore App Store.
It has been made available as a free download to customers who have purchased the standalone ClipViewer from AMIStore in 2016.
Additionally any customer who has previously purchased the commercial version of the Enhancer Software will be able to download it for free from the Updater utility.
The latest ClipViewer utilises the new Toolbar Gadget Class released a few days ago on Updater utility.
Features of ClipViewer
Clipviewer is a powerful clipboard management commodity.
The main features of ClipViewer are:
* view clips easily and quickly in a list * search clips for keywords * organise and save clips to files * edit selected clips in configured applications such as MultiEdit or MultiViewer * stays resident in memory (started from WBStartUp) * can be invoked at any time with hotkey combination or directly in supported applications * Arexx support: Clipviewer has its own port

| STORYID: 8609
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