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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 12-Jun-2021 10:02:58
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 12-Jun-2021 16:13:50
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Joined: 4-Mar-2008 Posts: 3859
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| Love it! Thanks to Hans and all involved  Last edited by klx300r on 15-Jun-2021 at 07:11 AM.
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 13-Jun-2021 15:44:33
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| Warp3DNova and related software is progressing very well.
Well done to Hans and team.
redfox |
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 13-Jun-2021 19:12:27
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Joined: 30-Jan-2003 Posts: 298
From: Melton Mowbray - Porkpie centre. | | |
| And now if you have not bought a Rx570/580 already you will need to rob a bank to pay for one. _________________ A1/G4 1GHZ
OS4.1 latest update. 1ghz Radeon Club3d 9250 Usb/Dma fixed.
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 13-Jun-2021 19:43:03
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| Glad I am not a current Amiga user. I just don't get it. We had all flavours of Amiga-like OSes, now there's different upgrade paths to OS4? Or is that not what this is? Are Hyperion updates destructive to enhancer releases? As with these updates and Hyperion and Colanto, is it now a battle to win the hearts and minds of Amiga users? I guess the judge will decide a lot of this despite the court of public opinion. _________________ Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 13-Jun-2021 19:51:00
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004 Posts: 3551
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| @A1200 Things look like a mess, for sure. But until Ben is the owner of Hyperion and has rights for OS4, that mess will be continued. I not sure if the many developers left willing to work with Ben anymore. So a day will come when he will be in the hope to sell what he owns related to AmigaOS4, but no one will pay for shit, as there will be everything replaced already.
Ben will spend a shit into AmigaOS4 developments (or to any kind of amiga development) but will milk everything possible from those ones working for free under his control. Sadly. Last edited by kas1e on 13-Jun-2021 at 07:52 PM.
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 14-Jun-2021 18:19:52
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Joined: 29-Sep-2003 Posts: 290
From: SWEDEN (Sverige) | | |
| @All Ok my RX580 works now with W3D Nova. But in my opinion my R9 280x is faster and boot everytime without problems. Why is that? And another problem need to be solved. In many case with RX card X5000 halt in warmboot with white screen and locked mouse pointer... Why so much problem with boot with RX cards.. Only benefit from RX card now is video acceleration. Not in games🥴 Last edited by Plexus on 14-Jun-2021 at 06:21 PM.
_________________ AmigaOne X5000, AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 special super 2 cores prepared super edition v75 christmas speciale uniqe quadro prepared AmigaOS... TWO MORE YEARS IS NOTHING IF YOU BEEN WAITING SINCE 1994..
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 14-Jun-2021 20:32:22
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003 Posts: 2085
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| @A1200
These are my opinions, based on first hand experince and observation from afar ...
Hyperion went to sleep for many years. Updates and fixes were not released to the public.
Meanwhile, A-EON stepped up to the plate to provide graphics drivers and Enhancer Software.
Many users, including me, bought the Enhancer Software package.
Then Hyperion woke up again and released the following ... AmigaOS 3.1.4 AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2, followed by a HOTFIX for Update 2 AmigaOS 3.2
The cynic in me believes that Hyperion released these packages to prove to the court that Hyperion was still alive and active.
Cynic mode off ...
I own and use a very old OS4 system ...
MicroA1 with IBM PPC 750 GX CPU and 256 MB RAM onboard ATI Radeon 7000 graphics chip with 32 MB graphics RAM.
I started with a pre-release version of AmigaOS4 and have upgraded to every public release of OS4.
After Hyperion released AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1, they seemed to go dormant for many years. I purchased Enhancer Software v1.5 to add some enhancements to my system.
The enhancements included replacements for some existing system commands and a new sound system that replaced the existing sound system.
AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 updated most of the system commands and reintroduced the OS4 sound system.
So, yes, it does appear in some ways that Hyperion and A-EON are pissing on each other's changes.
The latest OS4 update clobbered certain changes that were made previously by Enhancer, and ongoing updates from A-EON replace some OS4 components.
Of course, I as a user can choose to update or not to update.
-- redfox Last edited by redfox on 14-Jun-2021 at 10:30 PM. Last edited by redfox on 14-Jun-2021 at 09:06 PM. Last edited by redfox on 14-Jun-2021 at 08:40 PM. Last edited by redfox on 14-Jun-2021 at 08:33 PM.
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 14-Jun-2021 20:57:18
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003 Posts: 2085
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| @A1200
IMHO, yes, there are two upgrade paths for OS4 users ...
- if you have a system with an HD graphics card then you require Enhancer Software.
- if you have a system like mine, then you don't. I cannot upgrade the graphics on my system.
--- redfox |
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 15-Jun-2021 12:13:44
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Joined: 4-Jun-2005 Posts: 3918
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| @Plexus
Official word : Warm boot or Soft-reset does not work with Radeon RX cards and the AmigaOS 4.x Radeon RX driver. Status not expected to change .
Ctrl+Alt+Alt hard resets is the option that works.
What other problems are you having at boot time with Polaris RX Cards? Last edited by Spectre660 on 15-Jun-2021 at 12:14 PM.
_________________ Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 15-Jun-2021 13:16:49
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004 Posts: 3551
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| @Plexus As Spectre says warm-reboot didn't work on RAdeonRX.
As for speed: with all the latest drivers speed should be no worse than on RadeonHD, and in some parts even better. You should be sure you have all the latest drivers and, which is _VERY_ important use power-prefs-tool to set/save "HIGH" value for the speed. By default, Radeon RX works in some slow mode, and for some reasons, (seems because of missing DMA, but that unclear and can be anything else) drivers didn't raise resource at maximum when need it. _________________ Join us to improve dopus5! zerohero's mirror of os4/os3 crosscompiler suites
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 15-Jun-2021 14:18:07
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Joined: 29-Sep-2003 Posts: 290
From: SWEDEN (Sverige) | | |
| @all Yes I have power management settings on high! I know warm boot not work... But its sems my problem with two ram slot used with cold boot.. Lets explain when boot 10 Times of cold boot only two will get me into workbench.. But problem solved... I use only one ramslot and with rx580.
But before me can boot without problem r9 280x and two ramslot used... But not with rx
Me for sure somthing very strange is going on with different graphics card 😀 Last edited by Plexus on 15-Jun-2021 at 03:32 PM. Last edited by Plexus on 15-Jun-2021 at 03:31 PM. Last edited by Plexus on 15-Jun-2021 at 03:28 PM. Last edited by Plexus on 15-Jun-2021 at 03:23 PM.
_________________ AmigaOne X5000, AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 special super 2 cores prepared super edition v75 christmas speciale uniqe quadro prepared AmigaOS... TWO MORE YEARS IS NOTHING IF YOU BEEN WAITING SINCE 1994..
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 15-Jun-2021 15:23:07
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Joined: 29-Sep-2003 Posts: 290
From: SWEDEN (Sverige) | | |
| @all Why do my X5000 boot superfast with 1 ram slot used with 2gb instead of use 2 ramslot with 4 gb. It boot under 13 sek with 2gb in one slot? When I use 2 ramslot with 4 gb it takes 35 sek to boot into workbench if IM Lucky to get in😭 If use one slot of ram no more random lockups in booting into workbench and boot superfast.. I first not belive my eyes. this boot problem was only with RX cards and 2 ramslot used.. Maybe better buy one big ddr3 ram to use in one slot only If I want to go with the RX... Hmmm testing testing...
One more thing I not belive only me got this problems.. All components and 3ddrivers of os is 100% up to date.. Latest of everything i have doublechecked Last edited by Plexus on 15-Jun-2021 at 03:58 PM. Last edited by Plexus on 15-Jun-2021 at 03:55 PM. Last edited by Plexus on 15-Jun-2021 at 03:41 PM. Last edited by Plexus on 15-Jun-2021 at 03:39 PM.
_________________ AmigaOne X5000, AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 special super 2 cores prepared super edition v75 christmas speciale uniqe quadro prepared AmigaOS... TWO MORE YEARS IS NOTHING IF YOU BEEN WAITING SINCE 1994..
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 16-Jun-2021 8:09:38
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 18-Nov-2004 Posts: 972
From: Roma + Milano, Italia | | |
| @redfox
The latest OS4 update clobbered certain changes that were made previously by Enhancer, and ongoing updates from A-EON replace some OS4 components. |
To be honest, as much as one might not like Hyperion, I believe A-EON is at fault here. I don't like this behaviour of replacing system commands with their own versions, they should've named them differently, I don't want them messing with my system. This is basically THE single reason why I'm not buying Enhancer and never will.Last edited by Nibunnoichi on 16-Jun-2021 at 08:10 AM.
_________________ Proud Amigan since 1987 Owner of various Commodore and a SAM440ep\OS4.1FE See them on
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 16-Jun-2021 11:23:58
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 19-Aug-2003 Posts: 700
From: Netherlands | | |
| @redfox
Well it is not that bad like Powerup vs Warpup! You can select what to install when using Enhancer, the big plus is offcourse Nova and RadeonHD. |
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 27-Jun-2021 10:30:48
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Joined: 29-Sep-2003 Posts: 290
From: SWEDEN (Sverige) | | |
| For now only use one 2gb stick. Because SSD faster with one and 100% sure for safe boot straight in to workbench...
I have get rid of boot problems. But now I only use one 2 gb ram stick in one slot.
And The fact is that my X5000 boot in 13 secs. And when I try with one 4 gb stick in one slot it boots slower at 35 sec.
I start count from splash X5000 logo boot pic dissapears.
13 sec vs 35 sec is a big different. And with 2 gb stick in one slots makes my SSD faster in loading every games and program... I just curious why is that..
When I put back my 4 gb stick SSD is slower again... So for now I do not want use more than 2 gb ram before this problem is solved😀 My SSD in my X5000 is so much faster with maximum 2gb stick
One more thing when I use only one stick of 2gb ram stick. My computer never failed to boot, not a singel time...and that with RX580 gfx card...
When I Try my R9 280x card no problem with boot either in any cases. But its still boot my X5000 faster with one 2gb Ram stick. I only want people tryout for them self... For example: put in only one 2gb stick in ram slot nearest cpu on your X5000. And tell me it not load faster.... Much faster with SSD... _________________ AmigaOne X5000, AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 special super 2 cores prepared super edition v75 christmas speciale uniqe quadro prepared AmigaOS... TWO MORE YEARS IS NOTHING IF YOU BEEN WAITING SINCE 1994..
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Re: Updater Utility: Warp3D Nova and Copy Command Posted on 28-Jun-2021 9:29:23
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 11-Jan-2004 Posts: 3551
From: Russia | | |
| @Plexus You may have missed it , but from day one when x5000 ht the publc, it was known that 4gb sticks make whole things be slower in compare with 2gb sticks. As issue is known for years and wasn't fixed, i am also sure it will never be fixed, so just stick to 2gb.
You anyway can't use in normal way more thatn 1.8gb of system memory under amigaos4 (and same for morphos on x5000), so there no needs to have 4gb at all. Maybe only for linux, but for linux 2gb is enough as well, imho. _________________ Join us to improve dopus5! zerohero's mirror of os4/os3 crosscompiler suites
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