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Today I'm very proud to announce that, after 14 years of development, the first public version of HGui is available on GitHub.
HGui is a GUI ToolKit for Hollywood-MAL written completely in plain Hollywood, the only needed requirements are the includes provided with the HGui distribution.
HGui offers unique features to you but the main purpose is to allow the programmer to have cross-compile applications that are able to render the exact same interface on all the platforms supported by Hollywood.
You don't need any external plugin to use HGui.
HGui comes with a fully commented source code, many examples and tutorials, an html manual and, for those willing to support me on Patreon, there is direct support and on-request examples.
NOTE ABOUT INCLUDES Please note that the includes that comes with HGui are not necessary the same as the ones on my GitHub->Hollywood-MAL-Libraries, the ones that comes with HGui are tested with HGui and are placed in the same repository as HGui for simplicity, so that users can have all the needed stuff in a single place. By the way I will try to keep them in sync.
FEATURES HGui offers the most common gadgets like buttons, labels, text, listview, treeview, virtual spaces, scrollers and so on. It also have the ability to embed any gadget inside contextual menus and window's menus, moreover it offers a sophisticated skin system and several switch-able features to balance between CPU power, rendering speed and memory used. For all the details have a look at the guide on GitHub :)
LINKS - GitHub repository - Thread on Hollywood-forum - More details on my site
BRIEF HISTORY This project was born around 14 years ago and its first incarnation was called ScuiLib, I needed gadgets for my programs and I decided to build a GUI library by myself since at that time there was no plugins to build UIs.
The time passed and I learned many things about Hollywood-MAL which also evolved adding more and more features at every new release.
ScuiLib was used as a starting point for a new version called HGui, and after some time I started to create applications with it.
HGui still misses some features but it's fully usable and stable so I thought that do no sharing my work with others would be a pity. So I decided to share my work but before reaching this point I spent countless hours writing the documentation, the examples and some tutorials.
With my efforts I hope to help Hollywood-MAL to grow its userbase because it deserves it, and I will be honest with you all: I also hope to raise a bit the support on my Patreon page :)
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