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AROS One x86 v2.1 Released
New release of AROS One x86, many new features included in this new version, many software have been updated and new software has been added, even the games section includes new games installed.
AROS One x86 v2.1 includes the "Aros One x86" manual in PDF, GUIDE, HTM and DOC (PC-Windows) formats.
More information on all updates can be found in the attached list:
AROS One is distributed in DVD (ISO) format or USB image from "burned to Pendrive", useful as Live system or to quickly install AROS One on PC.
To the USB image needs to rename the extension according to the program to be used, usually .img, for AROS One we recommend the use of the excellent [URL=http://""][B]Rufus[/B][/URL] or [URL=http://""][B]Etcher[/B][/URL])
[B]AROS One x86 v2.1 ISO DVD:[/B] [URL=][B]Download[/B][/URL]
[B]AROS One x86 v2.1 USB Flash:[/B] [URL=][B]Download[/B][/URL]
These are the many new features:
Update AROS One OS System: - Update RNOTunes.catalog for v1.1 - Create OpenURL.prefs which allows OpenURL to open a link directly with OWB. - Create 4Sets of AmiFox Buttons - Fix Theme BlackIce - Created new Icon Set for all styled Apps "Circle" - Translated and Updated in Italian all system Apps (Catalog) - Fix AlarmClock - Fix Theme PixBlue - Create 12 Themes for AROSAmp - Create Script Theme-Prefs for AROSAmp - Create 3 Button and 5 Wallpaper for MPlayer - Create Script Theme-Prefs for MPlayer - Created new Set "Button Themes" for OWB - Create Script Theme-Prefs for OWB - Create New Button "BIG" AmiStart - Create New Script AmiStart - Create Icon DosDriver SMB2 and SMB2-Restart - Create Script SMB2-Restart (Mount/Dismount SMB2) - Create new script for BoingIconBar (BiB-Prefs), "now no need to reboot the system to replace Sondi and Buttons"
Update AROS One Apps: - RNOTunes v1.1 - Update - RNOTunes.catalog for v1.1 - LilCalendar v2.4 - iConecta v4.25 - AppBuilder v3.1 - FlexCat v2.18 - UnMount v0.1 - HWP_hURL v2.0 - HWP_APNG v1.2 - HWP_YAFA v1.2 - HWP_TIFF v1.2 - HWP_PCX v1.2 - HWP_JEPEG2000 v1.2 - HWP_FLIC v1.2 - InstallerLG v1.0.3 - VIM v9.0.1546 - LHA v1.14i - WildMidi v0.4.5 - Update Dopus Config, associati file .ct, cd a Editor, tasto Del elimina file, tasti Amiga + C, copia file. - AROSAmp v0.24 - Image2PDF v2.2 - SMB2-handler v53.7 - Filesysbox.library V54.4 - BoingIconBar v1.12
Update AROS One Games: - Xump - Powermanga
Update Core ABIv0 20201110: - Fix kms.library - Fix muimaster - Fix Input prefs - Fix BoingIconBar |
| STORYID: 8924
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