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 kriz:  4 hrs 35 mins ago News News : New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
   posted by amigakit on 2-Jun-2024 18:09:31 (1639 reads)

Cardiff, 2 June 2024

Full News Release (click here)

Final Writer has been in put back into active development over recent years.
Version 7 will soon will make it's debut pre-installed on the A600GS computer.

AmigaKit Ltd and Timothy Deters are pleased to announce that a special edition of Final Writer 7 will be pre-installed on the A600GS alongside it's other updated applications of OctaMED 8, PPaint 7.4 and Directory Opus 4. Final Writer can be started from AmiBench, the desktop environment and will open on a 1080P screen.

Final Writer 7 Special Edition is fully functional with the exception of the Spell Checker module which will be offered to A600GS users as an optional paid upgrade.

Matthew Leaman, MD of AmigaKit Ltd commented on the collaboration: “We are very pleased to work with Timothy bundling the brand new edition of Final Writer on the A600GS low cost hardware platform. Final Writer is popular and much loved Amiga word processor. A significant amount of hard work has gone into bringing this application back to our community to the credit of Timothy and his developers. New versions of Final Writer complementing OctaMED and Personal Paint represents the renewal of Amiga applications.â€

Timothy Deters, owner of Final Writer added: “I'm happy to have come to an agreement with AmigaKit to include Final Writer with their system. I’d like to thank the developers who worked on this project and have been instrumental to its completion."

The A600GS computer system is due for launch in the second quarter of 2024.

Additional Information about A600GS and it's components can be found on these websites:



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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 3-Jun-2024 2:16:47
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 30-Jun-2008
Posts: 1742
From: Melbourne, Australia

Nicely done.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 3-Jun-2024 6:39:48
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Feb-2003
Posts: 2530
From: Chicago, IL

This sounds like great news.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 4-Jun-2024 1:16:08
#3 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
Posts: 6370
From: S.Wales

Congratulation to Timothy and his developers for making a new version of Final Writer a reality.

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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 4-Jun-2024 22:45:16
#4 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 2-Dec-2003
Posts: 699
From: Sandy, Utah. USA

This is looking good. I'm thinking of buying two units now instead of one.

Sam460 : X1000 : X5000

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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 7-Jun-2024 23:45:30
#5 ]
Super Member
Joined: 24-Apr-2003
Posts: 1089
From: Unknown

This is turning into a very capable tiny machine...


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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 13-Jun-2024 20:10:26
#6 ]
AROS Core Developer
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 1477
From: Unknown

Thanks, it’s been a long bumpy road.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 15-Jun-2024 16:28:18
#7 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11294
From: Greensborough, Australia


Two units are better than one.

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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 19-Jun-2024 13:16:57
#8 ]
Joined: 4-Jul-2005
Posts: 55
From: Unknown

Nice one - Final Writer 7 on its way to the public.

I'm looking forward to buying the AmigaOS4 release of it

Last edited by graff on 19-Jun-2024 at 01:17 PM.

Thomas Graff Thøger

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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 24-Jun-2024 10:01:37
#9 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2005
Posts: 232
From: No (R) Way

Why only some photos of the icons ? How does the program look in 1920x1080, is the gui big enough ?

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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 29-Jun-2024 1:13:47
#10 ]
Joined: 14-Feb-2010
Posts: 98
From: Texas

*Deleted double post. See next comment. *

Last edited by davidf215 on 02-Jul-2024 at 02:09 AM.

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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 29-Jun-2024 1:22:14
#11 ]
Joined: 14-Feb-2010
Posts: 98
From: Texas

Why only some photos of the icons ? How does the program look in 1920x1080, is the gui big enough ?

If you click on the Press Release, the PDF has screenshots on page 2.

Anyone know what development tools will be on the A600GS? GCC, I presume? What Dev libraries? SDL1, SDL2, SDL_ttf, SDL_mixer, SDL_net? 3D APIs?

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Re: New Final Writer 7 Pre-Installed on A600GS
Posted on 2-Jul-2024 18:37:12
#12 ]
AROS Core Developer
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 1477
From: Unknown

I’ve used it in 4K lol would not recommend.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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