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News   News : Amiga Future is looking again for reinforcements
   posted by AndreasM on 9-Jun-2024 14:16:49 (814 reads)
Seeing as our printed edition of Amiga Future has now been published for over 25 years, we are at a point when we need to massively increase our editorial team for the magazine and also the home pages for our website.
The idea behind this is to relieve the workload on more of our entire team, to better distribute the load amongst all our editorial staff, and in so doing reduce the stress and workload on everyone involved, while at the same time further increasing the magazine's overall quality.

It is all in the hope that the next 25 years will be a little easier for everyone in the editorial team, and even better for our readers. :)


* News section

So, would you like to work on a print magazine for the Amiga that has been around for over 25 years?

If so, then just simply contact us by email:

Bear in mind that also (which should really go without saying):

* You should logically own an Amiga.
* Additionally you should also use it, in other words, you should have a user's knowledge of an Amiga.
* Your spelling, punctuation and grammar doesn't have to be perfect, but it has to be basically OK.
* Of course it would be much better if you have previously written reports and reviews already.
* Most importantly you should also have the time to spare, and lots of interest, in using your Amiga.


The news section of the Amiga Future webpage has grown significantly over recent years, which is still not all we hope to offer, as in the long term, our goal is that all the latest news about the Amiga can readily be found on the Amiga Future webpage. We don?t always have to be the first. We don?t need exclusive news either, but we do want to be able to offer more detailed news online.

Currently I'm mainly concerned with the news on our website. The problem is that I don't usually have the time to spare to add it, and as a result other tasks that are also very important sometimes may get temporarily overlooked or the news doesn't get added as quickly as needed.


Additionally we are eager to encourage new subscribers, yes more subscribers, lots more subscribers, as we definitely want to increase the number of pages we can offer our readers of the Amiga Future, as by increasing our magazine circulation we can also increase the magazine content. :)

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· News by AndreasM

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