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software OS4   software OS4 : Dir Me Up 4 released for AmigaOS 4.1
   posted by Glames on 27-Jul-2024 17:04:37 (533 reads)
Five years after its last update, the modern explorer for AmigaOS 4, Dir Me Up, is back in version 4... with more than 130 new features, optimizations and fixes! More than ever, it will be your faithful companion to explore, copy and transform your data.

Dir Me Up now has a new graphic theme, Retro, which smells of the original Workbench. The standard theme has been completely redesigned and redesigned accordingly. And of course, AISS aficionados will still be able to use it. The software is now also available in Portuguese, making it accessible in nine languages!

Dir Me Up now has a cache to store thumbnails in order to greatly speed up the display of photos, even in very high resolution (such as 4000x3000 for example). You can of course choose the reserved disk space, purge it or disable it if necessary. Other optimizations have been made to the icon view to make it even more pleasant to use. The internal viewer has also been extended with zoom or full-screen display options. As you can see, the visuals have greatly improved!

Copying has also been optimized, especially for small files: the gains observed range from 20 to 50%. The replacement confirmation window in the event of a conflict now allows you to replace a file only if it is more recent. Favorites management has been improved with the ability to give a personalized name to each location. The preferences window has been extended and redesigned.

The list of new features is far too long to mention them all here, but you can read an (almost) exhaustive list on our (new) dedicated page.

Dir Me Up is, of course, compatible with the brand-new A1222+ from A-EON Technology!

As usual, this update, free for all registered users, has been put online. To install it, just run Dir Me Up.

You can download a demo allowing (only) browsing
here or there.

Dir Me Up, enhance your Amiga!


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Dir Me Up 4 released for AmigaOS 4.1
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