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Miscellaneous News   Miscellaneous News : Help Make Amiga Great Again...
   posted by Hans on 22-Aug-2024 1:59:40 (757 reads)
I made a huge mistake when launching the Kea Campus: I was so focused on the "learn to code" side, that I forgot to explain why the Kea Campus' Amiga Corner exists.

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Re: Help Make Amiga Great Again...
Posted on 30-Aug-2024 12:34:57
#1 ]
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From: UK

Main focus here is OS4 related Software Development, which makes sense with your expertise & experience; also from what I gather at least some more modern tools are available for OS4 development compared to OS3.2/68K.

You may create more interest & the content be useful to a wider audience if you could bring in OS3.2 68K whenever possible. The easier & more help there is to produce software that will work on both architectures (where feasible) the better for Amiga in general. Note - I'm not a coder just sharing my simple user perspective as a fellow Amigan.

A2000+Supra28mhz+9mbRAM+OS3.2.2, CD32 & WinUAE

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Re: Help Make Amiga Great Again...
Posted on 31-Aug-2024 13:25:44
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Re: Help Make Amiga Great Again...
Posted on 31-Aug-2024 18:24:22
#3 ]
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Okay I think I get your point, but for Kea Campus, I still believe it could be a good move.

A2000+Supra28mhz+9mbRAM+OS3.2.2, CD32 & WinUAE

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Re: Help Make Amiga Great Again...
Posted on 2-Sep-2024 4:10:26
#4 ]
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Main focus here is OS4 related Software Development, which makes sense with your expertise & experience; also from what I gather at least some more modern tools are available for OS4 development compared to OS3.2/68K.

You may create more interest & the content be useful to a wider audience if you could bring in OS3.2 68K whenever possible. The easier & more help there is to produce software that will work on both architectures (where feasible) the better for Amiga in general. Note - I'm not a coder just sharing my simple user perspective as a fellow Amigan.

Thanks for the suggestion.

As nice as it would be to do both classic & NG, I only have the time to focus on the latest version of AmigaOS (i.e., 4.1).

That said, some videos will be useful for OS 3.x too. For example, I've linked to an AmigaOS 3 cross-compiler Docker container in the comments section of my previous video. I'll also be encouraging OS 4 devs to use _USE_INLINE_ so that they can use OS 3 style library calls, and potentially support both the old and the new OS.

Of course, if the Kea Campus' Amiga Corner had a large number of people (e.g., 500+) asking for OS 3.2 content...

Join the Kea Campus - upgrade your skills; support my work; enjoy the Amiga corner. - see more of my work

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Re: Help Make Amiga Great Again...
Posted on 3-Sep-2024 23:38:48
#5 ]
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Joined: 16-Oct-2009
Posts: 166
From: UK

As nice as it would be to do both classic & NG, I only have the time to focus on the latest version of AmigaOS (i.e., 4.1).

I totally get this, you can't realistically be expected to cover both comprehensively. Nice to hear your already bringing in at least some reference & direction regarding OS3.x .

Last edited by Tpod on 03-Sep-2024 at 11:40 PM.

A2000+Supra28mhz+9mbRAM+OS3.2.2, CD32 & WinUAE

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