posted by MagicSN on 17-Jan-2025 12:19:09 (471 reads)
There is now a Crowd Funder for a Warp3D.library (no official Warp3D Driver, a reimplementation like Wazp3D or like the Proof-of-Concept from Paraj) for PiStorm 4 (intended targets are PiStorm 4 and PiStorm CM4 which both use Videocore VI as GPU).
The developer, Dennis Boon, already has lots of information and example sources, and got the support of the PiStorm team in case he needs more PiStorm-specific info. The PiStorm team also supported the project with donated Hardware (PiStorm+Pi4).
Doing support for two different 3d chips at one time is too much for one project.
And of course the 3d chip of pi3 is very weak. We have one shot at this and so better not waste it on a chip were at the end it might come out it is too weak to make a difference.
Once it is a success on pi4 evaluation of a future project for pi3 might still be an option.
Admitted that my pistorm system got a pi4 also played A role ;)