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Software News : XADmaster (12.1) and XFD (39.15) released |
posted by _Steve_ on 17-Oct-2003 11:19:50 (1829 reads) |
Dirk Stoecker has released the latest updates for his archiving packages XFD and XAD master libraries.
New features include:
- Added new id-external made by Stuart replacing the idPAK external.
- Added PackDir client made by Stuart.
- Added Unreal client made by Stuart.
- Added new internal Crunch client. Thanks Ronald van Dijk for the necessary files.
- The AMOS client replaces the AmosSampleBank external.
- New version of xadUnDisk.
- Updated nearly all clients from Ronald van Dijk.
- Added CD-i client from Ronald van Dijk.
- Added CD-Image client from Ronald van Dijk.
- Added MasterBootRecord client from Ronald van Dijk.
- Added R.A.W. client from Ronald van Dijk.
- Added RigidDiskBlock client from Ronald van Dijk.
- Added Scout client from Ronald van Dijk.
- Added internal Arc CBM and Arc CBM SFX.
You can find the updates on Dirks website.
| STORYID: 926
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