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A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 8:12:03
# ]



Does anyone know how long we can expect an A1 running OS4 to take to boot up?

I've been out of the scene for a while, but what I do remember is that booting up and Amiga was no big deal. On Windozzze, it's like a monumentous journey every time!

I don't really want to waste an "Ask Fleecy" question on this, especially if it's already been covered.

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 8:38:11
#2 ]
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Joined: 22-Mar-2003
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From: Seattle, Washington (North Wet USA)

By what I read it can be like you remember it from the Commodore days. But keep in mind that the OS has a lot more to it these days. I am sure you could bugger it up to the point it takes forever to load if you want to.
Even with the classic OS you could patch it into oblivion and back to the point it took forever to load. Add a scsi chain for the system to wait on and it could take forever. All of 30 seconds sometimes.

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 9:29:33
# ]


At the MicroMart show at Birmingham, it was down to around 40 seconds from pressing the reset button to workbench being displayed.

There are still some things slowing this down, but the finished OS should be quite a lot faster.

This is my understanding from the public demos I have seen (ANT, MICROMART) :

1. Debug information being sent to the serial port
2. The IDE drivers are not complete yet so hard drive access not at full speed yet..

Once these issues are resolved, boot time should improve dramaticically.

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 9:30:28
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Hello, Sage, and welcome to AmigaWorld!

The first one's on me...


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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 10:31:54
#5 ]
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From: Italy

Yes Welcome to AW

OS4 shoud boot up very fast, we'll see


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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 10:38:49
#6 ]
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... also from me !

AmigaOS, the last hope...

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 12:10:35
#7 ]
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From: Gloucestershire UK


hmmm, Whens Onion joining, then we can really stuff the trolls

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 15:06:05
#8 ]
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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Hmmm... 40 seconds sounds much to me... I did not time it on my A1, but I think it should be more like 20 seconds or such (and I have a SCSI Controller with 3 devices in and the SCSI (this is before the OS 4 starts booting, only the UBoot) takes already at least 5 seconds to identify the SCSI Drives.

Maybe I should time it how long it really takes :)


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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 15:31:37
# ]



MagicSN wrote:
Hmmm... 40 seconds sounds much to me...
Maybe I should time it how long it really takes :)


Sounding better and better all the time

Don't forget to take into account that what I have seen are the alpha versions that are over a month old. Maybe you are using a more up to date version than that

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 16:20:02
#10 ]
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Sage wrote:
...booting up and Amiga was no big deal. On Windozzze, it's like a monumentous journey every time!

Must have been out of the Windows scene for a while too. Booting time on my WinXP Athlon 2100+ system is averages about 17 seconds. Sure, it's sad to see Microsoft take so long to get there but current WinXP Pro boot times on current hardware are quite snappy.

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 16:22:06
#11 ]
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Well, I tested now... it is 31 seconds (including loading the WB Background and all).

Final version will be faster though (my version of a1ide.device is very old still)


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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 16:25:44
#12 ]
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From: Essex, UK

@ BrianK

"Must have been out of the Windows scene for a while too. Booting time on my WinXP Athlon 2100+ system is averages about 17 seconds."

You may get a screen in 17 seconds (my wifes machine doesn't running XP Pro..... shudders!), but you can do f*ck all with it for about another 30 seconds!

SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card.

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 17:46:43
#13 ]
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17 seconds on an Athlon 2100+ equals about 1 minute on a P2-500, or 10 minutes on a Pentium-100.

How does this mean Microsoft has gotten anywhere, did you say?

It doesn't. Decreasing boot time by depending on more CPU power isn't a proper fix. It's cheating!

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 17:58:36
#14 ]
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From: Seattle, Washington (North Wet USA)


olegil wrote:
>cut snip<
It doesn't. Decreasing boot time by depending on more CPU power isn't a proper fix. It's cheating!

I would like to see boot times on comparable hardware configs. With and without the scsi host.

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 18:14:38
#15 ]
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From: Italy


MagicSN wrote:
Well, I tested now... it is 31 seconds (including loading the WB Background and all).

Final version will be faster though (my version of a1ide.device is very old still)


Very nice


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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 18:14:56
#16 ]
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From: Derbyshire, UK

I once had my 060/66 Amiga1200 with powerflyer booting in under 12 seconds. Hearing of OS4 booting in 40 seconds is very alarming. I remember boasting to my friend a while back that OS4 would boot like lightning. What reason did I have to think it wouldn't? If my amiga could boot in under 12 seconds then it should boot quicker on a computer several hundred times faster. Please don't let us down hyperion...

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 19:08:40
#17 ]
OS4 Core Developer
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I once had my 060/66 Amiga1200 with powerflyer booting in under 12 seconds.

Your Amiga 1200 doesn't go through a BIOS at startup, or tries to emulate an x86 bios. There is quite a difference between a cold and a warm reboot. Also take into account that the IDE device is still using PIO 0, and that PowerPC code is substantially larger than 68k code.

It also greatly depends on what you do in your startup-sequence. If you configure a network (which I do) this will take a few seconds already. All in all my machine reboots in about 15 seconds. It takes significantly longer to go through a cold start, though.

Also, how do you define "12 seconds to boot"? Until the workbench pops up for the first time, or when the workbench is fully loaded and the disk goes quiet?

If my amiga could boot in under 12 seconds then it should boot quicker on a computer several hundred times faster

All computers wait at the same speed. If you network card requires a two second delay to build up the connection, this is a two second delay regardless of computer speed.

If I cleansweep my startup sequence, booting goes much faster, but what for?

Please don't let us down hyperion...

If you consider boot times more important that functionality...

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 21:22:49
#18 ]
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I once had my 060/66 Amiga1200 with powerflyer booting in under 12 seconds.

Either I can't count or I am living in a time warp! My A1200 14.3MHz with 800K/sec IDE HD can boot in under 12 seconds! About 5 seconds power up of LED flashing and 7 seconds disk activity.


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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 6-Dec-2003 23:54:05
#19 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal

Just for the sake of it, let me just add that WinXP can take only between 3 to 5sec to boot if he goes to suspend mode (almost instant in AROS case :).
It's one of the things I would to see implemented on AmigaOS, suspend- to-ram.

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Re: A1 / OS4 Boot Time
Posted on 7-Dec-2003 0:21:35
#20 ]
Joined: 12-Mar-2003
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pixie, surely you mean "hibernate" where the contents of ram are save to the hard disk.

CnlPepper - Uses it frequently....

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