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Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 27-Jul-2004 16:21:18
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 686
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK | | |
| I've just setup a quick WiP page on my website to allow me to keep everyone up-to-date with my progress on the Instant Messenger application I'm writing.
Currently there are only a few screenshots running on OS4, but I hope to add to the features and progress reports as time, and progess, goes on.
Have a gander at The Snakepit - Epistula _________________ This fire is burnin' and it's out of control It's not a problem you can stop, It's rock n' roll - GN'F'N'R |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 27-Jul-2004 18:23:36
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 11-Mar-2003 Posts: 3005
From: Stockholm, Sweden | | |
| @Slash
It looks very nice! Good to see it progressing 
You don't need a beta-tester?  |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 27-Jul-2004 18:28:33
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Joined: 21-May-2004 Posts: 57
From: Sacramento, CA | | |
| @Slash
I'm curious, would Reaction support a GUI like the one you have developed here with MUI? |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 27-Jul-2004 18:33:01
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Super Member  |
Joined: 16-Jun-2003 Posts: 1503
From: Croatia | | |
| @Slash
Great...any planing for OS3? and what is whit ICQ plugin?? _________________ --
Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition
A1200 sandwich :)
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 27-Jul-2004 18:48:14
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 8-Jan-2003 Posts: 788
From: Stockholm, Sweden. | | |
| @Slash
Excellent work, i feel a lot more confident about IM on amiga when i see this. Keep the good work coming...
AMiGA  |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 27-Jul-2004 18:49:00
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From: going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. | | |
| @Slash
This looks interesting.
But I'll have to concur with VooDoo on this one, what about an ICQ plugin?
I'm currently using Jabberwocky for that, and it's the only thing I'm using it for. It works, and that's great. I'm able to connect and keep in touch with my friends. But it ain't Licq, which I was using on Linux and found to be a rather nifty little icq-client.
Granted, Jabberwocky's not an icq-client, it's a jabber-client with support for icq. And I appreciate the fact that it's available, otherwise I wouldn't be able to connect at all. But I don't use jabber, I don't use any of the other protocols, I'm not interested in those. Just ICQ, and preferably as advanced as possible.
So if your application along with an ICQ-plugin would provide a bit more funcionality than using a jabber-client, then I'd find it very, very interesting. I wouldn't mind giving it a go as soon as possible, so if you do indeed have ICQ-support in the works, a "pre-release" would be most welcome!  _________________
A1G4XE, OS4-pre |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 27-Jul-2004 20:00:56
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Joined: 8-Mar-2004 Posts: 1968
From: Taranto, Italy | | |
| @Slash
Great! This is very intersting! (even more interesting of my AMIShots )!
A date for a preview? _________________ |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 27-Jul-2004 23:06:47
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Super Member  |
Joined: 22-Nov-2003 Posts: 1962
From: Birmingham, England | | |
| @Slash
Looks nice so far Slash. Something I've always wanted to be able to do on JabberWocky is to have the ability of having individual protocols on or offline at my request. I know it's early days but could you look into the possibility of this?
eg. Having MSN online while AIM is offline.
In other news, how is Homer coming along on OS4? I haven't seen the Homer page for a while & I'm looking forward to him wandering around my Workbench bumping his head on low hanging windows & saying the obvious 
Keep up the good work!!!
FuZion. |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 28-Jul-2004 9:40:53
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 686
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK | | |
| I've just updated the Epistula website with a FAQ... hope that answers a few of your questions  _________________ This fire is burnin' and it's out of control It's not a problem you can stop, It's rock n' roll - GN'F'N'R |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 28-Jul-2004 11:31:31
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Amiga Developer Team  |
Joined: 1-Sep-2003 Posts: 2100
From: Czech Republic | | |
| @CharlesPickrell
would Reaction support a GUI like the one you have developed here with MUI? |
Looking at the screenshots I can't see any GUI feature ReAction isn't capable of._________________ The Rear Window blog
AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition SAM440ep-flex @ 667MHz / 1GB RAM / Radeon 9250 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 28-Jul-2004 13:25:40
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Super Member  |
Joined: 16-Jun-2003 Posts: 1503
From: Croatia | | |
| @Slash
ohh FAQ..great,great,.now you can upload fisrst beta to public :))) _________________ --
Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition
A1200 sandwich :)
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 30-Jul-2004 12:29:48
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 24-Feb-2004 Posts: 277
From: Coventry, Midlands, UK | | |
| @Slash hey there, great to see you developing. keep up the good work an all, but I have a question i'm not too sure, but it seems like epistula and jabberwocky are doing the same thing. any chance of some unity in development? could you guys club together and work on one program that does all the instant messaging things. in the past there were different web browsers and some did some things and others did other, but there wasn't one universal one that did everything you needed. i think the same could be said for email clients. i know it's great to have variety, but it would be nice to have a simple amiga world for the next generation of users where there was one program for each task (to start off with at least) that does all that it needs to do. i'm a fine one to talk as i dont even have a working amiga, but we need to build a strong platform and i think that unity and developers putting their heads together is the way. what do we think?
cheers niceguy1979 |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 30-Jul-2004 12:50:24
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 686
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK | | |
| @niceguy1979
i'm not too sure, but it seems like epistula and jabberwocky are doing the same thing |
Nah, they're not the same Jabberwocky has it's own servers which connect to the various other protocols, Epistula connects directly to these protocol, i.e. you don't need a Jabber account to use MSN or AOL, or ICQ.
I know where you're coming from but they're quite different, well as far as I'm concerned anyway._________________ This fire is burnin' and it's out of control It's not a problem you can stop, It's rock n' roll - GN'F'N'R |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 30-Jul-2004 13:45:12
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Joined: 24-Feb-2004 Posts: 277
From: Coventry, Midlands, UK | | |
| @Slash
cheers for clearing that one up. even so, would it still be a possibility to share ideas and work in unison to create programs that don't overlap?
it must be nice to know that your cause is something that others feel strongly for and want to solve too.
cheers niceguy1979 |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 30-Jul-2004 22:58:39
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Super Member  |
Joined: 22-Nov-2003 Posts: 1962
From: Birmingham, England | | |
| @Slash
I almost forgot to ask. Do you have plans to support file transfers? I have buddies on AIM that keep on pestering me to get a PC so they can transfer files to me (You don't wanna know how many times I've told them about e-mail, ftp, irc etc... But no, AIM is the ONLY way... Apparently).
FuZion. |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 30-Jul-2004 23:29:39
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 686
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK | | |
| @FuZion
That's the plan dude  _________________ This fire is burnin' and it's out of control It's not a problem you can stop, It's rock n' roll - GN'F'N'R |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 31-Jul-2004 7:32:07
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Joined: 21-Aug-2003 Posts: 123
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| @Slash
Add http(s) proxy support so I'm able to use it, and you've got a winner :)
-Kenneth Straarup. |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 1-Aug-2004 20:16:24
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Joined: 16-Jun-2003 Posts: 1503
From: Croatia | | |
| @Slash
When you planing upload fisrt demo version to public?:)) _________________ --
Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition
A1200 sandwich :)
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 23-Sep-2004 21:32:19
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 18-Aug-2003 Posts: 2740
From: Gloucestershire UK | | |
| @Slash
Or more to the point, when do us OS4 beta testers get a copy to play with? _________________ OS4 Rocks  X1000 beta tester, Sam440 Flex (733)
Visit the Official OS4 Support Site for more help.
It may be that your sole purpose is to serve as a warning to others. |
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Re: Epistula WiP - New Multi Protocol Instant Messenger Posted on 23-Sep-2004 21:53:31
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Super Member  |
Joined: 25-May-2003 Posts: 1369
From: EU | | |
| @Slash Wow cool!
Great work.
Webcam functions would be cool to and something I saw on another chat program: a world map which shows the location and the picture of the buddies you're talking to. (3D with poping up pictures would be cool)
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