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A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 18:19:51
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Nov-2004
Posts: 8554

Ok, so I was taking a break the other night. Regardless of some claiming the PS3 is in stock 'everywhere,' that hasn't been the case. Wal-mart is still forcing bundles, BestBuy doesn't have any etc, but....Circuit City locally showed all their local stores have them on hand. Went back and forth a bit, as I'm not a huge fan of 'first rev' products, but then again, I also still have my original rev1 PS2, zero I bit the bullet on the way home yesterday, and strapped a new 60GB PS3 on my motorcycle to take it home

It was amusing in a way- the PS3 had the lamest display at CC- no consoles were behind glass cabinets, no indication whatsoever they had them in stock, and the games case basically had some stacked games in total disarray, not easy to see what was there at all. It looks like CC really doesn't want to even sell it...weird. The guy said they really aren't moving, while people are buying the Wii like mad. Sony really needs to buy themselves some exclusives, and get some momentum going here is my initial impression overall here...but they may have some time yet. They no longer are giving away that horrible NASCAR movie (Will Ferrell) with the consoles, nor not on mine, anyways...which isn't a real loss, as it's QUITE bad...not really a way to show BluRay 'shine' very well anyways...

Initial thoughts:
No component nor HDMI cable. Beyond lame. More amusingly, Circuit City only sells Monster cables. Nice cables, insanely overpriced. turns out the PS3 can use the Multi-AV cables from the PS2, which are 'generic' component cables with the Sony connector on one end, cost me $20 and work great. Too bad Monster, those $$$ are going back. Sony -1 for no cables included, +1 for at least allowing previous PS2 customers to use their component cables again...

Single controller comes with it, and a second one is woefully overpriced, but they are for other consoles too. Ok. Another $50. The controller that comes with it uses a USB to mini USB connector setup, which likely costs Sony about a buck to make...yet for some reason, the cable is only 4 feet. WTF? When in standby mode, the PS3 also shuts off it's USB ports, so no charging that way. Solution- another $20 for a wall USB charger, that comes with cables. Good thing, as Sony's additional $50 controller doesn't even come with a cable, either.

The main interface isn't bad. It uses the same scheme as most cell phones do nowadays for text entry, and has a list on the right of predictive/possible completions, which works fairly well. Registering for PS Network was pretty painless, BUT it required me to download the PS3 firmware update before I could go online with it. Ok, figured no big deal, I knew an update was out there already....but wait. THIRTY MINUTES downloading!!! During which you can do, absolutely NOTHING with your $$$ PS3. NOT a nice user experience there by any means. Downloading the GTHD demo and downloads overall seem to be _painfully_ slow, at least on wireless. The same wireless that I routinely use to VPN in to work, and download huge Java apps for development, that works fine bandwidth-wise, lest someone say, 'oh, maybe you have a slow connection.' Nope, I don't. Come on Sony, welcome to the 20th century (yeah, not even 21st), download managers and mutl-tasking are good, painful downloads during which nothing else can be done, is insane. At least background download the PS3 updates for a start...grr.

Controller setup works well, and once you pair your controller with the PS3 via a one-time cable connection (you set the ID of it, the console can currently accept 7 controllers), the wireless works well, or I assume it's bluetooth to be more precise. The batteries _appear_ to be non-replaceable...they had BETTER last a while, or I'll be opening one up before shelling out $50 a year or so per controller as their batteries die....yes, you should still be able to use them wired then, but...we'll see what happens with that.

System build quality:
Without opening it up, I can say it seems like it's built solidly. no cheap plastic, the touch power is a nice touch that hopefully won't have issues over time, and you can rotate the PS logo in case you want to stand it on end and have the logo in the 'right' orientation. I wish they'd spent time on their download scheme over little bits like this, but realistically it's from different groups (hw and sw), and these are a nice touch. 4 USB ports up front, wireless networking worked without a hitch to get connected...overall, it's kinda big, but it's nice, and not out of place in my component rack.

And it is VERY quiet. You can't tell the difference when the disc is spnning or not and no noises from the HD, sitting 4 feet away from it.

Ok, so I bought Resistance, and an RPG, will update on that one later.
Resistance: Fall of Man.
Playing on my Sanyo Z4 720p projector, on a 106" screen. Audio run through a JVC receiver to a nice 5.1 setup with 14" subwoofer. Oh can only do 2.1 without optical...whee. Will connect that later, but...??!?

The game isn't bad. Graphics are pretty good, but nothing amazing. HalfLife2 is a better game in pretty much all categories- gfx, gameplay, non-linearness. The story is pretty good as you play over time, although the initial premise is lame/not explained well. The game is VERY linear, in that in nearly all campaign games, the game practically directs you to the end- no way to really take false paths, nor to complete each in a different way or order. I don't particularly like that overly much. Also, you can destroy _some_ things (crates, some barriers), but not many...again, I think HL2 spoiled me there, with more 'immersion' in the environment.

Having said that, it's not a bad game. The Chimera creatures are fairly varied, some you need to use special weapons on to kill, and a few are reminiscent of the head-suckers from Half-Life, making you shake the 6 axis controller to get free...and the 'mood' in some places is pretty scary when these things manage to attach themselves to you.

And yeah, the levels load slowly. Not amazingly painfully, but around 15-30 seconds before you can press start to being the next level. Should be improved, preferably by copying the next level over to HD in the background while each level is played, then deleting it after use, or allowing a HD install option. I expect it will get better via some means over time, and it's not terrible, at least with Resistance.

I haven't played online yet, so no feedback there. Browsing the PS Store is reasonably easy and well done, aside from the insane 'wait forever' downloads. To give an idea, downloading GTHD Demo, started 25 minutes ago, it's now at 37%...hope I don't want to play a game in the next hour or so...

Overall, it's OK. I hope Resistance isn't indicative of gfx quality, as while _some_ scenes and effects are quite nice, overall it doesn't give the impression of being at/near current reasonable PC game levels yet. But, it IS a launch title after all as well, so I certainly expect things to get better.

I still miss rumble. And the lack of scaler is still annoying me, not so much for PS3 games, but to scale up my PS2 games.

Summary of experience so far:
Hardware/fit/finish/perceived quality etc: 8
Out of box experience/ease of setup: 8.5 (would be higher if they gave you cables) Pretty easy.
åResistance: 7.5
Overall satisfaction level: Too soon to tell. Fix the download issues/background and resumable, fix the networking speed (may well be PS service or their drivers), get some exclusive _good_ games out there, scale PS2 games to 720p, and at least get force feedback for racing games, and I expect to be pretty happy with it in the long run.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 18:35:10
#2 ]
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Joined: 29-Nov-2004
Posts: 8554

@wegster least with Resistance, no noticable frame/gfx stutters.
GT HD demo dl now at 62%...*yawn*

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 18:40:06
#3 ]
Team Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Stockholm (Sweden)


* Can't you install/partially install Resistance:FoM for faster load times? I thought I read that someplace.

* Planning on doing the full dork monty ;) with it and install Linux on it?

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:08:43
#4 ]
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Joined: 12-Jan-2004
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From: Larisa, Greece


When PS2 drops to about... hmmm, 50 Euros?, I may be tempted to buy one...

And may the AmigaGuide you!

AmigaOne G3-SE, OS4 Final (July 2007 update), Debian Sarge, 512 MB RAM, 20 + 80 GB hard disks, NEC 3540 DVD writer, LG DVD reader, Radeon 9250, SB Live, Intracom Netfaster router, PCI USB card (NEC - OHCI/EHCI)

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:11:36
#5 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2003
Posts: 6487
From: Europe


No component nor HDMI cable

Get a 3rd party HDMI cable, they have been selling for about 10 dollar. Well worth it.

Audio run through a JVC receiver to a nice 5.1 setup with 14" subwoofer.

If you can afford it, Resistance supports 7.1 PCM Uncompressed.

"And then came Resistance, being played via optical out on 5.1 sound. It sounded great, sure...nothing I’d call mindblowing, but a nice audio experience. It wasn’t until I got HDMI audio and 7.1 speakers that I was really blown away."

"Next gen sound is here...and it nearly snuck right past me, as it did many of you I'm sure. If you have the money, go uncompressed and go 7.1. You won't be disappointed."

"Guns sound more throaty and powerful with HDMI; shotgun blasts sound painful, as do sniper rounds to the skull (get close enough and you can hear that blood tearing out of the skin...yah!) But you haven’t heard anything till you fire the, I have never heard a gun this painful to listen to before. When you fire it up, it sounds exactly like fifty thousand needles being fired at high velocity to a chalkboard at the same time. You will want to cover your ears when firing this’s that loud, and that awesome.

The sounds of the enemies and friends alike are also unique and vital to the gameplay, if for just one sound effect that remains constant yet changing on the environment: the footsteps. You can clearly hear your fellow soldiers walk on the sand or gravel as the rocks make a squish sound beneath their feet. But the Chimera...that’s a whole different experience."

Having said that, it's not a bad game

Half-Life 2 is great, but IMO give Resistance a chance to prove itself from start to finish, the game actually improves a lot along the way. I look forward to reading you full impressions when you finish this beast. You can use an ordinary Bluetooth enabled cellphone mic/headset for communicating online.

Last edited by MikeB on 13-Jan-2007 at 07:14 PM.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:12:46
#6 ]
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Posts: 8554

ok, finally finished downloading. Yay.

Don't think it can be installed to HD currently.

Yeah, I'll put Linux on it at some point...

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:20:48
#7 ]
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Posts: 8554

My reciever can do 7.1, but in real world there generally isn't all that much difference between 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1, or hasn't been to date. I may get a hmm, forget the name, 'dispersion speaker' sits flat to wall, no back vents, and do a 6.1 setup versus 7.1 at some point in the future.

Yeah, I know about third party cables, all my Home theatre setup is on 'non-Monster' cables, as well as my now PS3 component cable set, cost me nearly nothing. HDMI cable is nice for including sound with it, but I haven't seen much real difference vs decent component cables. People can, and do, argue about that one all day long

How many missions are there? I'm past 'Common Ground,' I expect a fair amount into it.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:24:57
#8 ]
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Adding to Resistance. The weapons are decent, multiple types of grenades, and the enemy uses different types of mines, which are pretty cool, if particularly annoying on at least one mission.

Looked for reviews on 'Dark Kingdoms,' as I haven't opened it yet. Ok, THAT is going back...don't want another shooter right now (Call of Duty), and it seems the car battle game also blows..grr. Looks like I'll exchange it for Marvel heroes then, unless someone has a recommendation for a GOOD game on PS3?

On the controllers- they work well. Once paired with the system, you press the PlayStation button and they re-pair/mate to the console, no problems.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:26:46
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2003
Posts: 6487
From: Europe


Well if you have the equipment already:

I gotta say, after going 7.1 it’s hard going back to plain ol’ 5.1...

BTW Resistance will not drop frames from start to finish, impressive especially when you digged some deeper into the game, drove around in vehicles, battled some bosses and such.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:27:52
# ]



Glad you're happy with it. The big thread aside, I think they've done a good job this time round. The price is just what it is. The controller and up-scaling is a bit disappointing, but I'm impressed they managed to make it run quiet. It all bodes well for cross-platform games - I can't wait for GTA 4.

Background loading didn't bother me much before it was fixed on 360, but I tend to just buy a magazine with all the demos on (and then not get round to playing them!) The Wii setup process is also very long-winded, requiring personal details and then a long download time.

Are the prices of second-hand PS2s dropping in America now the PS3 is out?


Last edited by clebin on 13-Jan-2007 at 07:29 PM.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:34:51
#11 ]
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Posts: 8554

You can find a quote for nearly anything, but with that, you have to be wary of the source. Many people will try to 'justify' their purchases after spending a fair amount of $$, while few movies make a significant difference between 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1. Games have a bit more leeway there,in that some DO make use of the extra channels if available. But, we'll see, if a good speaker deal hits me, I might.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:38:21
#12 ]
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Posts: 8554

Ok, another annoyance. The PS store, where you download demos and some paid content from, doesn't seem to let you go 'back' one level. Even hitting the 'Title Top' or 'Store Top' links brings up a dialog for 'Are you sure you want to leave the store?' I'm sure there's a way to do it, but...WTF?

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:41:37
#13 ]
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Joined: 3-Mar-2003
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From: Europe


If you like fighting games you can get Tekken 5 from the Hong Kong store, GripShift for 9,99$ is a good game according to Trezzer if you like that sort of game, I can PM you some details on how to do this, if you want. Fight Night Round 3 received good reviews.

There's a small gap until February when the big names start to be released. The US launch mostly received some quick XBox 360 ports which are mostly about 'on par'. From February on we will start to see more PS3 specific games.

Incomplete US/EU (Japan games excluded) list with dozens of PS3 exclusives:

2K Games/Take-Two/Rockstar
● The Bigs ~TBD, 2007~
● College Hoops 2K7 ~Visual Concepts, Jan. 2007~
● The Darkness ~Starbreeze, 2007~
● Grand Theft Auto 4 ~Rockstar North, Q4 2007~
● L.A Noire ~Team Bondi, TBA~
● Major League Baseball 2K7 ~Visual Concepts, Q2 2007~
● Red Dead Revolver 2 ~Rockstar North, TBA~

● Spider-Man 3 ~Treyarch, May 2007~

● Alone in the Dark 5 ~Eden Studios, TBA~

● Shin Megami Tensei ~Atlus R&D1, TBA~

● The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ~In-house, Feb. 2007~

Beuna Vista
● Turok ~Propaganda, TBA~

● Devil May Cry 4 ~Capcom Studio 1, Q4 2007~
● Monster Hunter 3 ~Capcom Studio 1, 2008~
● Resident Evil 5 ~Capcom Studio 4, Q4 2007~

● DIRT: Colin McRae Off-Road ~In-house, 2007~
● Fall of Liberty ~Spark Unlimited, 2007~

D3 Publisher
● Dark Sector ~Digital Extremes, TBA~

● Age of Conan ~Funcom, 2007~
● Untitled ~Action~ ~TBD, TBA~

Electronic Arts
● Army of Two ~EA Montreal, 2007~
● Battlefield: Bad Company ~DICE, 2007~
● Burnout 5 ~Criterion, Mar. 2007~
● Def Jam: Icon ~EA Chicago, Q2 2007~
● Half Life 2: Complete Pack ~Valve/EA, Q3 2007~
● Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ~TBD, Q2 2007~
● Lord of the Rings: The White Council ~EA Redwood Shores, Q4 2007~
● Medal of Honor: Airborne ~EALA, Q2 2007~
● NBA Street Homecourt ~EA Canada, Q2 2007~
● SKATE ~EA Black Box, 2007~

● Blade Storm: Hundred Years War ~Omega Force, Mar. 2007~
● Fatal Inertia ~Koei Canada, Mar. 2007~
● Ni-Oh ~In-house, 2007~

● Bomberman ~Hudson, TBA~
● Hellboy ~Krome Studios, TBA~
● Pro Yakyu Spirits 4 ~Pawapuro, 2007~
● Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots ~Kojima Productions, Q4 2007~
● Rengoku: The End of the Century ~Hudson, TBA~
● Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 ~KCET, Q2 2007~
● Untitled ~RPG~ ~Hudson, TBA~

● Indiana Jones 2007 ~In-house, 2007~

● Area-51: Blacksite ~TBD, 2007~
● Stranglehold ~Midway Studios Chicago, Q1 2007~
● TNA iMPACT! ~Midway Studios LA, 2007~
● Unreal Tournament 2007 ~Epic, 2007~
● The Wheelman ~Tigon, TBA~

Namco Bandai
● Gundam Musou ~Omega Force, Mar. 1~
● Tekken 6 ~In-house, 2008~
● Untitled ~Anime Project~ ~TBD, TBA~
● Untitled ~RPG~ ~TBD, TBA~
● Untitled ~Shooter~ ~TBD, TBA~
● Untitled ~Sports~ ~TBD, TBA~

Nippon Ichi Software
● Makai Wars ~In-house, TBA~

Sega Sammy
● Armored Core 4 ~From Software, Mar. 2007~
● The Club ~Bizarre Creations, TBA~
● Fifth Phantom Saga ~Sonic Team, TBA~
● Golden Axe ~Secret Level, TBA~
● Guilty Gear BB ~Arc System Works, TBA~
● Sega Rally Revo ~Sega Racing Studio, TBA~
● Sonic the Hedgehog ~Sonic Team, Jan. 2007~
● Virtua Fighter 5 ~AM2, Feb. 2007~
● Virtua Tennis 3 ~AM3/AM2, Mar. 2007~
● World Snooker Championship 2007 ~Blade Interactive, TBA~
● Untitled ~Alien RPG~ ~Obsidian, TBA~
● Untitled ~Alien FPS~ ~Gearbox, TBA~

Sony Computer Entertainment
● Afrika ~Rhino Studios, 2007~
● Angel Rings ~Japan Studio, TBA~
● Ape Escape 4 ~Japan Studio, TBA~
● Calling All Cars ~Incognito, Q1 2007~ (PSN)
● Eight Days ~London Studio, TBA~
● The Eye of Judgment ~Japan Studio, Q1 2007~
● flOw ~thatgamecompany, Jan. 2007~ (PSN)
● Formula One CE ~Studio Liverpool, Mar. 2007~
● Getaway ~Team Soho, TBA~
● Go! Swizzleblock ~TBD, TBA~ (PSN)
● Gran Turismo 5 ~Polyphony Digital, 2008~
● Gretzky NHL '07 ~Page 44, TBA~
● Heavenly Sword ~Ninja Theory, Q1 2007~
● Hot Shots Golf 5 ~Clap Hanz, Q2 2007~
● Killzone ~Guerrilla, 2008~
● Lair ~Factor 5, Q2 2007~
● MLB '07 ~SCE San Diego, 2007~
● Monster Kingdom: Unknown Realms ~Game Republic, 2007~
● Motorstorm ~Evolution, Feb. 2007~
● My Summer Vacation 3 ~Japan Studio, Q2 2007~
● Ratchet & Clank: Next ~Insomniac, TBA~
● SingStar ~London Studio, Q1 2007~
● Siren ~Japan Studio, TBA~
● Warhawk ~Incognito, Q2 2007~
● White Knight Story ~Level-5, Q4 2007~
● World Tour Soccer '07 ~London Studio, TBA~
● Untitled ~TBA~ ~Factor 5, TBA~ (PSN)
● Untitled ~TBA~ ~Factor 5, TBA~ (PSN)
● Untitled ~Action~ ~Media Molecule, TBA~
● Untitled ~Adventure~ ~Naughty Dog, 2007~
● Untitled ~TBA~ ~thatgamecompany, TBA~ (PSN)
● Untitled ~TBA~ ~thatgamecompany, TBA~ (PSN)

Sony Online Entertainment
● Untitled ~MMORPG~ ~Austin Studio, TBA~

SouthPeak Interactive
● Monster Madness ~Artificial, Q1 2007~

Square Enix
● Densha de GO! Online ~Taito, TBA~
● Extreme ~Taito, TBA~
● Final Fantasy XIII ~PDD1, 2007~
● Final Fantasy Versus XIII ~PDD1, 2008~
● Project Psychic ~Taito, TBA~
● Untitled ~MMORPG~ ~PDD3, TBA~

● Frontlines: Fuel of War ~Kaos, TBA~
● Stuntman 2 ~Paradigm, TBA~
● WWE Smackdown! vs. Raw 2008 ~Yuke's, Q4 2007~

● Ninja Gaiden: Sigma ~Team Ninja, 2007~
● Untitled ~Action-Adventure~ ~TBD, TBA~

● Assassin's Creed ~Ubisoft Montreal, Q3 2007~
● Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway ~Gearbox, 2007~
● Driver 5 ~Reflections, TBA~
● Haze ~Free Radical, TBA~
● Rayman Raving Rabbids ~Studio ANCEL, TBA~
● Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 ~Ubisoft Montreal, Q1 2007~
● Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas ~Ubisoft Montreal, Jan. 2007~
● Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent ~Ubisoft Montreal, Mar. 2007~

● F.E.A.R ~Day 1/Monolith, Feb. 2007~
● Heat ~Gearbox, TBA~

● Dirty Harry ~The Collective, TBA~

● 2 Days to Vegas ~Steel Monkey, TBA~
● Beowulf ~4HEAD Studios, TBA~
● Heavy Rain ~Quantic Dream, 2008~
● Infraworld ~Quantic Dream, TBA~
● Interstellar Marines ~Zero Point, TBA~
● Mercenaries 2: World of Flames ~Pandemic, TBA~
● Omikron KARMA ~Quantic Dream, TBA~
● The Outsider ~Frontier, TBA~
● Possession ~Blitz Games, TBA~
● Redwood Falls ~Kuju, TBA~
● WarDevil: Enigma ~Digi-Guys, TBA~
● Wheel of Fortune ~TBD, TBA~ (PSN)
● X Quest ~Spectrum MediaWrks, TBA~

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:45:27
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More spam... I'm outta here.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 19:46:38
#15 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2003
Posts: 6487
From: Europe


The PS store, where you download demos and some paid content from, doesn't seem to let you go 'back' one level. Even hitting the 'Title Top' or 'Store Top' links brings up a dialog for 'Are you sure you want to leave the store?' I'm sure there's a way to do it, but...WTF?

The store currently functions like a website, it's best navigated with mouse and keyboard just like the PS3 webbrowser. Sony is planning to add XMB multitasking for the European launch (ingame XMB, simultaneous downloading, etc). Probably they will improve the store and webbrowsing in time for the European launch.

BTW, the XBox 360 also needed to be updated for multitasking.

@ clebin

More spam... I'm outta here.

Why speak if you have nothing of true value to add?

Last edited by MikeB on 13-Jan-2007 at 08:37 PM.
Last edited by MikeB on 13-Jan-2007 at 07:59 PM.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 22:16:26
#16 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 21-Apr-2003
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From: Fargo, ND, USA


Playing on my Sanyo Z4 720p projector, on a 106" screen. Audio run through a JVC receiver to a nice 5.1 setup with 14" subwoofer. Oh can only do 2.1 without optical...whee. Will connect that later, but...??!?

That's awfully... decadent Where do you find 14in subwoofers though??

I think the PS3 will do marginally well, but the Wii obviously is going to retake the market, with the Xbox 360 doing fairly well because it's a darling amongst developers.

Blu-Ray? Great technology. Will it win the format war? Of course not. Sony just can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that companies simply will not pay their exorborant licensing fees. Betamax? Mini-disc/ATRAC? Blu-Ray.

...wait... what?

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 23:07:03
#17 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2003
Posts: 8111
From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Where do you find 14in subwoofers though??
Here is a nice 15".

Here's the address you need.
1443 MAIN AVE.
Phone: 701-280-2272

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 13-Jan-2007 23:25:18
#18 ]
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MikeB wrote:

@ clebin

More spam... I'm outta here.

Why speak if you have nothing of true value to add?

Same question, straight back at you.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 0:16:19
#19 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Nov-2004
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That's awfully... decadent Where do you find 14in subwoofers though??

Actually, it's not. The projector was expensive, but I'll keep it until 1080p DLP becomes 2k or less, and I got a killer deal on it. The rest is basically 'best of the budget hardware,' stuff that people who spent 5-10k on 'top end' a few years back say, 'sounds good' today. The sub was around $150, and I bought all the speakers on sale for around $100 each. The receiver is a JVC 402S- mid-range, and digital amp, DVD player is an 'Oppo Digital.' It all adds up, but for ~1k, I have something significiantly better than the 'packaged home theatre' setups, won't have 'buyers remorse' or want to upgrade everything in a few months, and no part of it (besides the projector itself) really breaks the bank, and I can do HDMI or component input switching as well, which was quite difficult to find at the time (I put it together a year ago or so). If you really are looking for a sub, let me know and I'll dig up where I bought it from. (online, was a good deal as well...) I put a LOT of time/thought into my HT setup, and am pretty happy with it overall.

Yeah, Sony really needs to realize they're in for a fight with the format, and make it open or very minimal licensing, or they'll lose another, although I hope they don't, mainly b/c MS is backing HD-DVD.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 0:20:14
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Joined: 29-Nov-2004
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Heh, (big list snipped), I actually meant a game available NOW that's decent. Fight Night looks OK, but not sure I want it. I'll probably download Lemmings for a few $. Was hoping for a type of game that either really grabs me, or one that my girlfriend may be convinced to play...

I downloaded the GT HD 1.1 demo. Hate it without a wheel for controls. Overall- so-so. The corwd moves, but doesn't react to the car, including when it tries to run into them. There were settings in the game for many (like 6) Logitech wheels, didn't see anything to enable or disable force feedback, still crossing fingers there.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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