Kewl.Like the Blue & Red Globes ... Perhaps you could do one where the globes overlap slightly to create a Purple crescent ?( In light of recent events)
_________________******************************************I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it ******************************************
I tried that, and then decided it just needed it's own backdrop.... Will this one do:
Oops.. didn't mean for this one to bump back to the top... The old copy looked odd as it was very jagged looking... The original never looked like that, so I uploaded another copy of it. This one looks smooth like it should.
mmmm....photoshop gradients and layer filters...has anyone tried to do this with art effect?
Simple, clean with nice gradients of smooth colors. This is a keeper! Terrific job there!
_________________If you're going through hell, keep going. -Winston Churchill
A great wallpaper. Very artistic m y friend.
_________________---------AmigaClyde µA1-C 750GX@800 using OS4.1
Great wallpaper. Very artistic an Amigaish too.Looks like a more polished Amiga 500 graphic.
_________________AMIGA 500 1.5 MB ACA500/ACA1232 acceleratorsAMIGA 500 GermanCD32 unexpandedAmiga 1200 Tower on AmigaKit since yearsAMIGA 1300 030/50 Mhz/32 MB WB 3.9 with lots of games&demosAMIGA ONE XE G3 PPC 800 Mhz/1 GB RAM/RADEON 9250 128 MB/SATA CONTROLLER