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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 0:16:13
#81 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11606
From: In the village


I'll have to miss the feed from the banquet, it's already late here. Hopefully it will be available for download soon.

Another full day tomorrow.
And there will be written reports to follow.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 0:39:55
#82 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 9-Dec-2003
Posts: 130
From: Norway


Late here in Norway to, but lucky me is at work so i get to see it
07 CET before my night is over, that would be like 10 pm at amiwest so
keep the stream flowing

Edti: And bad luck for me, stream went down
Edit again: But the soundstream was ok, but then the sound volume went down a bit
so i turned it up, and then it went down even more.. and i got frustrated because i could only here the applaude *sigh*

WOOOOOOW... and suddenly the sound BOOSTED... is there a drunken man behind
the control ? :P

Last edited by Fraggel on 24-Oct-2010 at 03:38 AM.
Last edited by Fraggel on 24-Oct-2010 at 02:32 AM.

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 1:15:47
#83 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2586


Additional Amiwest photos added to our website. We are off to the Banquet shortly...

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 1:38:48
#84 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 24-Jul-2005
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From: Sacramento, CA, USA

I won't be attending the banquet, but here's a quick recap (in my own words) of today's events. Re: the webcasts, I think the hotel's Internet link was down for most of the morning.

Trevor Dickinson
Self-described enthusiast. Businessman, yes, but organized A-Eon as a hobby/pet project because he loves the Amiga platform. I have a much better appreciation of Trevor and A-Eon after meeting him briefly last night and hearing him speak this morning. Easy going. Good sense of humor. Very likable guy. Plus, we have the same name. +1

Ben Hermans
The suit. Trevor stepped aside to let Ben fill in the technical details. Improvements to the AmigaOS printing subsystem a priority, as it ties into the improvements in the graphics subsystem. (In most environments, they're either one and the same or not very far removed from each other.) Supporting multiple cores a priority. Used the terms supervisor and hypervisor. (That implies to me an old-school approach, in which multiple kernels run under virtual machines and communicate via IPC. That approach is entering the mainstream again as the overhead of supporting SMP on many-core systems shows its age.) Said to keep on eye on the Freescale site for new developments in PowerPC technology. He mentioned a couple new processors in passing, which I suspect will be misinterpreted as announcing future support for those processors.

Both Trevor and Ben touched on the lawsuit. In a nutshell, it dragged things down for two years. !@#$ Amiga, Inc. -1 Wait, they're now officially the company that may not be named.

Carl Sassenrath
Many thanks to his wife Cindy for bringing him and urging him to clean out the basement. He led a group rummage through his old computer junk box. Some of the stuff was pretty nifty. He brought along his original Amiga prototype, an AA3000 (yes, AA) prototype, a CD32 prototype, and a CD interface wire-wrapped to an A590 for CDTV testing. Also had a CDTV-CR--Trevor Dickinson raised his hand as owning one; instant geek cred--a few new-in-box CDTVs, CDTV Professional kit, and lots of other goodies to share. Fun discussion about Amiga and the hardware he brought along. The second hour covered Rebol and Carl's design philosophy. I agree with him. EDIT: Also, everything Carl brought was for sale. I think some or all of the prototypes will eventually end up in Computer History Museum in San Jose. Excellent. I picked up a copy of Guru's Guide to the Amiga, Mediation #1, Interrupts, personalized by Carl. Awesome keepsake, and I really wanted a copy of that guide! Score.

Dale Luck
Dale popped in! Pretty cool. He fielded ad hoc questions from Carl as they reminisced.

Hoping Dale will be there tomorrow, too. Going to bring back something from my A500 kit--or maybe the A500 itself--to get signed by both of them.

Steven Solie
Steven gave a quick overview of his new modern Amiga programming site and briefly touched on differences between AmigaOS 4.x and previous versions.

EDIT: Also, got an over-the-shoulder peak at Jens's new A600 accelerator (68030, 32MB, RTC). Awesome.

EDIT: Carl likes small hardware (most impressed by classic dongle-style hardware); overheard him showing interest in the Minimig.

Last edited by Trev on 24-Oct-2010 at 02:16 AM.
Last edited by Trev on 24-Oct-2010 at 02:15 AM.
Last edited by Trev on 24-Oct-2010 at 01:43 AM.
Last edited by Trev on 24-Oct-2010 at 01:42 AM.

Sam440ep-flex 733 MHz/1 GB RAM/Radeon 9250/AmigaOS4.1 Update 2
borked A1200/Blizzard1260+SCSI-IV/Z4+MediatorZIV/Deneb/Voodoo3/CatweaselMk3
more borked A1200/MBX1200z/Indivision

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 2:47:54
#85 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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From: N-Space


Thanks for the update! Wish I was there...

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 3:50:13
#86 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Banquet streaming now available at NEW address:


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 5:33:02
#87 ]
Elite Member
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From: In the village


Post deleted. Schedule changed.


Last edited by number6 on 24-Oct-2010 at 04:48 PM.
Last edited by number6 on 24-Oct-2010 at 06:21 AM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 6:53:51
#88 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
Posts: 2090
From: Czech Republic


Looks like a great event so far! What I REALLY missed at the VCF in Bletchley earlier this year was the speeches. They really make attenting Amiga shows much more worthwhile.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
SAM440ep-flex @ 667MHz / 1GB RAM / Radeon 9250 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 7:55:43
#89 ]
Elite Member
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From: Unknown


From your Amiwest log:

[21:00] Ben Hermans announces at banquet that AmigaKit will distribute the forthcoming AmigaOS 4.1 for Classic Amiga complete with ZorRAM support.

News of the day! (At least for some of us...)

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 7:58:08
#90 ]
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Joined: 20-Apr-2003
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From: Mexico City, MEXICO


For those looking for news, Ben Hermans confirmed the forthcoming release of AmigaOS4.1 for PPC-equipped "classic" Amigas before the end of this year.

He didn't mention if it's going to include all the features that the current version for the "next gen" machines have nor he said about an exact release date. Apparently, it will support the Zorram Zorro III memory board for the Amiga 3000/4000 so it will take advantage of this extra ram if available.

Great news for those who still run AmigaOS4.0 on their "classics".

One more thing though not official news, it seems they are working on an update for AmigaOS4.1, Steven Solie had a developer version of AmigaOS4.1 running on his SAM 460EX machine and I noticed an "update" icon in the OS prefs drawer which suggests amiupdate has been integrated into the OS, I also noticed some new options in the workbench prefs and wbpattern prefs application, something to do with icon chaching... good news, you will be able to change that horrible background color of the workbench screen (gray) to say, black and put a backdrop picture over it. (I tested this myself(!), so these new features suggest that the release of OS4.1 for the classics will include them and they will probably be part of a new update for OS4.1 (update3?) which is currently available for the so called "next gen" machines.

Oh, one more thing... our good friends, the Frieden Bros. brought the X1000 (serial # 1 LOL!), one interesting thing I saw in it was a shell window with scrollbar and tabs, let's hope all these new features are included in a new update soon!



Powerbook G4 1139/MOS 3.9/OSX 10.5.8. Pegasos II 2B5 Mobo. 2 GB RAM. 400 GB x 2 GB ATA HD, USB 2.0 PCI. SoundBlaster Audigy 2ZS Gold. Quad boot: AmigaOS 4.1 FInal Edition, MorphOS 3.9 regged, Debian Lenny PPC, OpenSUSE 11.1. Rockin'

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 8:01:24
#91 ]
Joined: 5-Jan-2010
Posts: 76
From: Europe


yes. there is some money to get from this.

and it's a great step ...backwards.

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 8:05:32
#92 ]
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and it's a great step ...backwards.

"thy kindnesse freezes"

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 8:13:00
#93 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia

Thanks for info. Its pretty interesting that they still support classic machines. Looks like some of them still works :)


Oh, one more thing... our good friends, the Frieden Bros. brought the X1000 (serial # 1 LOL!), one interesting thing I saw in it was a shell window with scrollbar and tabs, let's hope all these new features are included in a new update soon!

That new-shell was in developing for the last 3 years, and was showed years ago on other parties (and on amiwest as well). I hope new update will have it at last :)

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 8:35:10
#94 ]
Joined: 5-Jan-2010
Posts: 76
From: Europe


Apple ports Snow Leopard to G3
Microsoft ports Windows 7 to i286
Hyperion ports AmigaOS 4.1 to Amiga Classic

One of three didn't realize that the world changes constantly in one direction.

Looking backwards never was really innovative.

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 9:20:14
#95 ]
Super Member
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From: CRO


It makes sense for them to support classic PPC amigas because it probably represents a significant proportion of their market. Also, having 4.1 version for both classics and new PPC amigas will help developers code for both too.


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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 9:28:28
#96 ]
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But developers code will be unmodern, because none of real usabe and modern apps will works on 300mhz cpus and slow classic speed of memory blocks transfers. Dunno why they still loose their time on it.

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 9:32:53
#97 ]
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From: Athens

I'm glad that they are going to update AmigaOS4 Classic. The users that bought it are also their customers. Also, it might not be so much work for hyperion, because the OS4.1.x utilities and programs might work as well at classic PPC without many changes. I believe that they won't bother to include things like Cairo or transparencies to the classic version.

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 9:35:42
#98 ]
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From: Athens


Can you tell us the URL of the new Solie programming website?

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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 9:38:53
#99 ]
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I think not too much time is wasted on a classic port. Since OS4 has been available for a long time I think a compile of 4.1 should be pretty straight forward no?

Whether it's really usable is another story, I would suspect that applications needing 4.1 upd 2 would be too demanding anyway. But if sales can cover development time it's fine as it gives a few devs stuck on classic hw the ability to test their stuff on OS4.1


Anyway while supporting Classics is nice I was personally looking for more news regarding what is done to push AmigaOS4 forward in terms of modern features.

Hope the Q/A with Ben will reveal something more than.... "OS4.x printer infrastructure a priority development required"


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Re: Amiwest 2010 - News
Posted on 24-Oct-2010 9:48:05
#100 ]
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From: Russia



Anyway while supporting Classics is nice I was personally looking for more news regarding what is done to push AmigaOS4 forward in terms of modern features.

Hope the Q/A with Ben will reveal something more than.... "OS4.x printer infrastructure a priority development required"

Yep, same from me. Hope that all our questions which was published in some thread few days ago will also have answers. But for now newses only: few more options in wb prefs + maybe release of new shell :)

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