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KICKSTART 02 UK - Who's going?
Posted on 28-Jun-2024 21:51:43
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 5-May-2003
Posts: 3109
From: Westhall, UK

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Looking forward to the 2nd year of this bumper Amiga expo, right here in blighty!

Hopefully see some of you there.

Mike / A1200

Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1

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Re: KICKSTART 02 UK - Who's going?
Posted on 29-Jun-2024 3:52:31
#2 ]
Super Member
Joined: 30-Jun-2008
Posts: 1742
From: Melbourne, Australia


Wish I could.

Have a blast.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: KICKSTART 02 UK - Who's going?
Posted on 30-Jun-2024 23:02:23
#3 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2005
Posts: 2070
From: Cheshire, England

I went, just the sat daytime, I was tempted by the after party but it was just a little late 9pm till 2am. But I heard it was good.

It’s great the uk finally has a big Amiga show.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: KICKSTART 02 UK - Who's going?
Posted on 1-Jul-2024 12:32:35
#4 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 5-May-2003
Posts: 3109
From: Westhall, UK

The whole weekend was excellent. Even bigger and better than last year.

Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1

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Re: KICKSTART 02 UK - Who's going?
Posted on 3-Jul-2024 11:27:58
#5 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 25-Dec-2003
Posts: 683
From: Dumfries, Scotland


I was there for the weekend with the Scottish Amiga User Group, with my A1222.

Had a great weekend,.

I get to quite a lot of User Group meetings, generally north of Birmingham, although I have been to MAE's inaugural meeting, so met loads of people I knew, plus others.

Massive shout-out to Ravi for organising the show

Fred Booth
A500, A600, A1200 c/w Mediator and 030
AmigaOne and OS4.1
Mac LCII, G4 Powermac running OSX + Amigakit and MorphOS 3.0
Dell Mini 10 Netbook running IcAros and AmigaForever+Amikit+AmigaSys
2006 Macb

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