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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 31-Mar-2022 16:27:54
#41 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 1-Jul-2003
Posts: 660
From: Zlatibor, Serbia


Nazis of Azov put their soldires and gear in civil buildings and is colateral damage. Day or two and Mariupol will be liberated.

F1 Srbija

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 31-Mar-2022 16:55:20
#42 ]
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Joined: 3-Feb-2008
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From: The anthill to the west of the silver maple



In addition, we shamelessly cancel culture J K Rowling over her feminist vs transgender "clash of rights" comments (not at all 'transphobic' as our woke journalists erroneously write) and allow Putin to claim a home run, "that wouldn't happen in Russia" free speech play in his own media!

March 31 is the International Transgender Day of Visibility.

To respond to your comment about J K Rowling, I give you a link to a video that discusses JKR's transphobia.

It's an entertaining video and you might learn something.

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 31-Mar-2022 17:37:40
#43 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas

Signman Quote:

What does the United States look like?
Nothing bad here folks, go play your Cannon Fodder.

There is a big storm coming and the U.S. is not immune. There are high prices, low supply and/or shortages of energy (primarily diesel and propane), fertilizer, herbicide, farm machinery and labor in the U.S. and our situation is better than most of the world. The U.S. is in the same global market so we are affected too.


We believe we are at the onset of a global famine of historic proportions. In a staggering defiance of logic, many US politicians are still attacking the lifeblood of our own energy production infrastructure, looking to score political points against “the other team,” blaming price-taking producers of global commodities for gouging, threatening producers of energy with windfall profits taxes, resisting calls to remove bureaucratic hurdles to new production, and refusing to open an introductory physics textbook to help guide them through the suite of policy choices that require true leadership to get right. They remain stuck in an endless loop of platitudes, blamestorming, corruption, and ignorance.

Russia is saying they will enforce the ruble requirement for natural gas purchases as of April 1 that Europe didn't believe would happen. Obtaining rubles is tricky because of sanctions although Gazprom Bank has been left out so far and can convert the euros to rubles. Europe could be cut off from natural gas from Russia as I already mentioned. Germany and Austria are preparing for natural gas rationing if necessary. A pipeline from Norway scheduled to be available by the end of the year and LNG shipments are the only short term prospects to replace Russian gas.

High European natural gas prices have already caused some industrial reductions including fertilizer supplies. Russia and Belarus are major fertilizer producers and they are not exporting while Ukraine, the breadbasket of Europe, is a major wheat producer that may not be able to plant. Biden has already mentioned "food shortages" which likely comes from meetings with his security advisors, perhaps which he was not supposed to mention, even though he has done minimal planning to avoid that reality and Democrats are still sabotaging the economy. If China becomes involved in an economic war in support of Russia, we don't have the preparation or leadership to beat them. Energy and food prices are set to rise precipitously in the best scenario. Mass starvation could occur in poor nations similar to how poor nations didn't get COVID supplies as rich nations mandated vaccination for young healthy people including those who had the best possible natural immunity protection.

This is not a video game. We are trying to protect ourselves from government incompetence which is causing inflation. We are buying commodities especially fertilizer and oil. I stated this in a previous e-mail before the prices went more vertical. We may get an oil pull back here as Biden talks about the largest ever draw from the U.S. emergency oil reserve but it is just a band aid and I will be buying pull backs despite being well positioned already. These stocks are still not expensive as this perfect storm looks to persist for years and at anywhere near current commodity prices these stocks are gold mines. I expect I'll continue to be made fun of like Noah was preparing for a big storm but you have been warned.

Last edited by matthey on 31-Mar-2022 at 06:36 PM.

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 31-Mar-2022 18:35:33
#44 ]
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Joined: 24-Aug-2003
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


Yes, I accept it was abhorrent. The difference is I don't try to portray the conflict in the same black and white terms that you did earlier, painting the Palestinians as simply coward terrorist bad guys and Israeli forces as casualty avoiding good guys. It's exactly that pathetic comfort blanket simplification that is used every day to ignore the excesses of those we think of as allies and those we do not.

The violence in that conflict has no easy solution and no solution at all that doesn't recognise that each side has committed horrific acts against the other.

Do you accept this?

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 31-Mar-2022 18:53:28
#45 ]
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Joined: 24-Aug-2003
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


I suggest you look into what Priti Patel has been planning to better understand what I mean. Using border force to literally push back migrants in their already overcrowded, unfit vessels is a terrible peospect. Then again, as Alexi Sayle so succinctly put it, she's the sort of woman that would unplug your life support to charge her phone.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 31-Mar-2022 21:07:41
#46 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas

Comi Quote:

Nazis of Azov put their soldiers and gear in civil buildings and is collateral damage. Day or two and Mariupol will be liberated.

Liberate what? Mariupol is destroyed along with many civilians and the computer museum.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has destroyed a historic computer museum

Yes, the Azov Brigade being stationed in Mariupol and defending it is likely the primary reason it has been targeted and decimated by the Russians but that doesn't make everybody a Nazi. In order for there to be a liberation, local people must support a liberator but the survivors of the Russian "liberators" have either fled or been relocated to Russian camps by force. The siege of Mariupol has likely not gone as well as Russian news propaganda states, has been very costly for the Russian military which has lost high ranking officers and the Russians have indiscriminately leveled everything. Do you actually believe this is Russian victory of "one people" in New Russia by creating a Leningrad in Ukraine?

Karlos Quote:

Yes, I accept it was abhorrent. The difference is I don't try to portray the conflict in the same black and white terms that you did earlier, painting the Palestinians as simply coward terrorist bad guys and Israeli forces as casualty avoiding good guys. It's exactly that pathetic comfort blanket simplification that is used every day to ignore the excesses of those we think of as allies and those we do not.

The violence in that conflict has no easy solution and no solution at all that doesn't recognise that each side has committed horrific acts against the other.

Do you accept this?

The Palestinians recognize they have committed horrific acts against Israel. There are reports that they celebrated the recent Bnei Brak terrorist attack that killed 5 (11 terrorist murders in less than 2 weeks).


Hamarsheh killed four civilians before he died in a shootout with a police officer, who was his fifth victim.

Media reports said there were celebrations outside his home and in some other Palestinian cities after news of the attack broke.

Two of the victims were Ukrainian nationals and one of the police victims was an Arab Christian so they only killed two "Jewish Israelis" but they still celebrate a successful attack. The terrorist had been given a light sentence as a child for terrorism.


Hamarsheh had sought to plot a suicide attack against Israelis as early as 2011, when he was 16 years old, according to Israeli military court filings. Hamarsheh was not convicted for that offense, instead, signing a plea bargain that saw him plead guilty to lighter charges and serving 30 months in prison.

Israel had to threaten to roll back concessions to get some Palestinian leaders to denounce the attack. You are correct that there is no easy solution but sometimes the problem is more one sided which is the Palestinian aggression in Israel like the Russian aggression in Ukraine. If you had to live near terrorists, I believe you would form a different opinion. I know it is difficult for normal compassionate people to comprehend but they take advantage of that with the propaganda.

Last edited by matthey on 31-Mar-2022 at 09:30 PM.

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 31-Mar-2022 22:48:35
#47 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 1-Jul-2003
Posts: 660
From: Zlatibor, Serbia


Compputer museum is a colateral damage..that is american fraze when they bomb others and kill civilians.
Azov brigade is 80% nazis, so they are neonazis, call it right name. They have had chance to surrender and liberate civilians, to go out of the city. Instead, they put gear betwen buildings, captured civilians, put snipers on higher flors, anybody whos had objection about tanks in setlment was shoot in the legs or killed. Raped womens and minors, cut hands and write swasticas on bodies. Plan is to provoke more and more dead people not to defend the city. Zelensky name them (Azov nazis) martyrs evan month ago.
Bombardment of Donjeck is ongoing even now from the ukranian army...not military targets, civilan buildings.
Mariupol is liberated 90-95%. Azovstal factory is the and of cleansing and denacification of city. People are coming out from shelters or back, but most of them fled to Russia or other parts of DNR. Yes some of them fled to Ukraine.
Theres no Leningrad in Ukraine, Melitopol, Herson and other citys in south are almost intact. Every city without military targets, SAMS, and tanks are secured.
You cant put rocket louncher in abonded shop center, drive it on sqere, fire rockets and then hide it again in shop center. It is a military target, hangar not shop center.
Volodmir Zelenski is a comedian, not president. He have two agreement for Donbas, Minsk 1 and Minsk 2, from 2014 and 2015. He reject both, prepard ofensive on Donbas, and later on Krimea. Thers over 60000 soldiers on 40km of Donjeck, now without fuel, litlle of amunition and slim chances to retreat. They are next target, but hey Zelensky dont care, it is not his life!
Even month before he had a chance to give special status to Donbas, and stop the war, but he buy RPG and other light wepons from UK and USA- to stop army of Russia?
For one day 25 or 26 february they give all budget for wepons? To fight with Russia to the last ukrainan?
Ukraine state is in qustion now. Not only Russia picked aye on east, there is a Poland and their interess in the west part, Lavov region..Romania, Hungary have interess also

Last edited by Comi on 31-Mar-2022 at 10:55 PM.

F1 Srbija

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 31-Mar-2022 23:45:50
#48 ]
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Joined: 29-Jul-2013
Posts: 339
From: Greater Los Angeles Area


Most of the current economic situation in the US can be traced back to monetary policies not in sync with fiscal policies.

The US government is printing to much $ and giving it away for free to people to stay home and not work.

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 0:18:47
#49 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas

Did you read the article I posted?

Can you consider how absurd Jewish Nazis are? What kind of Nazis work with Jews? What kind of Jews work with Nazis?

The claim in the article that Russians are more anti-Semitic (really anti-Jew) than Ukrainians is backed up by a poll. Only 5% of Ukrainians would not accept Jews as fellow citizens while 14% of Russians would not.

There are low levels of anti-Semitic crimes in Ukraine as well.

Some anti-Semitic crime likely came from Putin paying for vandalism with swastikas in Ukraine to make the Ukrainians look like Nazis. I'm aware that there is some antisemitism in Ukraine but the excuse of entering Ukraine to cleanse it of Nazis is absurd. The problem is that the Nazi ideology was practically eliminated but the communist ideology was glorified with propaganda behind the Iron Curtain for decades after Nazism was destroyed. Putin wants to return to the glory days of the Russian Empire/USSR and he is trying to reassemble the pieces. The propaganda is backfiring for most of the world because there are too many Jews involved in the fight against the Russian invasion. Let's not forget that communists are responsible for more deaths than fascists. Jews may think of fascist Nazis as being the greater evil but that is likely changing quickly in Ukraine. The world let the lesser evil survive with communism and it is back to further increase its record of responsibility for killing people in the last century.

Communist Regimes
China (1949–1987) 76,702,000
Soviet Union (1917–1987) 61,911,000
Democratic Kampuchea (1975–1979) 2,035,000
Vietnam (1945–1987) 1,670,000
Poland (1945–1987) 1,585,000
North Korea (1948–1987) 1,563,000
Yugoslavia (1945–1987) 1,072,000

Far-right, Fascist and Feudal Regimes
Nazi Germany (1933–1945) 20,946,000
Nationalist China (1925–1949) and Taiwan (1949–1987) 10,214,000
Empire of Japan (1900–1945) 5,964,000
Ottoman Empire (1914-1922) 1,883,000
Pakistan (1971) 1,503,000
Porfiriato (1900–1920) 1,417,000
Russian Empire (1900–1917) 1,066,000

Last edited by matthey on 01-Apr-2022 at 12:28 AM.

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 1:54:46
#50 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas

Nonefornow Quote:

Most of the current economic situation in the US can be traced back to monetary policies not in sync with fiscal policies.

There isn't any monetary policy which can compensate for this kind of U.S. runaway fiscal policy long term. Houston, we have a spending problem!

Nonefornow Quote:

The US government is printing to much $ and giving it away for free to people to stay home and not work.

That was/is a big part of inflation according to San Fransisco Fed research.

San Francisco Fed's weekly Economic Letter Quote:

Fiscal support measures designed to counteract the severity of the pandemic’s economic effect may have contributed to this divergence by raising inflation about 3 percentage points by the end of 2021.

Democrats have done everything they can to put people out of work and encourage them not to work with unnecessary COVID mandates and socialistic welfare. Energy prices affect everything because it includes transportation and Democrats have done everything they can to sabotage petroleum energy production at home. There are still shortages of many products from COVID supply disruptions and now Ukrainian war disruptions. Core inflation is not too bad yet but personal consumption expenditures (PCE) inflation is high and heading higher. I don't think this inflation is transitory as I can't see the Russian sanctions being lifted with Putin keeping Eastern Ukraine. Energy and food prices will soar and poor people will be hurt in the U.S. but Europe will feel significantly more pain and become relatively poorer. Energy is vital to economies and war machines and green energy isn't close to being able to handle either.

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 2:17:25
#51 ]
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Joined: 13-Dec-2019
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Far-right, Fascist and Feudal Regimes

Nazi Germany (1933–1945) 20,946,000
Fresno Commodore User Group (1981-2022) 9,999,999,999
Nationalist China (1925–1949) and Taiwan (1949–1987) 10,214,000
Empire of Japan (1900–1945) 5,964,000
Ottoman Empire (1914-1922) 1,883,000
Pakistan (1971) 1,503,000
Porfiriato (1900–1920) 1,417,000
Russian Empire (1900–1917) 1,066,000


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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 2:19:24
#52 ]
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Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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From: N-Space


Houston, we have a spending problem!

We do, and it's hard to see how this gets fixed without some kind of severe economic event, which will probably cascade to the entire world economy. At some point the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in an attempt to stem inflation, which as a side effect will make interest payments on the national debt a huge problem. Things seem to be stretched about as far as they can go.


Well at least they're not communists.

Last edited by bison on 01-Apr-2022 at 02:20 AM.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 11:59:19
#53 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown

"Excellent thread...

Er, no actually. It was pretty obvious that this thread would end up like this (as if there were not enough sites and forums to argue about this conflict, someone had to bring this on AW).

I understand better why everyone gets rid of AmigaWorld."

Oh come on, we're all mature and grown, no need for that censorship mentality bull in here. Just don't take it personally and we might learn something in process ?!




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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 12:40:24
#54 ]
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Joined: 4-Oct-2005
Posts: 318
From: Poland, Lublin


As liberated as Kosovo from Serbia? Please...

Borders shouldn't be changed without governments agreements. I thought that Serbians know it more than any European country in this generation.

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 13:10:49
#55 ]
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Joined: 1-Jul-2003
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From: Zlatibor, Serbia


Just instal Telegram on your phone and find some chenels like Intel slava Z, Vostok, Ukraine now, Sputnik, Kanal ribar (see other sources) you will see videos from the Russians and from Ukrainans..
And you will see..Buildings from spa in Serbia that CNN claim that are in Ukraine...Some serbians actors like Ukrainen heros and other media lies. :)))
As for Zelensky, he is a pupet of USA, and nothing else..But month or two end he will end his rule or escape. Dirty money do not recognize your blod type, nationality or faith.
Do you know that some ukraine negotators are killed in Kiev from their regime after first and second meeting in Belorusia? Couple of days after start of intervention? Why?
Right sector, Azov and other Banderas groups are incorporated in Ukrainan army.. Nazi and fashist ideology never died in Lavov and west part of Ukraine.. It is apsurd, Slavs mostly ortodox but nacis.
8 years from 2014 in Ukraine there is parade of nationalist and nazis. Autorities pretent to be blid. They burned 50 people in Odesa in 2014, students mostly, no bady is acused, no one is responsible. What country is that? 70% of Ukrainins are rusofonic, and sudenly they forbiden russian language. Is it EU and west demokracy?
Do you have data of USA kills of civilians all over the world besid north american indians (Irak, Libya, Siria, Afganistan..... hey speaking of Afganistan what heppend with talibans after 20 years, are they good boys now, or somebody makes a deal for drugs-opium distribution?)

F1 Srbija

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 13:36:48
#56 ]
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Joined: 1-Jul-2003
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From: Zlatibor, Serbia


As liberated as Kosovo from Serbia? Please...

Borders shouldn't be changed without governments agreements. I thought that Serbians know it more than any European country in this generation.

Yes I know USA demokracy, they "made intervention" to save albaninas on KiM. Kill them in columns when they try to fled to Albania from bombarment.
NATO killed 3000 of civilians, bomberded bridges, trains, schools, TV stations, Chinese ambasy in Belgrade, even cities nearest to Poland then to Kosovo and Metohija. City of Nis with cassets amunition on civilian market place. Main goal is NATO base in Balkan who fuc... albanins, they are poorer now then 22 years ago. Ask them if you dont belive me. Uranium amunition wich is forbiden, contaminated the lend on Kosovo and Metohija, they suffer from cancer, even Italian soldiers whos served on KiM get cancer and go to the court, sued Itallian goverment...
Borders shouldn't be changed without governments agreements but tell this to USA, Germany, UK, France, Italy and others ... and now to Russia...
So where is the diference if you are super power country? USA can change the borders Russia cant? Please
Is NATO-USA a world policeman and judge to tell everyone how to do their things. What is so exeptional in "their demokracy" to claim that war right for them only? 85% of wars after the WW2 started USA, so how many people they killed?

Last edited by Comi on 01-Apr-2022 at 01:37 PM.

F1 Srbija

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 13:48:23
#57 ]
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Joined: 1-Jul-2003
Posts: 660
From: Zlatibor, Serbia


Most of the current economic situation in the US can be traced back to monetary policies not in sync with fiscal policies.

The US government is printing to much $ and giving it away for free to people to stay home and not work.

And that is the one of main reasons of this war, actualy this is the ww3, economic for now.
If dolar will be pushed out from oil paiments then USA will have big problem. Yet, this is only a bigining.

F1 Srbija

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 15:51:11
#58 ]
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Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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From: N-Space


I agree that there's no easy solution. There may not be one at all, at least not in our lifetime.


The US is a constitutional republic, not a parliamentary democracy such as the UK. California is trying to be a democracy with its many referendums, but that is another matter.

Last edited by bison on 01-Apr-2022 at 06:56 PM.
Last edited by bison on 01-Apr-2022 at 03:53 PM.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 18:37:48
#59 ]
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Joined: 29-Jul-2013
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From: Greater Los Angeles Area


And that is the one of main reasons of this war

No. I disagree. The monetary and fiscal policies in the US are not the main reasons for the war in Ukraina (Україна).

Last edited by Nonefornow on 01-Apr-2022 at 06:40 PM.

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Re: Retro-computing museum destroyed in Ukraine
Posted on 1-Apr-2022 21:39:28
#60 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas

bison Quote:

I agree that there's no easy solution. There may not be one at all, at least not in our lifetime.

There is progress with Israel and Arab relations. Israel and the UAE just signed a free trade agreement for example.

It wasn't that long ago that Arab nations didn't recognize Israel as a nation, didn't have any diplomatic relations and were planning and funding attacks on them. Israel has good relations with neighbors Egypt and Jordan which it supplies with natural gas from the Energy Triangle. The Palestinians can be supplied with affordable natural gas too to go with their cheap labor force. Unfortunately, Palestinians tend to be poor and they have been brainwashed for decades. Iran may be a bigger state sponsor of terrorism in Palestine than Arab nations and their meddling in Syria is causing problems. There are Arabs/Palestinians inside Israel which have adapted and are productive. The Christian Arab policeman who helped stop the Bnei Brak terrorist was hailed and mourned as a hero of Israel.

bison Quote:


The US is a constitutional republic, not a parliamentary democracy such as the UK. California is trying to be a democracy with its many referendums, but that is another matter.

True. Many Democrats would like the U.S. to be a Democracy. The Constitution is an obstacle in the creation of their U.N. world government too. The U.S. Constitution should have been the example to other nations of how to stop wars by autocrats (kings & dictators) including those with mental problems. It is funny that Democrats (like Pelosi) acted like Trump could start a nuclear war giving an excuse for the military to violate the chain of command from the President to the military. Actually, the Framers of the Constitution were clear that the power to "go to war" was granted to Congress. The "go to war" was clearly meant as offensively "go to war" as the President has the power to defend the nation at all times. The U.S. Constitution was meant to make it very difficult to attack another nation. This first went wrong in the Korean War when Truman allowed the U.S. to go to war under the U.N. with the idea that the U.N. treaty authorized by Congress signed this power over to the U.N. but the Congressmen who signed the treaty were very careful not to give these powers away. Congress knew that Truman violated the Constitution but chose not to do anything about it. This set a bad precedent and led to unlawful and Unconstitutional wars under the U.N. in the 1998 Kosovo War under Clinton and the 2011 Libyan War under Obama, also Democrats. Part of the problem with our Constitution is that it was assumed that politician's oath of office and respect for our Constitution as sacred law would be adequate so no penalties were given for violations. It is up to Congress to decide on penalties and it requires a majority vote. As good as our government is, it is flawed because it assumed we would vote people of integrity into power. Actually, some of the framers foresaw this too but recognized there is no way to stop the fall of the Republic from corruption within.

John Adams Quote:

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

In other economic news already being discussed...

Reuters Top Videos News Quote:

There is no sign of any relief from Europe's hard pressed consumers. New figures out Friday showed inflation in the Euro Zone, touching a fresh record high. Price rises hit 7.5% in March and there are still months to go before inflation is expected to peak. Energy was the main culprit, but prices for food services and durable goods all saw big rises, too. That all leaves the European Central Bank with a major dilemma. It's supposed to get inflation down to 2% and would normally hike interest rates to cool off price rises. But doing that now might spark a new recession. The ECB estimates that growth in the next quarter will be barely above zero, as it is. That suggests the region is in stagflation, where prices are rising but growth is flat lining. Analysts say the central bank will have to find a middle way. Most bet that rates will go up sometime this year, but not by much. After consistently underestimating price rises over the past year, the ECB is under big pressure to make the right calls now.

Stagflation is bad news for Europe as their monetary policy is likely to allow inflation to rise uncontrolled in order to preserve economic growth. Europe looks like it is headed toward 10% inflation and recession. Oil is down some from news of the largest ever U.S. oil reserve release but oil stocks are up which is highly unusual. Too high of oil prices can kill economic grown so it's good news for the global economy but so much for buying more oil stocks on a pullback.

Last edited by matthey on 02-Apr-2022 at 05:26 AM.

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