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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 6:54:45
#161 ]
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Last edited by linnar on 02-Nov-2007 at 10:23 PM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 7:03:15
#162 ]
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Joined: 27-Jun-2003
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From: The Netherlands


Then use the report function open to you or PM any of the mods or try to resolve it in a PM with the user in question. In a quick scan I couldn't find a offending post tho.

Most of these things are usually not ment to cause harm, just bad jokes.

If we moderate to much, we're nazi's, if we don't we're part of a "mob".... But AFAIK most users think the staff is doing ok tho.

"What 'mob'???????"
Are You blind?

You know there are people out there that would like to see that moderated as well ?

Please reply in PM to either me or Yo if you prefer, no more discussion about moderation please

Last edited by Seer on 01-Nov-2007 at 07:06 AM.

Everything you say will be misquoted and used against you..

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 7:35:40
#163 ]
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Joined: 30-May-2003
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From: Auckland, New Zealand


Please reply in PM to either me or Yo if you prefer, no more discussion about moderation please

About your moderation, I think that .. oh whoops.

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 8:33:11
#164 ]
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AMIGA INC is the master of CHEATERS


by doing this they get the money of investers for their personal use !!!

It's their proffesion ..

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 9:45:12
#165 ]
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Last edited by linnar on 02-Nov-2007 at 10:23 PM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 11:33:59
#166 ]
Super Member
Joined: 22-Jan-2004
Posts: 1300
From: City of Lost Angels, California.

Maybe I have wrong, maybe not. But it is not importent. The importent is
something to make money with and AA or better AA2 is the thing to
make money. OS or/and computer is not good product's to make money
It's importent that Amiga Inc delevery clear money to the owner. Only
than Amiga Inc is realy free to do something better.

You probably didn't mean to, but you've hit the nail on the head there...

That's the very root of the problem with AInc, they do not believe in the Amiga and its OS, so they focus their attention on completely unrelated products (which cannot succeed IMO), they repeatingly alienate the only people to whom the name Amiga still means anything, causing the user/developer base to shrink with every move, how could they expect financial and moral support from us?

Already since the days of Gateway2000, people in charge started announcing plans for the Amiga which had nothing to do with the Amiga, and the public reaction was negative, as expected.

If the powers that be can't see the value and potential in what really made the Amiga what it is, it would be best for everyone it they could let someone take over while they just start a new company called PortaMobileSoft or something for their AA/DE stuff, rather than devaluate the Amiga name and reputation...

The only reason why we stuck around for all these years regardless of Commodore's bankruptcy, lack of new OS and hardware, and all subsequent failures, is that there are enough of us recognizing the merits of a computing philosophy unlike any other, enough to keep it alive, for lack of a leadership willing/capable to make it strive.

The lack of modern applications, cheap hardware, and blue/red infighting all are a direct result of AInc's misdirected trajectory. When the main instrument is completely out of tune, even the most beautiful symphony falls apart, and the orchestra as a whole bares the shame.

As for DE/AA, I just don't see how it could go anywhere. The vast majority of cell phones run either Symbian or CE/WM, and Linux in a few rare cases. Even if they had dozens of actual applications for sale, not just games, they'd still have to compete with hundreds of publishers and the potential income from it wouldn't cover the kind of paychecks they expect for themselves, let alone paying the investors, programmers, advertizing, rent, etc, and I wouldn't even bother adding the Amiga to that list.
That is strictly my opinion, based of my understanding of the market they're going after, but I doubt that history will prove me wrong.

If you are under the impression that they are on the right path, try removing the word Amiga from the picture and just look at AInc like you would any other software publisher. They don't have much to show for, not even as much as some single individuals who are bedroom coders with no financial backing.

On the other hand, if you get rid of the notion of software publishing and go back to what the Amiga really is, you'll soon see that what it craves is visionary breakthroughs and bold innovation, do we have the razor-sharp leadership it needs to take it to the next level? Appearently not.

I'll refrain from casting judgements on Bill and Kouri true motives, for lack of sufficient information I'd only be speculating anyway, but I'll venture as far as saying that Bill should buy himself a JoyBoard, sit on it 30 minutes each morning and meditate on what it is he really wants and what it is he's actually doing...

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 12:04:33
#167 ]
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Last edited by linnar on 02-Nov-2007 at 10:23 PM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 12:54:55
#168 ]
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Joined: 28-Jan-2005
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From: Georgia (usa)


the thing is that you are giving them another year while most of us have been giving them another year since they opened up shop. all this leeway for us was all for naught so now we have no faith that ainc will do anything positive on the amiga scene. as such ainc is pretty much dead to us. IF ainc does come out with a product there likely won't be a rush on the products for a time because of the fact that we have been failed so many times. if they are able to maintain stock and keep products on the market (that appeal to us) then some of us might return.

once bitten twice shy.

Last edited by jkirk on 01-Nov-2007 at 12:56 PM.

Win•dows: n. A thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to a sixteen-bit patch to an eight-bit operating system originally coded for a four-bit microprocessor which was written by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 13:05:02
#169 ]
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Joined: 6-Dec-2003
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From: Tinytown

hehe time to bring out some popcorns

Amiga Inc Washington changes name again..

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 13:06:50
#170 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 2005
From: Unknown



I meant the moderators carfully take up the quality in the forum.
I don't mean the moderator banned some member.

To high up the quality You can begin with the moderators.

I don't like to post PM. I like open diskusion. If some member go over
the line to mutch I PM. But that not happen yet.

To the last:
I like this forum !

Mods could eventually start by deleting all the OFF TOPIC posts!

It's getting tiresome to follow certain threads as they are ruined by the same people posting OT stuff over and over again.

As for the original topic, I look forward to see something REAL from Amiga but I don't get my hopes to high.
It will also take a lot of good stuff from Amiga Inc to get me to forget past lies and missed deadlines.


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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 13:10:12
#171 ]
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Last edited by linnar on 02-Nov-2007 at 10:24 PM.
Last edited by linnar on 01-Nov-2007 at 01:10 PM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 13:20:36
#172 ]
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Last edited by linnar on 02-Nov-2007 at 10:24 PM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 13:48:56
#173 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 1-May-2005
Posts: 920
From: Space Coast

But I understand the silens period for Amiga Inc to. the last time we see a more
activity than many year. Maybee it's to come somthing....

I'm not sure why you keep saying AInc. has been silent for years. Between the News section on and the sporadic statements from Bill McEwen, there has been a slow but regular trickle of BS coming out of AInc. since around 2004 or even earlier.

However, if you're still uncertain as to whether something is really happening at AInc. or not, let me refer you to the statement Bill made to the Kent city council back when he was trying to work the Amiga Center naming deal. He said that AInc. would be bringing in 250 new jobs to the Kent area due to moving the AInc. headquarters from NYC. Despite the city of Kent terminating relations with AInc., it seems like AInc. would still need to bring new jobs to the area - after all they have relocated their HQ, right?

So, where are these jobs, then? We've had people go to the "office" of AInc. in NYC, and it turned out to be the small office of an architect firm which apparently was just being used as a mail drop by AInc. There definitely aren't 250 people currently in NYC whose jobs would need to be relocated to Kent. Sure, maybe AInc. would need fewer people in the Kent area since they didn't get the arena, but also according to Bill losing the naming rights is just a bump in the road for the big plans he has for AInc. So they still should be bringing in a bunch of new jobs to the area. So, to confirm that AInc. is actually doing something, all you would need to do is confirm that they are on a hiring rampage at their new HQ.

My bet is, there aren't any job openings at AInc. in the local newspaper, on, or anywhere else you could check. But please, go ahead and check, let us know what you find out. try to stay loosely on-topic, it's my belief that this upcoming announcement falls into the same category as the afforementioned BS. It's likely something that as an announcement will sound substantial, but in reality is about as substantial as the AInc. bid to put their name on an arena.

Last edited by jorkany on 01-Nov-2007 at 02:02 PM.

Here for the whimpering end

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 13:53:55
#174 ]
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From: Pennsylvania, USA


I suppose if we wanted to be on topic, we would be discussing what the AInc announcement is going to be about. I believe it was supposed to be about OS5 and some advancement on the hardware end?

If the moderators were to delete the off topic stuff then this entire thread would be deleted.

Questions are a burden to others.
Answers are a prison for oneself.

Two A2000's with no working harddrives.
One Efika with MorphOS 2.2
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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 14:02:45
#175 ]
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From: The Netherlands

@Troels linnar and all

Sigh... There's a reason why I ask for this to be done in PM, for instance to get the thread back on topic... Not to mention it's in the TOS IIRC...

So I should delete your post then ? That would mean all post that are a reply to you, even on topic, will be gone as well..

Or something like this which wasn't a good solution either but was needed IMHO.

A bit weird to post off topic to complain about off topic posts..

Everything you say will be misquoted and used against you..

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 14:03:38
#176 ]
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Joined: 24-Oct-2003
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From: Maryland, USA


Amiga Inc Washington changes name again..

To be fair, where does this indicate a change of name or any other status? It just looks like a business license, which began in 1999. I don't remember when they took on the Amiga name, perhaps this is there just because that's the name they originally applied for license under? What's interesting is that they do not have any address info present there.

All glory to the Hypnotoad!

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 14:17:51
#177 ]
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From: In the village


It just looks like a business license, which began in 1999.

He may be referring to the other one:
UBI Number 602621140
Category Regular Corporation
Profit/Nonprofit Profit
Active/Inactive Active
State of Incorporation DE
Date of Incorporation 04/20/2007
License Expiration Date 04/30/2008



This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 14:19:17
#178 ]
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From: Tinytown


Well i don't really know tbh. Just believed what the other guys said.

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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 14:43:26
#179 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
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From: MA, USA



linnar wrote:

I think there is more Amiga Inc support on this site,

I know at least tow “Tiger”,"linnar" is Amiga Inc fan, I don’t know of any one at

I'm NOT Amiga Inc fan!!!!
To explain is not the same to be a fan!!

To give some a chans ist not the same to be a fan!

And so on...

I did not write what you quoted me as saying. NutsAboutAmiga said that which you quote and attribute to me.

Last edited by fairlanefastback on 01-Nov-2007 at 02:49 PM.
Last edited by fairlanefastback on 01-Nov-2007 at 02:45 PM.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
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Re: Message from Bill McEwen
Posted on 1-Nov-2007 15:03:47
#180 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
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From: MA, USA


The important thing is that I say about the market to AA or AA2. It's a big market like PC-game
market (I think).

First off, you (and none of us) have any details about AA2. So to say what its market will equate to without knowing any details for that product is simply foolish to say. As for AA, a re-badging of a now-dead product as I understand it from posts here, you think the few titles of tremendously old age, many BTW only available for Windows desktop and not even cell phones, that these are comparable to the entire PC games market? WOW. To boot the titles that would likely be most popular are only new as of this year to them and are available direct from Cinemaware as Freeware. But this is a big market comparable to the money garnered by Bioshock and the Elder Scrolls Oblivion etc in the PC gaming world?

Last edited by fairlanefastback on 01-Nov-2007 at 03:05 PM.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
Amikit user, tinkering with Icaros VM (AROS)
EFIKA owner
Amiga 1200

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