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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 7:55:33
#61 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Jul-2012
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From: Amiga land


Yes but acube is really small company (2 people...) and very less money for investment . they are total opposite of Trevor Aeon but they in ages make more hardware compared of all the last company after the commodore departure....
the great Massimiliano and the magic Enrico...

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 8:57:04
#62 ]
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Joined: 16-Mar-2006
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From: Karlstad, Sweden

It would be good to officially (from Hyperion) clarify if the below statement is still valid or not instead of just letting the users keep this threads popping up all the time.

I can confirm it too. There will be an AmigaOS 4 netbook.

source :

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 9:43:33
#63 ]
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It's not a conspiracy. Lots of people have seen the network running.

what, who has seen what running? could you clarify?

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 9:50:59
#64 ]
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That is from the 2011/10/23, as i understand it that model will not be the one as the price is to high, soon the VCF is happening and lets see if theres anything to be announced there.


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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 10:12:06
#65 ]
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From: S.Wales


The network is definitely running otherwise we would not see what each other types here.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 10:12:30
#66 ]
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There's nothing to announce, there is no other available PPC laptop/netbook than LimeBook(which itself is probably not available anymore). Unless A-eon and Hyperion or Acube are willing to pay for the development of a new one, there will not be any OS4 laptop in the future. The only option remaining is Mac PPC laptops.


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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 13:33:49
#67 ]
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From: Stockholm - Sweden

"There is no netbook haha haha"

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 13:48:08
#68 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Czech Republic

There is no netbook. The only candidate (the LimeBook) went out of production, the plans fell through. The netbook announcement was premature, Hyperion jumped the gun. There will be no netbook in the foreseeable future until another candidate is found.

Why is this so difficult to understand, and move on?

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 14:08:00
#69 ]
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the thing is the netbook was as it seems already out of question at the time it was announced. there was a user here (meet.mrngr) who had the same idea a couple of years earlier (the thread must be somewhere here) and tried to resell or advertise the limebook as a potential os4 system. it seems he has not been supported by hyperion at that time and already then the limebook was outdated and out of production i guess..

so if this doesnt tell something about the quality of ideas, plans and business opportunities here i dont know, what does..

edit: that thread of meet.mrngr advertising limebook as os4 system is nowhere to be found, it was pretty huge afair, but for the sake of completeness a link to the original netbook announcment thread. for some it might be interesting to see who was right and who was wrong:

Last edited by wawa on 11-Jun-2013 at 02:20 PM.
Last edited by wawa on 11-Jun-2013 at 02:08 PM.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 14:28:22
#70 ]
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Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


the thing is the netbook was as it seems already out of question at the time it was announced. there was a user here (meet.mrngr) who had the same idea a couple of years earlier (the thread must be somewhere here) and tried to resell or advertise the limebook as a potential os4 system. it seems he has not been supported by hyperion at that time and already then the limebook was outdated and out of production i guess..

LOL. Just some guy selling 1 or 2 units. AFAIK he never even tried to contact Hyperions. He just hoped that if he hyped it up enough they'd do a port.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 14:36:11
#71 ]
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I seem to recall the complete opposite to this. I am fairly sure that Trevor has stated many times over than Ben has nothing to do with A-EON at all. Unless you can back that statement up, it is just FUD / misinformation and does A-EON Technology Ltd a huge disservice.

Then you need to reread this AWN post then:

FAQ Week 1.

Q. Who is A-EON Technology and what relationship does it have with Hyperion Entertainment?

A. A-EON is independent company established to finance the development of new high specification AmigaOne hardware. The principals include Trevor Dickinson, Tony Moorley and Ben Hermans. A-EON is licensing the AmigaOne name, AmigaOS and related Amiga trademarks from Hyperion-Entertainment.

Q. Who are Ben Hermans, Trevor Dickinson, Tony Moorley?

A. I think Ben Hermans, who has been closely associated with Hyperion Entertainment and AmigaOS4 development for many years, needs no introduction.


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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 14:36:53
#72 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada


wawa wrote:

...edit: that thread of meet.mrngr advertising limebook as os4 system is nowhere to be found, it was pretty huge afair, but for the sake of completeness a link to the original netbook announcment thread. for some it might be interesting to see who was right and who was wrong:

facts are facts and this recent thread proves that the netbook is/was real but the bigger question is why all the silence for the past year or so

If it's dead just for whatever reason just say so and move on

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 14:45:48
#73 ]
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And again, Trevor stated the project was not his idea. Source

That does help reaffirm my faith in Trevor as a decent person who got roped into this bad financial decision. IIRC, Tony was a backer coming in as a friend of Trevor so the decision to go with an highly expensive machine that had a very limited number of CPUs was Ben's. Seems all roads in Amigaland lead to Ben.


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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 14:48:34
#74 ]
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your getting it all wrong. none is blaming trevor for netbook fiasco.

I sure am not. I do not remember one post ever linking this 400 MHz netbook to A-EON, only to Hyperion and it's Dev Leader.


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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 14:55:56
#75 ]
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From: Space Coast


Seems all roads in Amigaland lead to Ben.

You mean AmigaOneLand.

Here for the whimpering end

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 14:56:34
#76 ]
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LOL. Just some guy selling 1 or 2 units. AFAIK he never even tried to contact Hyperions. He just hoped that if he hyped it up enough they'd do a port.

exactly. and then few years later they actually come with the same broke idea themselves, which instantly gets hyped beyond all reason and even gathers some applause from usual "naysayers". then again few years later they admit they have given it up..

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 15:07:13
#77 ]
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facts are facts and this recent thread proves that the netbook is/was real but the bigger question is why all the silence for the past year or so

i never said the netbook wasnt real, but since you come up with it yourself, where is that proof? besides what does it actually mean "real"? it apparently existed or exists as a device, but does it really run or ran os4 and to what extent, who can tell? all we can tell from our own experience, which should be only important for us, is that it isnt available, which means so much as if it doesnt exist.

and what concerns the hype and then the silence, isnt it the same as in all those other cases.. do i really need to remind you?

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 15:18:54
#78 ]
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You mean AmigaOneLand.

Even before then, remember it was Ben who was advising McBill on the contract between BBRV-MOS and Amiga Inc for "AmigaOS4" in which BBRV/MOS folks lose control over development as it would have been transferred into Amiga Inc's hands. I'm starting to wonder if Fleecy got the idea of Dan Dodge was attempting an end run around Amiga Inc from someone else and just ran with it that lead to the QSSL and Amiga Inc break up via Team Amiga mailing list posts. Guess we will never know unless one day I get to talk to McBill and get his side of the story. Who knows, maybe McBill will come down to AmiWest this year.


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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 15:24:10
#79 ]
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it was certainly real with something booting but propably far away from being sellable (propably most drivers missing). If there would be something to show or at least announce why didn´t they do that on Amiwest 2012? So I do not think that they will invest resources in such a project before 4.2.. And are there any off the shelf Netbooks/Notebooks with PPC available at all? They could do a custom design like X1000 but that is risky and the product expensive or could support used hardware (f.e. Powerbooks) like MorphOS but that would go a little against the "custom and exclusive" strategy they seem to have up to now. Time will tell...

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 11-Jun-2013 15:35:22
#80 ]
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X1000 projects shows there are hundreds of amigans willing to pay premium price for exclusive hardware. Myself, I would gladly pay up to 2000 EUR for multicore AmigaOne notebook with RadeonHD GFX.

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