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Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 6-Dec-2023 14:36:43
#1 ]
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Joined: 28-Feb-2004
Posts: 236
From: NY

Well Jacacaps has done it again!

This is the 7th major release to match the newest webkit and the 4 year anniversary of Wayfarer..

I have donated to him for his tireless efforts to release great code and encourage others to donate to him. He certainly deserves it.

So far version 7 is faster than version 6. Nice changes in general experience with browsing.

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 6-Dec-2023 19:28:13
#2 ]
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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 8-Dec-2023 9:55:34
#3 ]
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Joined: 25-Sep-2004
Posts: 199

Fantastic work from Jaca...what can we say?

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 13-Dec-2023 15:38:12
#4 ]
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Joined: 25-Sep-2004
Posts: 199

Version 7.1 is available now!

- Rebased to WebKitGTK 2.42.3
- Fixed a network thread deadlock when resuming downloads
- Changed the '+' button to always adds tabs at the end
- URL bar would stay empty when moving a tab to a new window, fixed
- Selection redraw issues fixed
- Added Save Screenshot to the Debug menu
- Worked around and fixed reported crashes

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 13-Dec-2023 20:02:53
#5 ]
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Joined: 12-Feb-2003
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From: Chicago, IL

Now all MorphOS needs is modern hardware and it's all set!!!

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 14-Dec-2023 17:48:03
#6 ]
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Joined: 16-Mar-2004
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG



DiscreetFX wrote:
Now all MorphOS needs is modern hardware and it's all set!!!

Indeed. The browser is pretty powerful. But the hardware is too limited, blown pages (i.e. most of the current internet) are taking a bit of time until fully rendered.
The browser is pretty awsome!

My programs:
MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 14-Dec-2023 23:19:37
#7 ]
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Joined: 28-Feb-2004
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From: NY

On a 2.7 PM G5 with a Fast SSD and the right cache settings, it is pretty darn good. Nothing is even remotely close in AmigaLand unless you rabbit hole to Chrome.

It still can stall, but most sites I go to just fly along.

Jaca really deserves donor appreciation. Iris is even more impressive for daily use....

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 19-Dec-2023 17:06:33
#8 ]
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From: NY

7.2 Was just released:

Wayfarer 7.2 is now available, with the WebKit engine just 4 days behind the release of WebKitGTK 2.42.4.

2.42.4 addresses crashes in JavaScript, WebCore and several rendering issues.

Please update using the Check for Update & Autoupdate functionality built into Wayfarer.

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 19-Dec-2023 19:59:43
#9 ]
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From: South of Heaven


Which filesystem do you run on Caching parition and what chnages do you make?



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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 19-Dec-2023 20:18:19
#10 ]
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From: NY


I use SFS for caching, although I bet PFS might be faster, just haven't tried it. Stay away from ICE-FS, that will get corrupted in 10 minutes :).

I turn on caching under system preferences. I increase buffers on the drivers.

In Wayfarer turn on balanced for cache, try different spoofing. I'm just using wayfarer now, and that works the best for me.

Jaca talks about using a proxy and that give a nice hit, never tried it. Search MZ for that.

I'm using video production SSD's as well.

How much all of this makes? no clue but happy with how WF works for me for most sites now...

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 19-Dec-2023 20:43:20
#11 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 11-Apr-2005
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I just don't use disk cache at all, or anything on hard disk, with Wayfarer :) All in memory or network and I'm happy with my Mac mini.

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 21-Dec-2023 6:33:19
#12 ]
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Joined: 12-Feb-2003
Posts: 2530
From: Chicago, IL

Progress on Wayfare 7.x looks exciting. It's a great piece of software.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 23-Dec-2023 1:36:36
#13 ]
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Joined: 5-Jan-2006
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From: Port Hueneme, Ca.


Pretty happy with my PCIE Powermac G5. So much so I got rid of my X5000 because it was not even close to being as fast as this PCIE Mac is. Heck it wasnt even as fast as my older PCI-X G5 was. Now I can even say the exact same hardware running MorphOS in the X5000 and in the PCIE G5, the G5 is far better. Spending the money on new hardware is a wasted effort.

The 1222 isnt going to even be worth the new price sadly. This is also way off topic now.

I do motherboard recaps and other enhancement/upgrades! Visit. or PM for a quote.

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 23-Dec-2023 10:08:47
#14 ]
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From: NY


Yeah, the PowerMac stuff really grew on me as I wasn't a fan early on.

They are very well built (just remove the darn liquid cooling on the systems that run them).

I haven't had one of my PPC Macs fail and I use them constantly and MorphOS is just so good on them. Agree performance wise, nothing in AmigaLand has the cpu power and overall performance at PPC Mac. The added bonus is you can get them all for pennies on the dollar compared to the new PPC stuff.

The momentum is also with MorphOS. You can just do so much with it now.

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 23-Dec-2023 17:28:00
#15 ]
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From: Norway


Won’t be new hardware, if no one is making hardware.

I think AEON missed a few key points within designing the hardware, definitely a lot of bad advice and choices, regarding CPU’s, and regarding what type chips being added to cards, like XMOS chip, definitely most have added cost to design, having to redesign motherboards because of choice chips that where at EOL, because where at discount, having it as modular as possible, I think is smart choice, insisted of putting all kind stuff on the motherboard like they did with A1222, if only one components becomes EOL, they can’t make more.

I think great thing about A1200 is all upgrades, its small size computer that you do almost anything with, a lot of business and money can be made on upgrades. And its economical for users too.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 23-Dec-2023 at 05:30 PM.

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 23-Dec-2023 17:36:36
#16 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

Won’t be new hardware, if no one is making hardware.

Since no one has made PPC CPU/SoCs that were both sensible (excludes the IBM POWER stuff) and offered some value over an old Mac in the last 10-15 years that point is moot.

- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
- blame Canada

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 23-Dec-2023 19:38:08
#17 ]
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From: NY


I appreciate AEON's willingness to make hardware, but many sober voices told them not to choose the cpu with good reasons. If it would have hit $300, it would make sense even with a cpu that wasn't compatible.

It would have been a system like the Efika, that was a low powered entry level offering that made sense. Adjusting for inflation the 1222 could have been a similar offering. At $1,000 or whatever, it is just a business loan to keep AEON going to me.

Given PPC is mostly the end of the line and given the power and durability of PPC Mac..If you can't beat them, you join them :). I would have rather seen them port AOS4 to PPC Mac than make a $1,000 1222. The performance gap is a joke really and during the porting AOS4 could have used a lot of love it deserves, instead of pulling it off the shelf and just porting it to another cpu.

Hopefully they sell out, but it is a tough sell for sure...

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 26-Dec-2023 15:28:28
#18 ]
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Joined: 5-Jan-2006
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From: Port Hueneme, Ca.

I saw we get back on topic. 7.2 released and its pretty damn good. As much as I like the Amiga, the fact MorphOS is light years ahead now with releases like this shows where the priority is for the other brand. Nothing is currently even close to this browser on any other Amiga systems.

Iris is even better still now.

I do motherboard recaps and other enhancement/upgrades! Visit. or PM for a quote.

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 28-Dec-2023 15:47:16
#19 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


This version is really faster on my system too, it's a very nice experience now.

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Re: Wayfarer 7.x
Posted on 28-Dec-2023 21:35:05
#20 ]
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From: NY


Yes, I noticed that as well. Use it most of the day now.

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