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      /  Iris 1.33 was just released.
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Iris 1.33 was just released.
Posted on 15-Aug-2024 19:17:23
#1 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 28-Feb-2004
Posts: 239
From: NY

Iris 1.33 is out!

- Restored context menus over folder and message list title rows
- Narrow view message list title row now has a sleeker menu for quicker access to sorting and filtering modes
- Implemented the ability to add a custom button to the toolbar

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Re: Iris 1.33 was just released.
Posted on 16-Aug-2024 20:57:23
#2 ]
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Re: Iris 1.33 was just released.
Posted on 4-Sep-2024 21:04:33
#3 ]
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Joined: 25-Sep-2004
Posts: 201

1.34 out now!

- Fixed a crash during update check on some configurations
- Fixed a crash when editing a message in a locally mapped folder
- Fixed not to duplicate messages when editing a message in locally mapped folder or local storage
- Increased mail filter string length limit
- Updated WebKit and associated libraries
- Shows a popup window w/ progress bar when downloading an update

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Re: Iris 1.33 was just released.
Posted on 18-Sep-2024 20:35:17
#4 ]
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Joined: 25-Sep-2004
Posts: 201

Iris 1.36 is now available for download and via auto-update.

This version moves authentication of GMail/Outlook/Yahoo mail into a browser window presented within Iris, instead of launching Wayfarer. Several minor issues were also fixed.

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Re: Iris 1.33 was just released.
Posted on 20-Sep-2024 18:55:01
#5 ]
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Joined: 28-Feb-2004
Posts: 239
From: NY


You beat me yet again :)

Gotta say after over 136 updates or so Iris is just a killer app for MorphOS. It's so modern and capable. I use it every day to schedule meetings and everything else email related. The only two remaining asks I have (He recently put a paperclick for email attachments, so I'm down to just two requests) is ability to cancel a meeting and an integrated calendar.

I'm confident at some point the cancel feature will be available.

The calendar is a bit more far reaching obviously, I have lobbied for PolyOrga to be used and integrated, but that seems unlikely at this point. Sad, given how kick but PO is at this point.

Regardless, Iris is just a great email client at this point... That alone is a good reason to use MorphOS :).

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Re: Iris 1.33 was just released.
Posted on 20-Sep-2024 21:20:31
#6 ]
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Posts: 201


I really like your passion for MorphOS! :)

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Re: Iris 1.33 was just released.
Posted on 21-Sep-2024 19:13:17
#7 ]
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Joined: 28-Feb-2004
Posts: 239
From: NY



A bunch of us guys use MorphOS to either run businesses or use it for work. It is a great time to use MorphOS. Simply because the software written for it is so good and actively developed. The OS is also pleasant to use with multiple monitors, it can stay up for many weeks without a reboot. It is a pleasure to use. Put it on a Single Processor PCIe Mac with with a 2.5GHz CPU and a heatsink and not much more I could ask for...

That is why software is where it is at for me, if and when they ever port MorphOS it will be a real solution with great software. That seems the logical direction for now. Running 3.x or 4.x in emulation on fast hardware is nifty for about 10 minutes then the novelty wears off because the software selection and maturity is very weak.

Iris as just one example compared to all the other email programs available in Amigaland is light years ahead now and fun to use. Jaca and others are great to work with and add features that are requested.

Last edited by Matt3k on 21-Sep-2024 at 07:55 PM.

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