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ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pi
Posted on 24-Aug-2018 20:39:25
#1 ]
Joined: 19-Aug-2018
Posts: 35
From: Unknown

Following on from here:

I've been away a long time - been given an A1200, so thought I'd check in. I see that Amiga is still in a legal limbo bla bla bla...

Surprised to see that AROS on RPi has yet to be fully realised. Then a patreon gets started to do just that - - by a dude who has the capability and capacity to deliver.

I have to put my $ where my mouth is - and have become a Patreon.

However, a port of AROS to RPi is not enough... to go mainstream, there needs to be branding / marketing / an eco-system to attract users... through the RPi this could be the route to tens of thousands of users... or more!

People need to buy an "Amiga" - and it just works out the box.

I don't know the state of play regarding trademarks / patents - but a modern looking, Amiga branded RPI case, complete with the embossed AMIGA.

I can see some kind of foundation to push this forward... So AmigaOS is unlikely to become open source, but AROS is... and if the case / packaging / branding can be Amiga (as last time Amiga etc trademarks existed elsewhere?) then we're halfway there?

Is that possible?

Last edited by bobson on 24-Aug-2018 at 09:07 PM.
Last edited by bobson on 24-Aug-2018 at 08:46 PM.

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      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiBigD24-Aug-2018 20:57:52
          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pi1Mouse24-Aug-2018 21:15:46
          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibobson24-Aug-2018 21:17:02
              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiLou24-Aug-2018 21:47:27
                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibobson24-Aug-2018 21:56:06
                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc24-Aug-2018 21:58:51
                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey25-Aug-2018 1:28:26
                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa25-Aug-2018 8:27:17
                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey25-Aug-2018 17:46:32
                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiBigD25-Aug-2018 17:49:30
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2525-Aug-2018 18:22:27
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piphoenixkonsole25-Aug-2018 19:04:57
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiIridiumFX25-Aug-2018 20:21:34
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills25-Aug-2018 20:45:38
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2525-Aug-2018 20:53:13
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills25-Aug-2018 21:02:59
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiBigD25-Aug-2018 22:08:09
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills25-Aug-2018 22:10:00
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiBigD25-Aug-2018 22:26:10
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills25-Aug-2018 22:30:43
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2525-Aug-2018 22:32:10
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiBigD25-Aug-2018 22:38:01
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills25-Aug-2018 22:45:01
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2525-Aug-2018 22:48:04
                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiBigD25-Aug-2018 22:50:56
                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2525-Aug-2018 22:58:26
                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills25-Aug-2018 22:59:14
                                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibobson25-Aug-2018 23:05:28
                                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2525-Aug-2018 23:11:14
                                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiBigD25-Aug-2018 23:18:50
                                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2525-Aug-2018 23:24:08
                                                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiBigD25-Aug-2018 23:48:24
                                                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey26-Aug-2018 1:41:58
                                                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinumber626-Aug-2018 15:19:01
                                                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey26-Aug-2018 21:49:28
                                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pikolla26-Aug-2018 10:36:24
                                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis26-Aug-2018 15:11:54
                                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pikolla26-Aug-2018 15:16:13
                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiBigD26-Aug-2018 16:33:44
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pikolla26-Aug-2018 10:33:10
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pikolla26-Aug-2018 10:21:48
                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimegol27-Aug-2018 19:12:29
                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey28-Aug-2018 3:21:17
                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc28-Aug-2018 7:55:09
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa28-Aug-2018 13:35:05
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa28-Aug-2018 14:01:26
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piferrels28-Aug-2018 20:34:34
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills28-Aug-2018 21:04:17
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pihth31328-Aug-2018 21:12:54
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piferrels28-Aug-2018 21:21:06
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc5-Sep-2018 9:48:36
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa5-Sep-2018 17:46:32
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis5-Sep-2018 18:19:29
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa5-Sep-2018 21:11:14
                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa5-Sep-2018 21:17:56
                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc5-Sep-2018 21:19:59
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibison28-Aug-2018 18:31:05
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc28-Aug-2018 21:59:52
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis29-Aug-2018 12:32:08
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pigregthecanuck29-Aug-2018 13:27:37
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills29-Aug-2018 16:25:50
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc5-Sep-2018 10:02:13
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pihth31330-Aug-2018 2:26:59
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc30-Aug-2018 6:01:23
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa30-Aug-2018 9:33:45
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis30-Aug-2018 12:21:59
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pihth31330-Aug-2018 17:07:25
                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiWumpus30-Aug-2018 17:42:02
                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa30-Aug-2018 20:12:44
                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pihth31330-Aug-2018 23:17:11
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey29-Aug-2018 17:46:01
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc29-Aug-2018 18:25:32
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey30-Aug-2018 5:25:14
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimegol30-Aug-2018 13:14:19
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis30-Aug-2018 16:11:23
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey30-Aug-2018 19:25:40
                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiWumpus30-Aug-2018 20:13:04
                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc5-Sep-2018 9:41:20
                                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiWumpus5-Sep-2018 16:17:59
                                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis5-Sep-2018 16:22:31
                                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc5-Sep-2018 17:06:12
                                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiWumpus5-Sep-2018 20:42:56
                                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc5-Sep-2018 20:54:43
                                                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pihth3136-Sep-2018 7:10:13
                                                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc6-Sep-2018 7:47:05
                                                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS256-Sep-2018 10:32:59
                                                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa6-Sep-2018 17:52:44
                                                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills18-Sep-2018 12:55:02
                                                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa18-Sep-2018 14:25:11
                                                                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis18-Sep-2018 15:21:21
                                                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills19-Oct-2018 12:56:49
                                                                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinumber619-Oct-2018 14:50:03
                                                                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa19-Oct-2018 16:58:30
                                                                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2519-Oct-2018 17:00:10
                                                                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills9-Nov-2018 11:00:45
                                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey5-Sep-2018 20:22:59
                                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc5-Sep-2018 20:38:30
                                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibison5-Sep-2018 21:03:09
                                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey5-Sep-2018 21:28:52
                                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimichalsc5-Sep-2018 21:40:24
              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa24-Aug-2018 23:09:41
                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibobson25-Aug-2018 0:10:52
                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa25-Aug-2018 0:19:43
              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibison25-Aug-2018 4:29:25
                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiArgo25-Aug-2018 5:20:19
                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibison25-Aug-2018 16:06:28
                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa25-Aug-2018 8:31:09
                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibobson25-Aug-2018 9:19:21
                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiASiegel25-Aug-2018 9:55:20
                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibison25-Aug-2018 16:54:58
                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibobson25-Aug-2018 17:35:02
                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibison25-Aug-2018 20:37:05
                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piphoenixkonsole25-Aug-2018 20:51:23
                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pikolla26-Aug-2018 10:18:29
          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2525-Aug-2018 11:11:24
              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiBigD25-Aug-2018 12:49:06
                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibobson25-Aug-2018 13:22:54
                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey25-Aug-2018 20:24:14
                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pikolla26-Aug-2018 10:23:38
                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey26-Aug-2018 20:33:54
                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis26-Aug-2018 21:03:23
                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibison26-Aug-2018 22:15:50
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis26-Aug-2018 23:41:20
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pibison27-Aug-2018 14:36:57
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey28-Aug-2018 1:29:37
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis27-Aug-2018 0:02:24
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pitonyw27-Aug-2018 0:54:12
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills27-Aug-2018 1:24:44
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis27-Aug-2018 1:34:37
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey27-Aug-2018 1:39:57
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiAdvancedFollower27-Aug-2018 9:19:37
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa27-Aug-2018 9:44:58
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills27-Aug-2018 11:51:56
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piwawa27-Aug-2018 12:30:13
                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills27-Aug-2018 12:35:47
                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2527-Aug-2018 12:40:08
                                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills27-Aug-2018 12:59:32
                                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2527-Aug-2018 13:01:52
                                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis27-Aug-2018 14:04:36
                                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimegol27-Aug-2018 19:01:24
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey27-Aug-2018 23:45:43
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOldAmigan27-Aug-2018 9:50:29
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis27-Aug-2018 12:08:09
                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pigregthecanuck28-Aug-2018 4:55:42
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pimatthey29-Aug-2018 17:15:49
                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis16-Dec-2018 23:25:38
                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis16-Dec-2018 23:43:21
                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiLou17-Dec-2018 0:55:31
                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis22-Jan-2019 13:38:31
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills3-Feb-2019 0:18:03
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pideadwood3-Feb-2019 14:54:17
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis3-Feb-2019 21:02:33
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pig01df1sh4-Feb-2019 8:56:20
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pig01df1sh4-Feb-2019 8:58:55
                                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills4-Feb-2019 9:53:20
                                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pippcamiga16-Feb-2019 8:27:50
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS256-Feb-2019 9:53:37
                                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pivision6-Feb-2019 12:01:06
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills4-Feb-2019 9:54:20
                                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills8-Feb-2019 19:08:28
                                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills11-Feb-2019 9:15:06
      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pikolla26-Aug-2018 10:15:11
      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiNonefornow27-Aug-2018 2:06:11
          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinumber627-Aug-2018 2:11:10
              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiLou27-Aug-2018 4:34:25
      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Piterminills11-Dec-2018 9:15:40
          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2511-Dec-2018 10:23:03
          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2511-Dec-2018 10:49:18
              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis11-Dec-2018 15:52:02
                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOlafS2511-Dec-2018 16:16:44
                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis11-Dec-2018 17:00:13
                          Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiLou11-Dec-2018 19:59:42
                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiOneTimer111-Dec-2018 21:11:24
                              Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis12-Dec-2018 9:28:30
                                  Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry PiLou12-Dec-2018 14:42:17
                                      Re: ARPi - AROS on Raspberry Pinikosidis13-Dec-2018 22:47:44

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