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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 14:47:50
#161 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Aug-2005
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From: UK



Nice! LOL!

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 15:13:03
#162 ]
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Joined: 24-May-2006
Posts: 194
From: magyarorszag /=hungary/


it would be nice if the links on your site could be accessable w/o flash at least...
the site itself works in owb, even the flash menu itself, i can see the links but the links are not working when click on them.. this is with owb+flash plugin.

i really dont see why flash is needed for a simple menu or to access links. this is just soo lame.

Last edited by $adddam on 15-Apr-2010 at 03:13 PM.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 16:19:43
#163 ]
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Because someone doesn't know how to use CSS and JS by the looks of it. You can have a pop-up menu without any JS easily enough and you can get the animation with something like jQuery. Flash is seen as the "easy solution" for many trivial problems nowadays....


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 16:29:43
#164 ]
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From: Unknown


design cluster f*ck.

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Last edited by fairlanefastback on 15-Apr-2010 at 04:50 PM.


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 16:44:22
#165 ]
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From: MA, USA



tokai wrote:
I really don't want to sound like a blue troll, but I probably will do now.

Is it just me or is this new site really just crap; design, concept and content wise? Maybe that's the idea behind it; make it look really ugly and let it be completely useless and pointless to get some attention?

I want to take a step back and ask you a few questions tokai:

Are you at all interested in this product?

Are you already against this product due to loyalty to some other product?

Would you honestly be happier if the site was "better" or are you happy at feeling you have something to bash?

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
Amikit user, tinkering with Icaros VM (AROS)
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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 16:51:05
#166 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 580
From: Valencia,Spain 8-)


Wow!, how much noise for just a Website.At least we surpassed the following phases:
-unprofessional announcement.(the guess game)
-no website with company info.

One can just wonder how much will we hear when:

-Possibly slipped release date.
-Release date.
-whatever missing feature.

I'm sure anyone here will be able to make a list with the most probably candidates to start moaning when we reach those events, and no, not the ones that criticise, but the ones that do it with the intention to stir emotions.

Last edited by Ami603 on 15-Apr-2010 at 04:54 PM.

Cuida tus piedras gordas.

A1200/030 32Mb

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 17:15:46
#167 ]
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From: Cheshire, England


please remember its a work in progress

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 17:18:41
#168 ]
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From: Right here...


Do you honestly think jumping in to every thread just to complain about the state of everything OS4 is going to cause people to dump OS4 and come over to the blue side?

Its not the MorphOS ppl that are the problem here, its the small group of ppl that want the Amiga to just go away & die. The hardcore Amiga haters on moo & now on, it seems. The closer the X1000 becomes a reality, the more noise we will see in the forums from that group. It just means a-eon & Hyperion are doing a good job for our hobby.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 17:51:16
#169 ]
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Joined: 9-Mar-2003
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From: United Kingdom



The closer the X1000 becomes a reality, the more noise we will see

Im glad someone noticed.

As far as the website, I think alot of Amiga Systems/ users dont want to be LABELED 'RETRO'.

I think their thiinking is, while we have come from a retro era, let move forward into the new.

A professional website, will break away from RETRO as much as possible and invite new users and business partnerships, like Hyperion website.

Ask you boss, CEO to go to the A-eon website and decide if they wish to INVEST with this company.

I believe that is the thinking of Amigans, they want perfection and this is what could leed to this critisizm of the website.

This further makes me think that Amigans have grown up and a shift is present, away from a Games orientated platform to a commecial business platform.

I may be wrong with the above, but thats what I think is going on.

Appologies in advance if anyone is offended.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 18:03:31
#170 ]
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away from a Games orientated platform to a commecial business platform.

Funny thing is this two sides in the Amiga cosmos aren't new - they exist since the rise of the Amiga 500. There were always those more application orientated people (actually using 3D software, buying (!!!) PageStream and ADPro etc. on their A2000/3000/4000 systems) and the gamers, who mostly had A500/A1200 machines. This two tribes still exist. And, of course, users who were somewhere in between (gaming on a A3000 or doing app stuff on a heavy expanded A1200...).

Last edited by cha05e90 on 15-Apr-2010 at 06:05 PM.


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 18:11:25
#171 ]
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Joined: 17-Mar-2008
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From: Norway

Great to see that an official website is up and running! Keep up the good work A-EON! Looking forward to read more about the new hardware in the near future.

This is exciting times for sure. So much positive has been happening lately on the Amiga front.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 18:31:23
#172 ]
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Joined: 21-Aug-2003
Posts: 1597
From: Unknown


Wow. What a constructive answer.

Ok, so let's try something... Just pick 10 people that have nothing to do with Amiga/MorphOS, just normal people surfing the web daily. And ask them what they think about it.

Then, answer the question: "what is a constructive answer ?"

1. "It sucks, because x, y"
2. "It's so great! I love you!"

If people were a little open-minded, this would be quite constructive. But for that you should be opened to critics...

If one guy tells me "your design sucks !", I tend to say "you suck !" (well, that's what you are all telling to Tokai, me,...). But if two more guys, having different tastes, usage,.. than the first one tell me "your design suck !" then I start to wonder "ok, something must be wrong, let's see how to improve it"...

Last edited by Leo on 15-Apr-2010 at 06:33 PM.


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 18:41:54
#173 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-May-2003
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From: Auckland, New Zealand


I want to take a step back and ask you a few questions tokai:

Are you at all interested in this product?

Are you already against this product due to loyalty to some other product?

Would you honestly be happier if the site was "better" or are you happy at feeling you have something to bash?

Theres a few people on here that need to be asked those same questions.. I dont understand the mentality of visiting a site on a regular basis if you're not interested in what the site tends to focus on.

That post probably just left me wide open, but if anyone neds to have a shot at me then so be it.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 18:47:08
#174 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia

If some of you in interest, one of my russian friend post on some popular russian resource info about x1000 + some article about, etc. There is on russian. And there is google translator to english.

Check some comments, strange, but there is no trolling, only like:

####! That's cool. I gave up on 1200, but these fellows, are die-hards !


Last edited by kas1e on 15-Apr-2010 at 06:48 PM.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 19:13:28
#175 ]
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From: MA, USA



Leo wrote:

Ok, so let's try something... Just pick 10 people that have nothing to do with Amiga/MorphOS, just normal people surfing the web daily. And ask them what they think about it.

Then, answer the question: "what is a constructive answer ?"

1. "It sucks, because x, y"
2. "It's so great! I love you!"

If people were a little open-minded, this would be quite constructive. But for that you should be opened to critics...

If one guy tells me "your design sucks !", I tend to say "you suck !" (well, that's what you are all telling to Tokai, me,...). But if two more guys, having different tastes, usage,.. than the first one tell me "your design suck !" then I start to wonder "ok, something must be wrong, let's see how to improve it"...

Certainly at this phase no such people are viewing the site, and nothing says the site will not change over time. At this juncture the interested parties would be folks remembering what it was like to have an Amiga. And lets be frank, some people are quite plainly looking to bash because they have issues with the PEOPLE behind A-EON. Otherwise they would stick to being constructive in an encouraging way, rather than saying stuff like "its a cluster f*ck", "it must have been made so bad to get buzz that way because thats the only way that product could ever get buzz", etc.

If you want respect from constructive criticism you have to learn how to express yourself in a manner that is attempting to be indeed constructive. Sorry, but plenty of us can tell when some of you are smirking while at the keyboard for some petty "this should really get them riled up" BS.

Last edited by fairlanefastback on 15-Apr-2010 at 07:26 PM.
Last edited by fairlanefastback on 15-Apr-2010 at 07:14 PM.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
Amikit user, tinkering with Icaros VM (AROS)
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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 19:28:44
#176 ]
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Joined: 20-Jun-2003
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From: Long Riston, East Yorkshire


tThen, answer the question: "what is a constructive answer ?"

1. "It sucks, because x, y"
2. "It's so great! I love you!"

"It sucks, because x, y" is constructive, "It sucks" (The majority of negative posts) is not.

My Gran used to say to me if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all, which I think is a bit limiting, but constructive criticism should always be welcome, and criticism for the sake of it should not. IMHO.

Peter Swallow.
A1XEG3-800 [IBM 750FX PowerPC], running OS4.1FE, using ac97 onboard sound.

"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 20:22:28
#177 ]
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From: Roma + Milano, Italia



Hans wrote:
Okay, this is my last attempt to get this thread back on topic.
We have more detailed specifications of the machine (but not complete yet). Confirmation of their attendance at the VCF in the UK. What else is noteworthy on the new website, content wise?

I think a lot of people were so occupied looking at the page's source (without even looking at errors on their own web pages... ridiculous at best) and polluting the thread that interested people may have missed OS4.1.1 installation picture which must be seen in light of comment #67 in this thread seems to have been overlooked by many

Of course i expect this will bring the usual truckload of "funny" comments by the children around here

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 20:28:21
#178 ]
Joined: 13-Dec-2005
Posts: 98
From: Warmenhuizen

So, somewhere at the beginning of this thread someone said I should eat my socks (as promised) since the X1000 will use a PA Semi chip. However, when I look at the website, I see no mention of PA Semi - just a very general and short description of the chip (the ISA compliance and clockspeed).

Anything I missed? I don't break promises, so my HD videocamera and socks are ready.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 21:03:51
#179 ]
Joined: 3-Apr-2010
Posts: 47
From: Unknown


Hey Trevor,

Are you guys going to have different configurations? Like a good, better, best, scenario?
I saw on the last page there were going to be different speeds at least I thought.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 21:20:53
#180 ]
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Joined: 16-Mar-2004
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG


Well, they still make some secrecy drama about the cpu, but still all known specs fit best with the PA6T. In Summer we probably will know.

Bon appetit!

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MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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