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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 21:38:09
#181 ]
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005
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From: Murcia (Spain)

What's wrong with the page?. You could like it or not, but saying is unprofessional is going too far imho. In my opinion i don't see anything wrong with the page.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 21:47:14
#182 ]
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There's something wrong with every site on the net it's just whether it's really important to point out small errors or design faults.

Personally I like the site and I hope they will continue to keep it simple (maybe even simpler) in the future. Less is more and I am fine with a site that is easy to navigate and doesn't have to much eye candy or effects.

Looking forward to the x1000 demo in Bletchley park, wish I could be there.


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 22:00:25
#183 ]
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Personally I like the site and I hope they will continue to keep it simple (maybe even simpler) in the future. Less is more and I am fine with a site that is easy to navigate and doesn't have to much eye candy or effects.

Looking forward to the x1000 demo in Bletchley park, wish I could be there.

I think you have misunderstood the criticism. No-one is asking for the website to have more eye candy or be more complicated, people are asking for it to be simpler with less eye candy! Basically, a simple horizontal menu under the header instead of the side bar and the information presented on the page itself instead of a WIMP interface would be as simple as it gets and would actually navigate better.

Web-based WIMP interfaces are cool for fun websites and the like but websites like this should just have concise information in a concise format, there is no reason for over-engineering.

Last edited by Zardoz on 15-Apr-2010 at 10:02 PM.


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 22:03:02
#184 ]
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Joined: 30-Dec-2003
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From: Vancouver, Canada


Reasons why PA6T fits:
- firmware confirmed to be CFE (not used by Freescale or AMCC)
- 1.8GHz clock (matches chips out in the wild)
- chip package/styling
- number of cores
- memory support (DDR2, dual controllers)
- PCI-Express lanes
- power consumption

No other chip out there matches these specs.

In addition, the brains behind the PA6T have been out of Apple's control for a while now (look up Agnilux) working on a "mystery" project...
- NY Times article
- PA Semi Chief Leaves Apple

Better start tenderizing those socks. I look forward to the HD video...

Last edited by gregthecanuck on 15-Apr-2010 at 10:10 PM.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 22:05:51
#185 ]
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Basically, everything fits into the PA6T, it'd be very cool if they somehow managed to source enough chips for production, it was a bit of a disappointment when Apple basically executed that chip.


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 22:19:53
#186 ]
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Joined: 28-Nov-2003
Posts: 124
From: binaryriot



fairlanefastback wrote:

I want to take a step back and ask you a few questions tokai:

Are you at all interested in this product?

Are you already against this product due to loyalty to some other product?

Would you honestly be happier if the site was "better" or are you happy at feeling you have something to bash?

1. Not at all.

2. My loyalty for MorphOS (software product) has nothing to do with my preference for any hardware product (I prefer small and tiny and silent hardware like Mac mini computers; but this preference is unrelated to MorphOS. I only have one Mac mini in use currently and it runs Mac OS X exclusively).

3. My statement about the quality of the a-eon site was purely from my point of view as designer and graphics artist. I honestly can say that is was 100% unrelated to the fact that I'm a MorphOS person and the site is about an OS4-related product. But obviously I anticipated that everyone thinks otherwise; well, I don't blame them.

I would have given the same statement if this site would have been about something of my favorite things.

On the other hand you have to ask yourself if everyone here just says: "The site is great and roxx!" because of their loyalty to a specific company or product or the uber-hype and anticipation for something new from a certain brand; basically everyone looks at it through rose-colored spectacles and doesn't want to admit how crappy it really is. So I thought: lets give some opposite opinion; it might help the webmaster of the site to get a versatile opinion, so he might improve things - if everyone claims happiness about the existing site then this is certainly not going to happen.

The only part where my loyalty comes into play is how substantial the constructive part of statement is; true. Why should I bother to give helpful tips in detail? I don't have time for that; being bored enough to write those long posts here is all you can expect from me in regards to feedback for any a-eon or Hyperion Entertainment product. I guess nobody has a problem with that, right?


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 22:48:23
#187 ]
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From: Wellington


Methinks you do protest too much!


PS I've just looked at your website. Hmmmm!

No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 22:55:54
#188 ]
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I like the website. Registered last night with no problem using OWB (AmigaOS4).

Looking forward to more information.


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 22:56:57
#189 ]
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From: MA, USA


The only part where my loyalty comes into play is how substantial the constructive part of statement is; true. Why should I bother to give helpful tips in detail? I don't have time for that; being bored enough to write those long posts here is all you can expect from me in regards to feedback for any a-eon or Hyperion Entertainment product.

And your boredom is relieved then by an amusement you get from purposely making non-constructive statements, ones which might easily inflame with labels like "uber-crap"?

This site is not here for amusement like that, the petty sad kind of amusement that would be if I am understanding you correctly. In essence to me you seem to be admitting you were baiting in your posts.

On the other hand you have to ask yourself if everyone here just says: "The site is great and roxx!" because of their loyalty to a specific company or product or the uber-hype and anticipation for something new from a certain brand; basically everyone looks at it through rose-colored spectacles and doesn't want to admit how crappy it really is. So I thought: lets give some opposite opinion; it might help the webmaster of the site to get a versatile opinion, so he might improve things - if everyone claims happiness about the existing site then this is certainly not going to happen.

Talking in black and white like that is a bit silly IMO. Where does this thought come from, that people either love it to death or think its "uber-crap"? I think its nice but nothing to write home about as the saying goes. Lets not pretend that you came on here to provide a "service" to clear up the view of people wrongly having rose colored glasses on.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
Amikit user, tinkering with Icaros VM (AROS)
EFIKA owner
Amiga 1200

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 22:59:31
#190 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
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From: MA, USA



TrevorDick wrote:

PS I've just looked at your website. Hmmmm!

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
Amikit user, tinkering with Icaros VM (AROS)
EFIKA owner
Amiga 1200

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 23:09:26
#191 ]
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And lets be frank, some people are quite plainly looking to bash because they have issues with the PEOPLE behind A-EON.

Maybe some people does, but that's not my case... Seems like it's black and white here: either you have to love and idol the reds, and then you hate the blues. Either you have to love the blues, and then you must hate the reds.

Well, I'm neither. But developing websites is my job... And when I see websites that are not easy to use, sad, look old, technically outdated (no, we do not mix markup and code today, especially when we embbed some jQuery like framework...), well, I just point it.


"It sucks, because x, y" is constructive, "It sucks" (The majority of negative posts) is not.

People pointed usability problems, you denied.
People pointed style/design problem, you denied.
People pointed technical problems, you denied.

You have to accept critics for it to be constructive...

And you should also believe and accept that some people are just interested in what's happening... Not especially ready to buy something (although I bought OS4.1, just to try and judge myself for example), but just interested, without being part of any camp... Cause when I here the reactions here it seems that you shouldn't be there if you're not in love with the red camp...

Last edited by Leo on 15-Apr-2010 at 11:13 PM.
Last edited by Leo on 15-Apr-2010 at 11:12 PM.


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 15-Apr-2010 23:11:11
#192 ]
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My Gran used to say to me if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all, which I think is a bit limiting, but constructive criticism should always be welcome, and criticism for the sake of it should not. IMHO.

Before saying I'm not constructive: when I say I'm ready to offer my help, how constructive do you think I am ?


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 16-Apr-2010 0:00:37
#193 ]
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Joined: 28-Nov-2003
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From: binaryriot



fairlanefastback wrote:

This site is not here for amusement like that, the petty sad kind of amusement that would be if I am understanding you correctly. In essence to me you seem to be admitting you were baiting in your posts.

You misunderstood. "How substantial the constructive part of statement is" does not mean my statement has no substance at all in regard to its constructivism. But assuming there was no substance at all then it would be still a very valid opinion.

If you have a percentage of visitors who think your site is sub-standard (for whatever reason that opinion is formed) and that very percentage is not insignificant then you (as in the webmaster who makes the site) should consider improving it.

After all it's not a site of some hobby programmer, but a corporate [presentation] page trying to attract paying customers for a product, or am I wrong? At the moment it just doesn't look very professional. I didn't even manage to find a proper imprint with a corporate mailing address on the site; makes it look like a-eon isn't an actual company (Hey, that should be a highly constructive hint, no?)

But, you are free to have a different opinion, of course.


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 16-Apr-2010 0:05:53
#194 ]
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Joined: 28-Nov-2003
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From: binaryriot


Which one? If you think they are crap then I agree with you. I have no problem admitting that (e.g. is now like 7 or 8 years old and wasn't updated since 5 years either.)

Last edited by tokai on 16-Apr-2010 at 12:07 AM.


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 16-Apr-2010 3:02:00
#195 ]
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Comment removed.

Mod's note: You may see 'things' in certain aspects of a website, that's your choice, enjoy. However I don't need to know what they are, frankly, nor do the minors (ie: children and adolescents) who have access to this site.

Last edited by Yo on 18-Apr-2010 at 11:33 AM.
Last edited by persia on 16-Apr-2010 at 03:02 AM.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 16-Apr-2010 3:18:08
#196 ]
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TrevorDick wrote:

Methinks you do protest too much!


PS I've just looked at your website. Hmmmm!

I look too Mr. TrevorDick! You right excellent design he has!

Please make A-Eon look the professional site like this one that tokai makes

tokai that is a very nice design! I much love it!

Also, see you make a pictures from this what are amazing speed painter!!! Cannot believe. Good work!

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 16-Apr-2010 3:24:56
#197 ]
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Nibunnoichi wrote:


Hans wrote:
Okay, this is my last attempt to get this thread back on topic.
We have more detailed specifications of the machine (but not complete yet). Confirmation of their attendance at the VCF in the UK. What else is noteworthy on the new website, content wise?

I think a lot of people were so occupied looking at the page's source (without even looking at errors on their own web pages... ridiculous at best) and polluting the thread that interested people may have missed OS4.1.1 installation picture which must be seen in light of comment #67 in this thread seems to have been overlooked by many

Of course i expect this will bring the usual truckload of "funny" comments by the children around here

How DARE you sir bring reasonable dialog into this... um... discussion. The topic at hand is criticizing the a-eon website (even if your own is not exactly worthy of a webby) and seeing how close you can dance to the site's TOS. Bonus points if you can get a moderator to bite.

Soooo... what do I win?

Last edited by CodeSmith on 16-Apr-2010 at 03:26 AM.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 16-Apr-2010 3:41:28
#198 ]
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From: USA


And while I'm on my off-topic tirade... is this a picture of the motherboard we haven't seen yet? (except for the redacting over the CPU of course). It seems clearer (or maybe just bigger) than the ones in the old game site.

Last edited by CodeSmith on 16-Apr-2010 at 03:42 AM.

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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 16-Apr-2010 5:57:24
#199 ]
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From: USA, TN, Memphis


I saw that too. I had to click on the "knob" to make the "shaft" slide out, then click on one of the "balls" to get a view of it. It's the exact same picture that's been floating around for ever plus or minus a caption here and there. This is supposed to be "fun".


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Re: A-EON Technology Website
Posted on 16-Apr-2010 6:43:43
#200 ]
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From: Netherlands


Ah, I see you're trying to bring the "humour" of koaftder from here and claim it as your own. Hilarious!

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