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Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 1:32:07
#1 ]
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Joined: 17-Oct-2006
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From: Unknown

How can I upgrade my memory in Win-uae?
I upped it to 1 gig and clicked okay and it crashed.
I have a quad core cpu and 4 gig memory and win10.

John 3:16

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 8:53:58
#2 ]
Joined: 29-Aug-2017
Posts: 79
From: Sweden

512 MB Z3 is the limit in practice since other emulated peripherals like network, graphics etc. also take up address space.

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 10:33:14
#3 ]
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From: Suomi-Finland

So no excuse to change XE to PC;)

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 14:37:07
#4 ]
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Well, not until recent efforts to emulate SAM460 boards with QEMU succed in running AmigaOS 4 for SAM, instead of OS4 for Classic machines with PPC accelerators.

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 14:56:45
#5 ]
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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 18:42:36
#6 ]
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Thanks, I am reading this.
I hope more memory will help speed it up some.

John 3:16

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 18:56:20
#7 ]
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I look forward to seeing how that goes.

John 3:16

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 18:58:09
#8 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


It doesn't. The amount of RAM don't speedup AOS. The Only differens will be the amount of programs you can run.

The real thing is a lot faster. Like night and day. Also it use a lot more functions from the gfx-card.

Last edited by hotrod on 01-Mar-2018 at 07:12 PM.

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 20:01:24
#9 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Czech Republic


I too have tried OS4 emulation, on a fairly modern and fast DELL laptop. Bought AmigaForever and OS4.1 Classic. I was hoping to do a bit of coding when I'm away from home but it turned out to be a complete waste of money because the emulation is just tooooooo sloooooow for anything.

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 20:51:48
#10 ]
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From: Suomi-Finland

Yeah. The Real Thing Rulez.

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 21:02:34
#11 ]
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You can´t expect miracles, but it is OK for simple tasks. And unlike real hardware, WinUAE is free of charge.

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 1-Mar-2018 23:14:33
#12 ]
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I can not add Z3 ram.
The boot time comment in s-s is there.
I belive it will get better.

John 3:16

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 2-Mar-2018 15:59:08
#13 ]
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From: Italy



Trixie wrote:

I too have tried OS4 emulation, on a fairly modern and fast DELL laptop. Bought AmigaForever and OS4.1 Classic. I was hoping to do a bit of coding when I'm away from home but it turned out to be a complete waste of money because the emulation is just tooooooo sloooooow for anything.

I guess with a bit of optimization in the CPU emulation code of WinUAE could address this:
Dolphin emulates Power CPUs in order to deliver Wii and GameCube emulation and goes pretty fast on moderately old HW (6 Years Old i5, NV660Ti).

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 2-Mar-2018 16:21:31
#14 ]
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Dual core will be a lot better.
When AOS4 will become smp, I do not know.

Last edited by Trekiej on 02-Mar-2018 at 04:30 PM.
Last edited by Trekiej on 02-Mar-2018 at 04:30 PM.

John 3:16

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 3-Mar-2018 22:50:01
#15 ]
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From: Norway


Is not so that Dolhine excludes MMU emulation? If so it be useless for AmigaOS4 memory protection GRIM reaper and virtual memory.

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 3-Mar-2018 22:54:12
#16 ]
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It well depends on the program, how multi-threaded etch program is.

What SMP will do for AmigaOS is that will be more plessent experience when programs use 100% on one CPU core, it allow other programs to run on 2en core, with any issues.

But under emulation I expect you end up many slowly emulated cores.

What help a lot be if they allowed AmigaOS to access the PCIe bus directly, that way AmigaOS program can be use GPU for supported graphic cards, but I'm sure that be different kind of emulator, not WinUAE.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 03-Mar-2018 at 10:58 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 03-Mar-2018 at 10:56 PM.

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 4-Mar-2018 7:09:53
#17 ]
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From: Australia

Nah, not true that you're restricted to 512MB for OS4 in Winuae. Odd choice of figures to be honest. There's NEVER been a 512MB limit. 128/256MB at 1st due to csppc/bppc limits, and then roughly 2Gig (which includes all address space), but never 512MB.

As for Dolphin. The cpu core there runs roughly 5x as fast as the Wii on a fast modern system, but as suggested the mmu emulation there is too simple to make it suitable for OS4 (early winuae with ppc actually used the dolphin cpu core, but it was swapped out with qemu ppc).

As for OS4 performance on modern hardware, it's ok. Not great, but better than suggested.
A 5ghz i7-8700k for example is roughly on par with a Sam460 (sans fpu which is about 1/3rd of that).
Wont be long until emulation is the fastest option.

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 4-Mar-2018 8:04:59
#18 ]
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Joined: 3-Mar-2006
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From: Oullins, France


Wont be long until emulation is the fastest option.

Emulation this day is slow and far (really far) from being usable for anything except discovering it as a proof of concept.

WinUAE PPC on my 4,5 Ghz 7890k is roughly on par with a Sam440 533 Mhz (eg. Slower than my Sam440ep 733Mhz, let's not talk about my X1000). And this is without talking about graphics subsystem wich is really slow and has no 3D.

So, yes it will be long (as everything in th Amiga world) before you can do something with AmigaOS 4.1 under emulation.

And even with FlowerPot, tuning you emulation in the the most optimized way won't give you a superb experience. A nice proof of concept, that's all.

PS : indeed WinUAE (not OS4) restricts you from being able to use more than 512 GB or RAM. I've been able to force this limit but I do not remember how (but OS4 is not really stable with this configuration).

Let me guess : you've never used WinUAE PPC, have you ?

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 4-Mar-2018 17:08:12
#19 ]
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Joined: 17-Oct-2006
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I bought Amiga Forever 7 , Amiga OS4.1 FE and Flower Pot to support the community in some way.

I will have to admit that 68K emulation is faster and I need a better browser.

What is the availability of PPC CPU's?
Are they hard to aquire?
Do they have a End of Life issue?

Is it possible for Tabor to become faster or have more cores buy soldering a new chip in at the factory?


John 3:16

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Re: Amiga OS 4 Question
Posted on 4-Mar-2018 19:21:42
#20 ]
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Joined: 29-Mar-2004
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From: Australia


Mate, youre always a laugh. Full of misinformation when you don't like something and little snide comments.

Keep it up, it's quite entertaining. Or not. Up to you really..... from my perspective it's nothing more than a tantrum wrapped up in hilarity. Good luck with that.

ALMOST tempted to show you Winuae running on one of my systems, just to make a mockery of everything you've just said. In fact I think I will when I get home from work.


p.s. You do get that a 7890k is about 1/3rd the speed of an i7-8700k@5ghz for emulation yes? Which'd put my suggestion in line with even your own reportings.
Sod the facts right in front of you though hey?

Last edited by fishy_fis on 04-Mar-2018 at 07:28 PM.
Last edited by fishy_fis on 04-Mar-2018 at 07:26 PM.

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