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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 6-May-2018 13:34:28
#81 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Would you be so kind as to supply a link to information which illustrates what you are intimating here? I don't think everyone here follows this particular aspect as closely as you do.


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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 6-May-2018 14:19:49
#82 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway


What kind of links do you want?

Source of distribution torrent:

Support forum hosted on the official Apollo Core site:

A late example of the lead apollo core developer using it as "the supported system":¬e=14883&z=7cls3M

It is a blend of OS3.9 (which has plenty of OS3.1 components) and all kinds of updates and patches from various sources.


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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 6-May-2018 17:08:16
#83 ]
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How does a company with close to no activity manage to build up dept of 40,000 euros per year?

Interest and basic operating expenses.

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 6-May-2018 19:03:20
#84 ]
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Interest and basic operating expenses.

aka Ben's mortgage

x86/MorphOS 4.0

"Delving into the past can be a dangerous exercise." -hyperionmp

"I've been a supporter of "REACTION" GUI because is an Amiga OS thing." -Snuffy

"I personally prefer a vision of do'ers and makers rather than

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 6-May-2018 19:41:23
#85 ]
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Ben Hermans said:

misuse of their platforms for personal gain.

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 7-May-2018 7:04:27
#86 ]
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From: Naples, Italy



HyperionHolding wrote:

As founder and largest shareholder, this is NOT AT ALL a scenario that is being considered.

If you use this as an excuse to raise money which will not be refunded, this would be in very bad faith.

Whilst this my personal opinion, I am confident that the other shareholders agree with this.

In general (not specifically directed at Raffaele) in my opinion some of these "crowdfunding" sites are way too lax on combatting misuse of their platforms for personal gain.

Yes. I think you are correct.

Right in these days I am experiencing troubles closing a Bounty I created in 2016 on Bountysource site about resolving OWB Javascript Endianess Issues.

I just collected for Easter 2018 last 50 dollars needed to reach 500 Dollars rooftop sum in order to pay Tobias Netzel for the 2016 as long as he was he first proposing a solution.

Actually I was about to donate these last 50 bucks I saved last year, when I found there is no more button for assigning money.

So I stopped my final donation and contacted Bountysource team on Twitter asking what to do.

It seems that only way to pay Netzel is that Tobias himself should claim money of the bounty, directly to Bountysource site. I must close the bounty and then Tobias again should fill for a complaint & refund request.
I should also contact all donors to be sure they will grant again the money after I close the Bounty.

It seems an ugly mess to me.

I am trying to contact Tobias Netzel by mail or thru message on Github site and Bountysource site itself but I received no answers.

450 dollars are still pending on the Bounty.

50 dollars are still in my pockets and I will donate it directly by Paypal.

I find strange Bountysource procedures now, so I prefer to pay directly last amount of money to the programmer who solved the issue.

By the way, this annoying problem that I can't assign directly money, is a lucky chance, so money can be claimed by the person who really solved Javascript Endianess Issues in OWB Browser.

Question to community:

1) Do you think Money is to be assigned to Tobias Netzel who right in 2016 provided as a solution of the issue his source code of his Javascript for MacOS PPC Safari?

(But it seems this code was never used by Amiga developers. So it is not fair to give Netzel all the cash if someone else resolved the issue)

2) Money should be assigned to Joakim Nordstrom who in 2017 posted his version of Javascript to OWB Github project on the pages of Deadwood?

(However I don't know if Deadwood ever used Joakim code...)

3) Money should be granted to Deadwood who seems solved all issues in his latest OWB releases?

(Or so it seems, as long I read this sunday, in this thread:

that all things are functioning now)

Please answer this question and I will contact the coder who deserve the money (Netzel, Nordstrom or Deadwood) asking the real person who solved the issue, to claim the prize of the Bounty.

Last edited by Raffaele on 07-May-2018 at 07:23 AM.

"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell." (J.L. Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of devs of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, Nov 1996).

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 7-May-2018 7:43:20
#87 ]
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From: the Clouds


I think the effort is directed to "our" platform, hence IMHO it should go to Deadwood.
If the code of the other devs is used, it should be split between them and the developer who integrates it in a Browser for our platform.

Maybe you should ask this question in another (its own) thread to give it more visibility.

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 7-May-2018 7:43:56
#88 ]
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From: the Clouds


Nice to see You around again!

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 7-May-2018 8:03:05
#89 ]
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From: the Clouds



NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

"Either way an extra 40,000 Euros a year debt year on year is awful!!"

There are probably people making more money on patron then Hyperion is losing per year.

40,000 / 12 = 3333,33 EURO
3333.33/ 500 users = 70 EURO a month in support.
3333.33/ 1000 users = 34 EURO a month in support.

Anyway the question remains if Hyperion only going use that money to payback dept's. The don't see how OS can progress.

As Patron support I wont more information on what Hyperion is working on, what they how things is progressing, not this silent Hyperion we have seen to now.

"monthly reports."

Haha, funny the other day at lunch a similar thought went trough my mind too.

Imagine the remaining members of the community (how many are we, 500, 1000?) would be willing to donate 1€ a day to a pot intended to contribute something to the developers (instead of spending it in a bag of chips, coffee, a useless drive to the mall, whatever comes to your mind..).
And if the entire amount could be split without detraction between 10 developers at the end of the month, it would be a contribution of 1500€ each per month to boost their motivation.

I'd say it does sound 1500 times better than no money at all (what I suppose is the case right now).

edit: smilies

Last edited by Amigo1 on 07-May-2018 at 08:05 AM.

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 7-May-2018 8:22:48
#90 ]
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he is enemy nr. 1 of the project

but not selling his vampire card(s)

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 7-May-2018 17:16:11
#91 ]
Elite Member
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From: Trondheim, Norway



he is enemy nr. 1 of the project

Flattering. Is there a ranking list?

Which project btw, Vampire, Apollo Core, or ApolloOS/Coffin? Or are you suggesting that they somehow all are "the project"? If so, thank you for your support.


but not selling his vampire card(s)

Of course not, why are people so keen on having me sell them?

As I have said since forever, I hope as many vampire cards as possible are sold, as it puts a certain pressure on "the team" to do things properly.

How would you feel if at some point, certain entities find that enough is enough, and decide to take legal actions? Who exactly do you think will end up taking the blow?

Last edited by kolla on 07-May-2018 at 05:21 PM.


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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 24-Jul-2018 17:48:53
#92 ]
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2017 is much more important, but if it is required this will happen too.

I'm guessing it is more than required given the DECLARATION of Esther Goldschmidt.

entry 19


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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 25-Jul-2018 10:21:26
#93 ]
Joined: 30-Jun-2016
Posts: 19
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Perhaps when the accounts are sorted out and Hyperion is allowed to operate again, it would be smart to work with Zoltan to get Qemu emulation of the sam460ex in even better shape, and release an official emulator for 4.1 (see ).

Priced well, that would probably attract quite a bit of interest, which might also lead to more sales of 4.1 via X5000/A1222 machines (also presumably being allowed to operate again would mean that 4.1 for the A1222 could actually be released so those machines can be sold at all!)

Edit: at the very least, it would be helpful to be able to buy the 460ex ISO digitally - physical copies are hard to find.

Last edited by cmsj on 25-Jul-2018 at 10:23 AM.

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 25-Jul-2018 11:06:34
#94 ]
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Hyperion being banned from business is not what is stopping OS4 development, Hyperion has happily defied that order all along and has both marketed new products as well as initiated all kinds of judicial affairs. The state of OS4 has other explanations...

BTW, a few years ago Cloanto sold a special version of Amiga Forever with OS4 for PowerUP. It was most certainly the most sold OS4 product ever, but Hyperion screwed them over (as they do with eveyone) so that product was killed. Everything coming in contact with Hyperion has a habit of dying.

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 25-Jul-2018 15:58:46
#95 ]
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OS4 works under WinUAE with QEMU CPU core for nearly 4 years. Plain QEMU may introduce some good features (like USB support or even usage of the host GFX card in the far future), but one can´t expect miracles - CPU emulation will be not faster, unless someone capable enough writes better emulator (unlikely).

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 25-Jul-2018 17:20:29
#96 ]
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From: Oullins, France


USB support is working for masstorage.

PowerMac G5 2,7Ghz - 2GB - Radeon 9650 - MorphOS 3.14
AmigaONE X1000, 2GB, Sapphire Radeon HD 7700
FPGA Replay + DB 68060 at 85Mhz

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 26-Jul-2018 7:50:50
#97 ]
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cmsj wrote:
Perhaps when the accounts are sorted out and Hyperion is allowed to operate again, it would be smart to work with Zoltan to get Qemu emulation of the sam460ex in even better shape, and release an official emulator for 4.1 (see ).

Priced well, that would probably attract quite a bit of interest, which might also lead to more sales of 4.1 via X5000/A1222 machines (also presumably being allowed to operate again would mean that 4.1 for the A1222 could actually be released so those machines can be sold at all!)

Edit: at the very least, it would be helpful to be able to buy the 460ex ISO digitally - physical copies are hard to find.

Why would you think i did not have any contact yet ? Just ask Zoltan :)

Anyway i wouldn't know why physical copies would be hard to find, almost all dealers stock AmigaOS4, so all you gotta do is ask ? :)

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 4-Aug-2018 13:48:00
#98 ]
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From: In the village


Re: My post #92 above

2017 filed July 31, 2018 and appearing today on the Central Balance Sheet of the National Bank of Belgium.

For those interested parties:

Enter business # for Hyperion: 0466.380.552


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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 4-Aug-2018 16:23:34
#99 ]
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Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


BTW, a few years ago Cloanto sold a special version of Amiga Forever with OS4 for PowerUP. It was most certainly the most sold OS4 product ever, but Hyperion screwed them over (as they do with eveyone) so that product was killed. Everything coming in contact with Hyperion has a habit of dying.

Matt always said that OS4 Classic was the biggest seller for him and that's why he pushed for 4.1 Classic. Do you have any figures to support your assertion that 4.1 bundled with Amiga Forever outsold copies of 4.1 available through other channels?
You also seem to forget that bundling AF with 4.1 netted Cloanto sales they probably wouldn't have, it's not just the one way street you perceive it to be.

It's also worth remembering Hyperion licensed hardware 3.1 ROM production to AmigaKit and soft ROMs to Individual Computers long before Cloanto got in on the act with their Classic Support products. There was already overlap in their products before Hyperion offered digital Workbench sets.

By the way, have you seen what you get bundled with the new Budha IDE card? You've for got to ask yourself why Jens seems to be confident dealing with Hyperion and why he didn't work with Cloanto instead. That's not say that Cloanto are bad company just that working with Hyperion was a better fit for Jens' products.

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Re: Hyperion forcibly deleted from Belgium's company register
Posted on 4-Aug-2018 17:20:55
#100 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2640


Matt always said that OS4 Classic was the biggest seller for him and that's why he pushed for 4.1 Classic

Indeed, and in 2011 Amiga Kit funded the development of Classic Kernel for 4.1 to get the product to market. Hyperion told us at the time that it would not have had happened if we did not do this. In return for this we were given an exclusive 10 year contract until 2021 to manufacture, distribute and resell 4.1 Classic. It was quite a shock to us and our customers when 4.1 Classic FE suddenly appeared out of the blue at the end of 2014.

Last edited by amigakit on 04-Aug-2018 at 05:22 PM.

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